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No Longer a Moderator

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Angel of Ioren

Friendly Skeptic
Hi everyone,

With all the new members here, I'm not really able to keep up with the moderating, so I'm bowing out. This time it's for real (unlike the last time I quit), as I really can't give this forum the time it needs. It's grown so much over the past little while.

Thanks again to Gene and Chris for letting someone like be me a moderator on a paranormal site.

Hi everyone,

With all the new members here, I'm not really able to keep up with the moderating, so I'm bowing out. This time it's for real (unlike the last time I quit), as I really can't give this forum the time it needs. It's grown so much over the past little while.

Thanks again to Gene and Chris for letting someone like be me a moderator on a paranormal site.


Not now Angelo, as I was just starting to warm up to you. However, I have a feeling that you’ll be back, as once sucked into the Paracast, they never leave..., unless given the boot.
Sorry to see you go as a Mod Angelo. While i might not of agreed with all of your opinions, your a critical thinker and can have a rational and coherent debate without letting the silly egotism of posters get to you. I'd rather have a skeptic even a debunker leaning one, then a brain so open it believes anything, so thanks again Angelo.
It was no secret how I felt at one time about Angelo's moderator duties.. I came right out a few times and said he sucked and should not be a moderator. I can't believe how wrong he is about certain things. He pissed me off more than any other moderator and I still curse out loud about things he says sometimes...that said.. in my opinion his moderator skills vastly improved and even tho we do not see eye to eye on a few topics I believe we have become really good friends. I have grown to really like Angelo and we exchange friendly messages and words of encouragement often. I want to thank him for putting up with me and not banning me for a few things I said to him. I plan on keeping in touch with him for years to come whether he likes it or not.
Sorry to see you go as a Mod Angelo. While i might not of agreed with all of your opinions, your a critical thinker and can have a rational and coherent debate without letting the silly egotism of posters get to you. I'd rather have a skeptic even a debunker leaning one, then a brain so open it believes anything, so thanks again Angelo.

Sums up my feelings as well, you always struck me as being unflinchable (?) which is a pretty good quality to have in a moderator. Now you're one of us
:mad:: :rolleyes:
It was no secret how I felt at one time about Angelo's moderator duties.. I came right out a few times and said he sucked and should not be a moderator. I can't believe how wrong he is about certain things. He pissed me off more than any other moderator and I still curse out loud about things he says sometimes...that said.. in my opinion his moderator skills vastly improved and even tho we do not see eye to eye on a few topics I believe we have become really good friends. I have grown to really like Angelo and we exchange friendly messages and words of encouragement often. I want to thank him for putting up with me and not banning me for a few things I said to him. I plan on keeping in touch with him for years to come whether he likes it or not.

Jerk :)

I was so annoyed when Gene let you back into the forum, but once you get past all the tinfoil, you're not a bad guy.
Wow Angelo, sad to see you step down, but always look forward to your viewpoint---don't stray too far and thanks for all your hard work around here---dang--now we have to find someone as even-keeled and skeptical to replace you... hmmmm
Wow Angelo, sad to see you step down, but always look forward to your viewpoint---don't stray too far and thanks for all your hard work around here---dang--now we have to find someone as even-keeled and skeptical to replace you... hmmmm

i suggest Pixel to suceed him becuse he can never be replaced!
It's like I'm going off to college or something. I'll still be coming around to make my snarky comments. Don't worry about that.

With that said, I really appreciate the comments. Nothing like adulation to start the morning. Okay, time to go close the pool - the frost has begun here in Southern Quebec!

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