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YouTube with no commercials! (and there was much rejoicing)

Free episodes:

Does anybody know, or care to speculate, how much the service is going to cost to view YouTube videos with no ad's?


'Fraid I don't know but I do remember those halcyon days when Youtube had no ads and it was clutter-free and still pretty unknown by the masses. I'm lucky enough to also remember when Facebook was unknown compared to Myspace. Mywho? haha. How things can change. But getting back to Youtube, I knew even early on in its life that it would go commercial as it grew but my first gripe was simply the way they messed with the presentation and interface. It was good as it was and then somebody who probably gets paid an enormous amount, f****d about with it and made it sh*t basically. It's probably had several more makeovers since but it was the first that annoyed me.

In another 20 years, we will be saying to teenagers how we remember the internet when it was young and when you had to choose to involve it in your life. By that time, our lives will be integrated with the online world so much, we won't be able to function in society without it. 'I remember when this was all fields........grumble grumble.....':confused:
Cutting edge technology
Cutting edge technology

I have one of these .. well an early music laser disk I show my students.
CD is still relevant and will remain so for some time yet.. it is going for sure as all media has it's day in the sun.
Anyway 44.1 at 16bit is still a great option for audio play back in the digital world (44.1 at 24bit is better.. reasons... 96k is god mode), anyway the kids at the start of the year all have their I-Pods with tons of 128mp3 on them.. The fun thing to do I have found is to do an A/B test and show them why mp3 is god awful. The looks on the faces is priceless.

mp3 was created for a reason, early net days where download and upload speeds were very slow (still are in places) and it made sense to use broadband compression on music and video to save file size and space.
But for everyday music listening... god NO!

I guess what am saying here is new is not always better and my students have found that out, it is no fault of their own as they are just used to mp3 and not full wave form. I just can not listen to mp3 at low or medium bit rate as I can hear the compression algorithm in effect (sound engineer so I damn well should).

In the end all things change but there are some things (especially in the audio world) that change is not always for the better. CD was not perfect but it was/is a great medium for clarity and dynamic range, however I still tend to use old Vinyl records for my listening pleasure at home. There are many reasons why even though CD kicks Vinyl in the ass as far as clarity and dynamic range are concerned.... it still sounds better. This is a question I pose to my students to answer... "Why is it more appealing to the ear than CD or mp3" ..... The mp3 one they understand , but the CD against Vinyl is not so easy to pin down as CD should be better to the ears... but it is not.

Anyway that was kind of getting off track from youtube adds ..... ***cough cough .. Add blocker ***

'Fraid I don't know but I do remember those halcyon days when Youtube had no ads and it was clutter-free and still pretty unknown by the masses. I'm lucky enough to also remember when Facebook was unknown compared to Myspace. Mywho? haha. How things can change. But getting back to Youtube, I knew even early on in its life that it would go commercial as it grew but my first gripe was simply the way they messed with the presentation and interface. It was good as it was and then somebody who probably gets paid an enormous amount, f****d about with it and made it sh*t basically. It's probably had several more makeovers since but it was the first that annoyed me.

In another 20 years, we will be saying to teenagers how we remember the internet when it was young and when you had to choose to involve it in your life. By that time, our lives will be integrated with the online world so much, we won't be able to function in society without it. 'I remember when this was all fields........grumble grumble.....':confused:

I remember those days Goggs ... was a cool community... sad the message system etc has gone all to hell.
'Fraid I don't know but I do remember those halcyon days when Youtube had no ads and it was clutter-free and still pretty unknown by the masses. I'm lucky enough to also remember when Facebook was unknown compared to Myspace. Mywho? haha. How things can change. But getting back to Youtube, I knew even early on in its life that it would go commercial as it grew but my first gripe was simply the way they messed with the presentation and interface. It was good as it was and then somebody who probably gets paid an enormous amount, f****d about with it and made it sh*t basically. It's probably had several more makeovers since but it was the first that annoyed me.

In another 20 years, we will be saying to teenagers how we remember the internet when it was young and when you had to choose to involve it in your life. By that time, our lives will be integrated with the online world so much, we won't be able to function in society without it. 'I remember when this was all fields........grumble grumble.....':confused:
lol - so true. But I remember when....

I had a Commodore 64 with a 300 baud modem plugged into the back of it and my phone line stretched across my bedroom. I got the number for one BBS (Bulletin Board System) called "The Police Academy" in Wall, NJ (it was run on an Apple using GBBS Pro by Greg Shafer). Once I got the # for one BBS then hundreds more came after (since each BBS had a database of local/national BBS's). I remember when the SYSOP (system operator) upgraded to a 10MB external hard drive. It was unbelievable. None of us could believe his online ads "...10 MEGS ONLINE!".

Anyways this was around 1984. It was my first day of 9th grade. I remember because when I came home from school there was a UPS package waiting for me and it was my modem ha.