This is a great thread, and I've posted only once, about Rick Strassman's DMT, The Spirit Molecule. And I'm just throwing in my views, and I've wanted to stay out because I see some great posts going back and forth, and it is all so fascinating.
Rick, I agree that reality as experienced by any one individual is that person's "own" reality. Studies in consciousness show that, that's what makes it "consciousness," only we individually experience it, and no one, really, can know what it TRULY and actually feels like to BE another person, even a close family member or friend, or even other humans in the sense that we all can sympathize with each other over things that afflict all of us because we all share certain experiences, death, love, hate, anger, frustration, etc. But ultimately, we are all alone, each of us, and that's scary.
And then, true, certain things like brain injury, psychological stress, certain experiences, etc. can change our perceptions on all levels. So, yes, how do we make sense of it all, what is the true reality? And consciousness itself is a mystery. Try, as I've read many scientists on consciousness say, to focus for a few seconds on, ok, right now, I AM CONSCIOUS. Then, as you said I think on another thread, Rick, that moment of "capture" passes and is replaced by another, and time and space become clear in the nature of consciousness.
I tend to agree, in fact strongly agree, more with Steve (and Rick, I'm not saying you don't believe this, I'm not sure) that THERE IS a TRUE REALITY, composed of, well, what it really is. And yes, then I am answering your question to Steve about what a person "buys", and I enter the realm of dare I say it, religion. And if I have Steve's view wrong, let me know, Steve.
I do believe, philosophically, historically, scientifically, and ETHICALLY, that there is God, and that he "keeps track" and "knows" all. Not that we are slaves to him, quite the contrary, but look at what we can and have accomplished with our brains, and I believe he wants us to search and find answers. But, if there is no "real" reality, if everything is only what we as individuals process, then that itself doesn't make any sense, but there, to me, has to be a very REAL reality from which our brains GET the parts we are able to form our own reality from, and that is sometimes imperfect, but it gets us across the street without getting run over, and it gets us to, I think, making moral decisions, because I believe there is an objective, freestanding reality apart from what we can see in its totality, but it does exist in an entirety, a moral, scientific, physical reality.
And yes, I see that from a Christian perspective, too, but I'll leave it at that.
Rick Strassman has said some very intriguing things he took from his research into DMT, which I've heard him talk about on the radio and in his book. He is Jewish, and though he admits he is departing somewhat from the strict protocols of his research, he sees some very real confluence between the production of DMT in our brains and religious experiences.
What I'm struck by again and again (and again!) is how all the transhumanism, humanism, it's-all-just-biological-and-nothing-else, we can solve all our problems ONLY through science and pure rationality, we don't need God, in fact he's a childish and infantile (and worse) belief, we know better, we, by God, stand alone and are darn well proud of it, and on and on, postulates such stuff to such an extreme that it stretches your credulity to the breaking point and ends up COMING FULL CIRCLE right back to God.
A great thread, and just in brief, expressing what I "buy." And I'm not saying that wasn't a legitimate question. Kim