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sigh the return of the birthers...

Free episodes:

Oh please.

I didn't know anyone even quoted World News Daily, if it was published on paper it would be used to line bird cages. It makes Fox news look legitimate, oh wait nothing makes Fox news look legitimate and as for Rense where to begin...
Oh and XAF-B-WATERS you said my statements keep racism alive? You’re the only who uses racism in your tagline and mentions it in your posts. I said you're a bigot and I stand by it and every time you post something like the above from such a questionable source to support false allegations it reinforces where you are coming from.
I am sure you never had any issues with George W. Bush working on someone’s campaign down south during the Vietnam war, his preferential treatment in getting into the Air National Guard and his AWOL time which was probably spent getting sober. Do some research, Google is a good place to start but you won’t, you already come to conclusions. If my voting for Obama does nothing more then irk people like you then I will take that as an accomplishment. 3 more years, get over it. Ted Nugent called President Obama a chimpanzee the other day, if you don’t think bigotry is out there you’re just not paying attention.
Ok..if there is evidence to be placed before us...let us see the evidence. No go look yourself. .lets see the weight of the evidence.

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I didn't know anyone even quoted World News Daily, if it was published on paper it would be used to line bird cages. It makes Fox news look legitimate, oh wait nothing makes Fox news look legitimate and as for Rense where to begin...
Oh and XAF-B-WATERS you said my statements keep racism alive? You’re the only who uses racism in your tagline and mentions it in your posts. I said you're a bigot and I stand by it and every time you post something like the above from such a questionable source to support false allegations it reinforces where you are coming from.
I am sure you never had any issues with George W. Bush working on someone’s campaign down south during the Vietnam war, his preferential treatment in getting into the Air National Guard and his AWOL time which was probably spent getting sober. Do some research, Google is a good place to start but you won’t, you already come to conclusions. If my voting for Obama does nothing more then irk people like you then I will take that as an accomplishment. 3 more years, get over it. Ted Nugent called President Obama a chimpanzee the other day, if you don’t think bigotry is out there you’re just not paying attention.

Nugent was being Kind. They called Bush Monkey Boy CONSTANTLY. Big Deal.
Nugent was being Kind. They called Bush Monkey Boy CONSTANTLY. Big Deal.

No Nugent was being an ass and you're too intelligent to not understand that calling a person of mixed race a chimpanzee is to use XAF-B-WATERS language racist. I have many friends, some of mixed race, and I wouldn’t call them call them a name in front of me... that would be a big deal.
No Nugent was being an ass and you're too intelligent to not understand that calling a person of mixed race a chimpanzee is to use XAF-B-WATERS language racist. I have many friends, some of mixed race, and I wouldn’t call them call them a name in front of me... that would be a big deal.

I am going to lay this out for you plain and simple. Calling anyone a name that is meant to be a derogatory reference is not nice. That DOES NOT MEAN THAT PERSON IS A RACIST. That's bullshit.

To be honest with you, calling Obama a chimpanzee is not racist in the least. No more than calling George W. Bush Monkey Boy makes those doing as much racists. Who gave you the holier than thou right to interpret Nugent's heart? Can you read minds? It's just venting the fact that the man is a COMPLETE BUFFOON. Not to be confused with Baboon.
I am always amazed at how many people think Nugent is a big druggie too.

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I am going to lay this out for you plain and simple. Calling anyone a name that is meant to be a derogatory reference is not nice. That DOES NOT MEAN THAT PERSON IS A RACIST. That's bullshit.

To be honest with you, calling Obama a chimpanzee is not racist in the least. No more than calling George W. Bush Monkey Boy makes those doing as much racists. Who gave you the holier than thou right to interpret Nugent's heart? Can you read minds? It's just venting the fact that the man is a COMPLETE BUFFOON. Not to be confused with Baboon.

OKAY I HEAR WHAT YOUR SAYING ( er typing), you're right, he probably is not a racist. A buffoon, a bigot as in “ a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion. “ Hell I'm a bigot, I can't stand ignorant people, conservatives, Republicans, Tea Partiers, Billionaire Brothers who pull the strings of the most reactionary conservatives ( talking about the Koch Brothers)

That being said, I do not know what is in Ted Nugents heart, don't care. He used the term and has been on a tear since the President was elected. Nugent stated this piece of genius “ I will be in jail or dead if the president is reelected." I'm still waiting.

Free advice, wouldn't use the term chimpanzee to describe people of color wherever you go Jeff. But I am sure you're a tough guy and can handle yourself. At least when you write...

To summarize, President Obama was born in the United States. His birth certificate is legit. Black people are not related to monkeys. Anyone on this thread that entertains these thoughts, look it all up. Wikipedia is good. Google works good too.

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We do not know for sure where he was born, we don't know if his cert is legit, we might all be related to each other biblically or thru evolution by way of monkeys. This prez is in fact an idiot a war monger and a liar.

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You got that right vesve except he and his family are worse

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jezzus wept, you yanks make the irish look like genius's, worse than the bush familly ffs, does your insanity have no limits pixel..
manxman... Bush and his family are worse than Obama...

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ah righto crossed wires, george bush sr is an evil man, and junior is to stupid to be anything, reagan had dementia, and was still more articulate than junior, what does that tell you about americans, especially those voted for junior.
i would laugh my azz off if either or both ever caught an assassins bullet.
even sweeter if the empty shell cases had 'made in america' stamped on them.
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ah righto crossed wires, george bush sr is an evil man, and junior is to stupid to be anything, reagan had dementia, and was still more articulate than junior, what does that tell you about americans, especially those voted for junior.
i would laugh my azz off if either or both ever caught an assassins bullet.
even sweeter if the empty shell cases had 'made in america' stamped on them.

Some of them will not yield to facts vesvehighfolk but nice work.
Idot..war monger...lair sounds like bush. ...

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At least we can honestly agree that there is no difference apart from Obama's MASSIVE materialistic GREED. Yes, unquestionably, Bush jr. was a MORON. However, the Prince and Miss Bling are the most expensive first family this country has ever had. And no, we are not talking the rising cost of living!

Here is the bottom line Euoropeans. We, the people of the United States, are just as SICK of our government and it's self serving (all 549 of 'em) as you are. So why don't you get off your lazy Euro butts and do something about it other than offer up this same perpetually useless lip service that we already get from our politicians? Put up or shut up. <---Just sayn'...I KNOW they suck. So does the vast majority (the REAL majority apart from electoral college BS) of the people that live here.
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I believe it was Hunter S Thompson, who threw a party one night many years ago. The next morning as he was doing a walk through his home, he found a young man name W Bush, passed out in his bathtub(fully clothed) If true, our former President had some wild nights during his youth.

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