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What a Weird Night: Our Server Outage

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Gene Steinberg

Forum Super Hero
Staff member
So it seems that somebody managed to log into our Web server and do a few dirty deeds that left us offline for several hours.

The technical details are brief and boring to most of you. They installed a second version of the Apache Web server, thus putting everything offline. The host's security people are on it and I hope they'll find the offender and do what's necessary.

So ends a day I'd rather forget.
So it seems that somebody managed to log into our Web server and do a few dirty deeds that left us offline for several hours.

The technical details are brief and boring to most of you. They installed a second version of the Apache Web server, thus putting everything offline. The host's security people are on it and I hope they'll find the offender and do what's necessary.

So ends a day I'd rather forget.

Hope you are OK over there Gene.

Just saying but a certain repeating troll would be worth investigating and I am sure there are one or two cases where he failed to protect his own IP.
note lennyfrommaine and purrlgurrrl have not posted since the outage I think it was chicago troll and I think it has everythng to do with the mike bara show.
I noticed Paracast was offline last night and the thought occurred it might be cyber vandalism.

Whoever did this might want to pull up the 0ld Yellow Pages and look under "L" for lawyer.