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The Blue Snow

Have You Ever Experienced Fortean Phenomena?

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Posey Gilbert

Paranormal Maven

The Blue Snow Pt.1
Me 2yrs Ralph1.jpg
Me and Ralph 1953​
It was the winter of 1953 I was two years old and living at 1404 Prospect Ave.
My mother had just went up stairs to pay our babysitter leaving me my
older brother Chuck and my then baby brother Ralph under the charge of my
older sister Theresa.
After having lost a fight over the tv with Theresa,(I wanted to see cartoons she wanted to see some teen dance show.)
I was standing by the window looking out onto our darkening backyard
mimicking as badly as I could the doo-wop songs coming from the tv thinking she may see it but she won't enjoy it when suddenly a blue green glowing snow like substance began to fall from the clear evening sky.
It vanished as it landed not melted but disappeared on the window sill.
Amazed at this beautiful sight I called my older brother Chuck and
Theresa to the window to see it.
Chuck took one look at it and gasped "Oh no they are coming back!"
He then went into a panic such as I have never seen him do before or
after then.
Here is where I did something that still bothers me instead of looking
to the backyard I looked to the sky and asked "Who's coming back?"
Chuck began to scream and repeat over and over "They are coming back!"
I looked to Theresa and asked her "Who is coming back?"
She said nothing but just turned pale and began to shake and strike
Chuck in attempt to snap him out of it.
When this did not work she raced out into the hall way and upstairs to
get my mother.
By the time my mother came downstairs the stuff had stopped falling and
as soon as it did Chuck came out of it.
Today when I ask Chuck about that night he just smiles and shrugs, Theresa
claims she remembers some of it but neither of them have ever told me,
Who it was that was coming back.....

The letter​
Friend Atoms you wrote:


There is no need to apologize the fact is I had asked myself the same question how could I remember things from the age of two and before, but I do because I remember where we were living and what ages the youngest of us were that being Ralph my younger brother he was still crawling then and not able to talk there was a one year and five months separation between our ages.
I believe I still remember it, because it was so strange, and both my brother's and my older sister's reactions to the event were so intense I could never forget that.
It is not that I have a fantastic memory it is just that the event and their reactions to it was something I had never seen again and honestly I had not thought about it until I was an adult yet when I asked my older brother Chuck about it he responded with,
" You still remember that? "
Back when I was little more than a baby and what I did know of the world and how things worked?

I thought this was just something else that happened that I did not know about yet that was why I was not frightened by it.
Eventually I did forget about it in the events of daily life so we never even discussed it after the event was over.
My thoughts about the strange snow only came back to me in the nineteen seventies as I was reading Charlse Forts " Book Of The Damned " and he made mention of the reports that had been made of strange precipitations ie. fish and frog falls, blood rains, rock storms etc.

What had happened that night so long ago came fully back to me and that's when I asked Chuck about it.
I was truly expecting to hear his life long mantra when I asked him about, or told him of strange events or encounters I'd had. " Butch, what the hell are you talking about? "
By the way, years later in the eighties I found out that, at that same time there had also been a falling of this turquoise glowing snow upstate in Utica New York and it too had been attributed to UFOs.
In fact that year there was many reports on record about this strange snow.

As recently as last year Fate Magazine reported that there was a falling of a blue green rain reported in middle America, however I am not sure that the blue green rain had any UFO activity involved with it nevertheless the phenomena continues to this day.
So the event was a true event and the phenomena is on record.

My family did not keep photographs nor did we socialize even with the other more outgoing members of our family.
In those days we did not attend dinners, dances, parties, church, school meetings, neighborhood gatherings or anything where crowds would gather.
When in public we went silently and quickly about what we had to do and returned home.
To get any one of us in a picture was like hunting Nessy, UFOs, or Bigfoot.
You had to be lucky enough to have a camera and be there when we are there and snap you got your picture and most likely a good cussing out to go along with it.

Any pictures of any of us that are around now are owned by others and only now am I making an effort to get these pictures.
This all being said my Grandpa Posey died when I was about seven or eight I believed the last time I saw him I was six yet the smell of cherry pipe tobacco still will bring his image clearly into my mind. Even though I have no pictures of him to remind me of how he looked, and regardless of how long ago it was since I had seen him.

You see in truth nothing is ever forgotten if the right buttons are pushed.
The smell of your mothers favorite perfume will bring her image in front of you sixty years from now as if it was only yesterday, for in truth, it was only yesterday.


The Blue Snow Pt.2​

I have finally been able to locate the copy of Fate Magazine where the fall of the blue snow was reported and have reproduced the articles fully intact as they were written so that you may see this was a real event that was occurring around the time of my sighting of the blue snow in the Bronx.

If any one reading this article has ever encountered or heard of these entities or phenomena please contact me by email or just post your story at this site.
I don't want to believe. It's much better to know.
I can just say quickly Posey that I too remember a traumatic event from when I was no more than 18months old. In a kids park, I was in my mother's arms and remember seeing the commotion that was my older brother (2 1/2 years old) breaking his leg by having it trapped under a rotating roundabout.
I only remember glimpses and think the reason I remember anything at all was due to the intense emotions of my mother, brother and mothers friend - my mum passed me to her friend while going to my brother's aid.
Years later I proved to myself that it was not a created memory because I remember there being tall hedges round 3 sides of a square which had the roundabout at the centre. These hedges were removed soon after and I could only have seen them then.

So I know if there are intense enough emotions or just something really out of the ordinary going on, that is reason enough for even a very young mind to imprint some of that situation.
From what you write on here Posey, I would say half of your life qualifies for this!!

I am still unsure what to make of your experiences Posey. Probably the only thing I can be sure of is that I do not think you are making them up for publicity. However these things actually happen and register in your brain, be it imagination, dimensional, alien, trickster, ghost, whatever I think things have happened. There seem to be so much things that have happened to you that are way out of the ordinary, I tend to think now that some people have something about them that attracts weird phenomena. David Biedny had several weird encounters and sightings whilst Gene has had none. Chris has had quite a few etc
It seems to me that if it happens once to someone, it has a higher chance of reoccuring.

You may have seen on another post calling for guests to appear on the show. A few of us have voted for you and in my case it is because I know you easily have enough material from your memories to fill ten shows!
I hope you are as articulate with the spoken word as you are with the written word because people may have very interesting experiences to tell but if they are bad interviewees, it can be like pulling teeth for the show hosts!
I get the feeling you would be great though and I for one, would not miss such a show!
I can also attest to the validity of early childhood memories. I vividly remember my parents faces as the leaned over the crib to visit me and present me a toy when, at the age of one, I was hospitalized after a surgical procedure. The memory never left me - I must have been very relieved and happy to see them. I can even remember the color of the wall at the head of my crib. My next memory wasn't until the age of three - an auto accident.

Fascinating story Posey. I've never heard one quite like it.
I brought out some detail in that blown out area of the first photo. it appears as if a blue "Kermit" creature is coming thru the wall or possibly another dimension.. what is so strange is the frog creature is blue in a black and white photo!
Me 2yrs Ralph1 Blue Kermit.jpg
I brought out some detail in that blown out area of the first photo. it appears as if a blue "Kermit" creature is coming thru the wall or possibly another dimension.. what is so strange is the frog creature is blue in a black and white photo!
Me 2yrs Ralph1 Blue Kermit.jpg

Pixie you've got to stop this.​
You are really starting to make me like you.​
Actually that picture scared the chocolates out of me when I noticed Kermit at the window.​
Indeed you are truly a Pixie.​
Sir I bow to you.​
I can just say quickly Posey that I too remember a traumatic event from when I was no more than 18months old. In a kids park, I was in my mother's arms and remember seeing the commotion that was my older brother (2 1/2 years old) breaking his leg by having it trapped under a rotating roundabout.
I only remember glimpses and think the reason I remember anything at all was due to the intense emotions of my mother, brother and mothers friend - my mum passed me to her friend while going to my brother's aid.
Years later I proved to myself that it was not a created memory because I remember there being tall hedges round 3 sides of a square which had the roundabout at the centre. These hedges were removed soon after and I could only have seen them then.

So I know if there are intense enough emotions or just something really out of the ordinary going on, that is reason enough for even a very young mind to imprint some of that situation.
From what you write on here Posey, I would say half of your life qualifies for this!!

I am still unsure what to make of your experiences Posey. Probably the only thing I can be sure of is that I do not think you are making them up for publicity. However these things actually happen and register in your brain, be it imagination, dimensional, alien, trickster, ghost, whatever I think things have happened. There seem to be so much things that have happened to you that are way out of the ordinary, I tend to think now that some people have something about them that attracts weird phenomena. David Biedny had several weird encounters and sightings whilst Gene has had none. Chris has had quite a few etc
It seems to me that if it happens once to someone, it has a higher chance of reoccuring.

You may have seen on another post calling for guests to appear on the show. A few of us have voted for you and in my case it is because I know you easily have enough material from your memories to fill ten shows!
I hope you are as articulate with the spoken word as you are with the written word because people may have very interesting experiences to tell but if they are bad interviewees, it can be like pulling teeth for the show hosts!
I get the feeling you would be great though and I for one, would not miss such a show!

Wow it's great to know another one.
Over the years I have met many Abductees that have said they remember back like that too.
And you are right if you have one there will be others.
I have been offered money to publish some of my experiences I never take money for them,
because I feel people will think I made them up for that purpose.
I don't take money for my lectures either for the same reasons.
Thanks for the votes I am always open to speaking to the public.
I can also attest to the validity of early childhood memories. I vividly remember my parents faces as the leaned over the crib to visit me and present me a toy when, at the age of one, I was hospitalized after a surgical procedure. The memory never left me - I must have been very relieved and happy to see them. I can even remember the color of the wall at the head of my crib. My next memory wasn't until the age of three - an auto accident.

Fascinating story Posey. I've never heard one quite like it.

Thanks Berean you and Goggsmacky sharing your experiences have made it worth while.
I too have memories from a very early age, i remember crawling, and years later was able to describe the house and upstairs neighbours of a house we moved out of when i was two years old.

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