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sigh the return of the birthers...

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Pixel, just give it up dude. The only thing more hypocritical than a right winger is a left winger. Free speech for everybody as long as they march lockstep with libs and call all conservatives racist. I'm not a conservative by the way. I just don't lean so far left my brains fall out. It's why I try to stay away from politics and organized religion.
Pixel, just give it up dude. The only thing more hypocritical than a right winger is a left winger. Free speech for everybody as long as they march lockstep with libs and call all conservatives racist. I'm not a conservative by the way. I just don't lean so far left my brains fall out. It's why I try to stay away from politics and organized religion.

is the video fake?
I'm not arguing either way. I just feel for you because I've seen the far left in action. Very similar to the far right. They will demonize you. Especially if you are a middle aged white male or dare to be a member of the Tea Party or any other organization that sees things differently than Messiah. (full disclosure here) I supported Messiah because I was so sick of Bush and the republicans. But, I'm tired of the whining and the race baiting everytime somebody dares to disagree with him. I'm not gonna idenify with either party from now on. Still, agree with Obama on many things. But, I also disagree on many things. So, hang in there. I'm not opposed to your right to dissent.
i am not sure why you "feel" for me.

btw- i do not support the left or right either.
i am not sure why you "feel" for me.

btw- i do not support the left or right either.

Well, maybe "feel" is the wrong werd. ;) I just notice that there is a lot of propaganda these days demonizing anybody who dares to question the administration. I have questioned every administration there is and always will. There was a time in America when the media wasn't divided as badly as it is now. A time when a president was to busy and the job to important to reduce to sound bites on the Tonight Show or a pep rally on the Daily Show. But, those days are over and if you question anything then you must be a right wing racist, homophobic neanderthal. Anyway, I'll hush now because like religion and believers and non-believers I find partisianship to be full of hypocrites. No shot to you Pixel. You are no hypocrite. You are right on some things and wrong on others but never wishy washy. Or at least not on this forum. Peace. :cool:
Well, maybe "feel" is the wrong werd. ;) I just notice that there is a lot of propaganda these days demonizing anybody who dares to question the administration. I have questioned every administration there is and always will. There was a time in America when the media wasn't divided as badly as it is now. A time when a president was to busy and the job to important to reduce to sound bites on the Tonight Show or a pep rally on the Daily Show. But, those days are over and if you question anything then you must be a right wing racist, homophobic neanderthal. Anyway, I'll hush now because like religion and believers and non-believers I find partisianship to be full of hypocrites. No shot to you Pixel. You are no hypocrite. You are right on some things and wrong on others but never wishy washy. Or at least not on this forum. Peace. :cool:

divide and conquer has worked for thousands of years and it is working well today.
I honestly can't Beleve ANYONE beleves he was born elsewhere! He produced his Long form AS ASKED he has WITNESSES to his birth A woman went up to see him and his mom HOURS after the fact...unfortunatly his mom is gone and the doc who delivered him is gone..so where dose that leave us?
He has been our pres since 2008 he was a candate before that IF there was ANYTHING to the birther stuff would we NOT have INVESTAGTIONS and IMPEACHMENT? I KNOW there are MANY who would love to have him thrown out of office..
I honestly can't Beleve ANYONE beleves he was born elsewhere! He produced his Long form AS ASKED he has WITNESSES to his birth A woman went up to see him and his mom HOURS after the fact...unfortunatly his mom is gone and the doc who delivered him is gone..so where dose that leave us?
He has been our pres since 2008 he was a candate before that IF there was ANYTHING to the birther stuff would we NOT have INVESTAGTIONS and IMPEACHMENT? I KNOW there are MANY who would love to have him thrown out of office..

so you viewed the video above and believe all clips to be fake?
is the video fake?

I was a little suspicious when all of his "damning" statements are said when he is in wide-shots and where you cannot see his lips in sync with anything. I YouTubed a little more and found this short, 9 second, clip that shows me that it was faked: . Well, to be accurate, the video isn't faked -- the audio is (or at least, doctored).

Just while we're on the subject of the US amendment that ensures, or requires, that US Presidents are homegrown. I think it was a wonderful piece of legislation -- ahead of its time in many ways. Historically, when I think of western leaders that had no qualms about sending their 'so-called' countrymen off to their deaths in wars of expansion, three names spring to my mind. Napoleon (who it is estimated was responsible for the deaths of 2-million Frenchmen in his campaigns of empire; Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin both who were willing to send countless millions and millions more to their deaths. The one thing they all have in common is that they were not born in the Country which they led (notwithstanding the fact the Stalin was in charge of the "USSR" the most dominant country in that union and the most populous by far was Russia) so easily into conflict. Napoleon was not French he was a Corsican (and one time Corsican liberation fighter), Hitler was not German he was Austrian and Stalin was from Georgia (who are having quite a problem separating themselves from their Russian bonds). Just thought I would share that thought.
so you viewed the video above and believe all clips to be fake?
Yes I have veiwed them...What to say...They are certanly not fake..I for one could not beleve what I was hearing from his own mouth. But still unless the certificates are fakes.. and somehow they missed it. I can't understand how the man can run for office and maintain the office for 3 years without some one in some level of authority not getting ahold of the truth. Pixel you deff have given me some thing to think on But still I remain convinced he was born here but it wont stop a reasonable search for the truth.
It's a moot point. Right now, it doesn't matter if he was manufactured in a hollow tree in Middle Earth. It doesn't serve any purpose whatsoever at this point in time to pursue the questions surrounding Obama's legitimacy. The time for that would be after he has been voted out of office. Then if there was some criminal activity involved, people should be exposed, put in jail, something put in place to prevent it in the future, and so on. Politically it is a failed strategy to attempt delegitimitize someone that has already been elected even if they are illegitimate.

How could things like this alleged crime be pulled off? Compromised officials. Ever hear of the Franklin Scandal?
when Pixel posed his vid i thought well lets check this out. my results were after 2 HOURS of searching I found NO news orgizations that reported such statments. I found NO blog of any other kind of evidence that the footage was anything but faked. Pixel Im willing to give you more leway if you can produce a vid from some news orgization that verified he said these things...
when Pixel posed his vid i thought well lets check this out. my results were after 2 HOURS of searching I found NO news orgizations that reported such statments. I found NO blog of any other kind of evidence that the footage was anything but faked. Pixel Im willing to give you more leway if you can produce a vid from some news orgization that verified he said these things...

thanks for checking it out. i could easily agree some of it is fake. i will just as easily agree some of it is real and verifiable.
Pay no mind to the man behind the curtain. When everyone gets done worrying about the birth certificate, whether or not Mormons are Christians, if Ron Paul is too old, if the next thing out of Ann Coulters mouth will be as weird as the last thing, whether Tiger will get back in the game, etc. then maybe we can worry about things that matter. Maybe we would have time to focus the environment dissolving away, hunger in the United States, how the banks are stealing money and getting away with it, the AIDS epidemic or anything else that might be of real interest.
I honestly can't Beleve ANYONE beleves he was born elsewhere! He produced his Long form AS ASKED he has WITNESSES to his birth A woman went up to see him and his mom HOURS after the fact...unfortunatly his mom is gone and the doc who delivered him is gone..so where dose that leave us?
He has been our pres since 2008 he was a candate before that IF there was ANYTHING to the birther stuff would we NOT have INVESTAGTIONS and IMPEACHMENT? I KNOW there are MANY who would love to have him thrown out of office..

It's an innocent and amusing question, now that his actions in office are of far more concern than his birthplace.