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Can we please turn off...

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Paranormal Adept
The welcome posts that show up in the recent threads feed? It's getting ridiculous now that we have so may bot members signing up somehow. I don't know how the rest of you feel about it but I'm personally sick of seeing "Welcome alskfjdlasd908908 to the Paracast Forums!" instead of the recent threads people have been commenting on. Time to disable this feature IMHO. Thanks.
I made a change to the new member setup to see if we can get rid of the silly new members. Most of those bogus names never verify, so I can't see why new threads are created.
i was wondering who all those odd named people were...are you telling me there not............... people!..............could they be aliens??????? maybe they are trying to communicate by joining the forums with weird names!
I made a change to the new member setup to see if we can get rid of the silly new members. Most of those bogus names never verify, so I can't see why new threads are created.

Yeah I don't know why, but the new threads are definitely being created, when I logged on this morning there were 2 regular posts and something like 8 welcome blah blah blah posts in the recent threads feed. Really annoying.:mad:
OK, here's the geek explanation of what's going on:

Up till now, we had been using Google's ReCAPTCHA as part of the registration process, along with add-ons that check spam databases. Unfortunately, I'm now informed that Google needs to fix ReCAPTCHA, since it's broken and easy to bypass. So I've changed the registration scheme to use a Question & Answer CAPTCHA instead, which will be more difficult for automated spambots to break into. They'd have to show a very modest level of intelligence to get through.

I can't say it will eliminate the bogus registrations; nothing is perfect. At least I can change the questions and answers. :)