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Your Paracast Newsletter — March 9, 2025

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The Paracast Newsletter
March 9, 2025

Discover Amazing UFO Sightings From Scotland and Elsewhere Revealed By Veteran Researcher Malcom Robinson on The Paracast!

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All episodes from 2022 and later now feature better audio and fewer ads. We are also re-releasing some of our most popular classic episodes.

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This Week's Episode: Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present veteran paranormal researcher Malcolm Robinson is a UFO investigator, author, and lecturer Malcolm Robinson is the lead investigator in the the famous Dechmont Woods UFO incident. In 1979, forestry worker Bob Taylor was attacked by two spiked objects that exited a strange craft that was hovering in a clearing. Taylor, who was 61 at the time and has since passed away, was knocked unconscious during the attack, but when he awoke, he found himself bruised and delirious, and discovered that his pants had been ripped open by the spiked objects. Robinson is now the owner of Taylor’s ripped trousers, but when he recently attempted to donate them to the National Museums of Scotland, museum bosses rejected his offer. He is the founder of Strange Phenomena Investigations (U.K.) Est 1979, and is an established public speaker, presenter, scriptwriter and International author of more than a dozen books. This session will focus on such topics as UFOs, psychic phenomena and the Loch Ness monster. His Facebook Page: Facebook His You Tube Channel: You Tube Robinson is the assistant editor of Outer Limits Magazine and is one of only a handful of people on this planet to have gone down into the murky depths of Loch Ness in a submarine.

After The Paracast — Available exclusively to Paracast+ subscribers on March 7: UFO/paranormal author and researcher Malcolm Robinson returns to speak with Gene and cohost Tim Swartz about such topics as crop circles, where he says he knows people who have made them in the UK. When it comes to UFOs, he’ll talk about the case of Bob Taylor, a 1979 UFO event involving a forestry worker who was attacked by two strange spiked objects. Other topics include psychics and psychic phenomena, and Robinson’s work at hunting ghosts. He is the assistant editor of Outer Limits Magazine and was the first Scottish person to lecture on UFOs in the following countries: The United States of America. (Laughlin Nevada), France: (Strasbourg), Holland: (Utrech), Ireland: (Carrick on Shannon & Galway) Robinson is also one of only a handful of people on this planet to have gone down into the murky depths of Loch Ness in a submarine and is the founder of Strange Phenomena Investigations (1979). He is also the author of, as of this episode, 13 paranormal books. His Facebook Page: Facebook His You Tube Channel: You Tube

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The Ancient Egyptians and their Sky Gods
Michael K. Waterman

From the earliest writings on Temple walls, the Egyptians said their God and Goddesses came from the sky. It was said that the Great master Atum, who could take any form he chose, created all of the universes by merely singing the words and having them come into existence.

It is said that these first words created matter, the stars, and all the and planets in the many universes.

The Egyptians, through prayers, ritual, spells and various incantations, are able to connect to their holy Deities which they call the Ntjeru ( Nete air RU).

The Creation of the Universes

The Ancient Egyptians loved to tell stories of the Neteru (their Pantheon).

One of my favorite speaks of creation of the physical universe. When we speak of the universe, remember the ancients understood it as having many, many dimensions and layers.

It is said after Atum, Ptah, Neith, Ra and the incredible Lord Thoth created all the stars and misty cosmic forces, they weren’t completely satisfied with what they had done.

Ra, the Master of the Universe, saw that there were only disjoined energies. Muut, his female counterpart, felt the universe was empty. Somehow out of balance, she went into deep thought and at once stars grew from cosmic energies. Dust became planets. Once formed, the planets evolved to revolve around the stars. Space was being brought into existence on a physical level, whereas before, it had only been disconnected, unrelated floating energies.

They say that before time itself, there was Neith. Neith evolved from The Primeval Matter of Primeval Matter. She decided the universe needed movement, and to accomplish this she created time. To expand the universe, she decided that movement became infinite space, an abstract endless concept.

From one of the many dust storms which raged across the universes, life arrived. Particles of dust and energy collected and swirled together. Slowly, the other deities, the Ntjeru, came into existence. However, they needed the energy to achieve immortal souls. They were new and empty, purposeless and chaotic, just evolving forms.

The Great Loom

Neith looked and wondered how to bring purpose to the churning masses of formless energy, “What could I do?” She thought. From her imagination, Neith created the Great Loom. From the cosmic dust she began to weave the fabric of the soul’s purpose and destiny. Suddenly the empty new beings had a “reason to be.”

Ra and Atum thought this is all well and good for us. But, we now have these spheres (planets and moons), what do we do with them? Nephtys, who was a keeper of mysteries and secrets said, “I have an idea.”

She told Thoth and Ptah her thought, and they came to one of the formless planets. (Earth?)

Nephtys wears in her crown a bowl which contains a liquid. This liquid contains within it a spell that can transport energy and bring forth life.

Ra was fascinated, and asked if Thoth and Ptah might experiment with this substance. Nepthys agreed, and so Thoth and Ptah, taking handfuls of the liquid, poured it over a burning, smoldering planet which Ra warmed his solar disc (the sun).

The substance cooled. Great bodies of liquid became oceans and small creatures formed in this new water. Thoth moved with the energy in order to see through the eyes of the newly created life and learn. The creatures spoke of the sea, but of darkness and coldness. They wanted more, and petitioned the gods to allow them to evolve in order to seek the light and warmth.

So for thousands of millenniums this experiment went one until land was brought up from the sea and the creatures of the sea became land animals and eventually humans.

“But there is so much more to learn,” said Ra and Atum.

Neith decided since she created the Great Loom, she should incarnate into a physical form in order to experience her creation. When Neith came into the world; her skin glistened with the light of the stars – she shined as though she was actual gold.

She carried with her a shuttle, with which she weaved the fabric to time. She created the threads which are lifelines and weaved them into the eternal tapestry with the colors of a being’s destiny.

And so, even now, the Neteru continues to create life throughout the many different universes and in the many pockets of their eternal workshops.

Or so the ancients say.

This is one of many stories from the ancient Egyptian mystery schools. As time goes by, I shall reveal many more .

I am also called Setna Khamuast. I am the High Priest and founder of the Per Ntjeru Temples . We teach the ancient Egyptian rituals.

I have a degree system which is as follows: Student, neophyte, First-degree priest or priestess scribe.

We have dancers, chantresses, ritual tool makers; we are people who will create oils; fragrance instruments that can be taught to use all of these things.

The highest level would be for the Inner Temple. High Priests or High Priestesses will become the teachers and the leaders of the various levels of the particular temples and library. We are excited to open our doors to those who seek to practice ancient Egyptian magic

I am also a medium and psychic. I am proficient in past life regressions and past life readings, and there is a difference. I can show you worlds you have only imagined. I can teach you the abilities to do the things you’ve always dreamed of. We are stuff that dreams are made of.

If you wish to contact me, we can send you our contact information for now we wish. Blessings to all.


Michael K. Waterman was born in Brooklyn and raised in Uniondale, New York, Michael has studied Egyptology for over 50 years. He has lectured and taught Ancient Egyptian Religion and Ancient Egyptian Ritual Magick, and he is also known as Setna Khamuast — The High Priest and founder of the Per-Ntjeru Temples.

He can be contacted by phone at: 516-650-3691.

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