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The Ultimate Remote Viewing Experiment?

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Thats OK i didnt need to be psychic to know that would be the answer lol.

Certainly no one is asking for a dog and pony show, Gene put the call out. Ive offered to assist in what capacity i can.

That you chose to enter the thread was your call, as is your decision to decline to participate in a demo.

No one is asking you to prove anything, but having said that in the time youve taken to post a few times here, i think you could have given us a quick demo.

I am NOT a RV skeptic, but i know the audience here well enough to predict your answer will be seen as a cop out.

No hard feelings though
Live long and prosper

Reply from Lori Williams:

Hi, Mike! Thanks for your response.

Ok, so I go to my doctor and I say, "Hey Doc, I know you have 18 years of medical training that you paid a fortune for, and that you have seen thousands of patients successfully, but would you mind just showing me that you really know what you are doing and that your form of practicing medicine really works?" Most of the doctors I know would not respond kindly to something like that.

You said, "No one is asking you to prove anything" but I disagree. A "demo" is a another word for "dog and pony show."

I've invested 18 years and a lot of money in the study and practice of remote viewing. I present regularly at the International Remote Viewing Association conference, and have worked with police, archeologists, corporations and private individuals in countries all over the world. I demonstrate remote viewing quite often.

Russell Targ is a friend of mine. And I am happy to do Russell Targ's box experiment! And like any professional (since I do this for a living), I'm sure everyone understands when I say "Sure! I'd love to do a demo! Would you prefer to pay via Pal Pal or Credit Card?"


Lori Williams, CHt, LMT
What is Controlled Remote Viewing? | Controlled Remote Viewing

PS to my reply above: Please note: this isn't about money. It is about respect. If you knew how often "skeptics" ask for a free "demo," you'd understand why I have an issue with this. I do a lot of pro-bono work for worthy causes, finding missing people, etc. But I've paid my dues, guys. Thanks!
Reply from Lori Williams:

Hi, Mike! Thanks for your response.

Ok, so I go to my doctor and I say, "Hey Doc, I know you have 18 years of medical training that you paid a fortune for, and that you have seen thousands of patients successfully, but would you mind just showing me that you really know what you are doing and that your form of practicing medicine really works?" Most of the doctors I know would not respond kindly to something like that.

You said, "No one is asking you to prove anything" but I disagree. A "demo" is a another word for "dog and pony show."

I've invested 18 years and a lot of money in the study and practice of remote viewing. I present regularly at the International Remote Viewing Association conference, and have worked with police, archeologists, corporations and private individuals in countries all over the world. I demonstrate remote viewing quite often.

Russell Targ is a friend of mine. And I am happy to do Russell Targ's box experiment! And like any professional (since I do this for a living), I'm sure everyone understands when I say "Sure! I'd love to do a demo! Would you prefer to pay via Pal Pal or Credit Card?"


Lori Williams, CHt, LMT
What is Controlled Remote Viewing? | Controlled Remote Viewing
Heres the thing Lori,
Gene put a call out for a RV volunteer,
His OP makes it clear hes seen creditable examples thus far, i myself have posted

As an example that supports the claim RV works here before.

You chose of your own volition to register here and post you are a "professional" and list a number of things as ersatz credentials.

But then go on to give flimsy excuse after flimsy excuse as to why you wont participate in the request posed in the OP

Litigation ? really ?, you could have provided the answers anonymously here no problem

Then we get emotive language like dog and pony show, and better things to do with my time etc etc.
Painting yourself as a victim of those nasty skeptics, whose game you wont play

I guess im left wondering why bother ?
Gene posted a thread designed to give those who claim RV works a platform to show it does, Your response far from advancing that cause, seems to have done the opposite imo.

But you got some "Free" adverstising for your business, so good for you.

I'm sure Gene will accept PayPal for your unsolicited ad though.
Reply from Lori Williams:

Ok, so I go to my doctor and I say, "Hey Doc, I know you have 18 years of medical training that you paid a fortune for, and that you have seen thousands of patients successfully, but would you mind just showing me that you really know what you are doing and that your form of practicing medicine really works?" Most of the doctors I know would not respond kindly to something like that.

Yes, well those that dont respond well are more than likely to be of the traveling medicine show variety than an accredited medical professional

Medicine shows were traveling horse and wagon teams which peddled "miracle cure" medications and other products between various entertainment acts. Their precise origins unknown, medicine shows were common in the 19th century United States, especially in the Old West era, (though they continued up to World War II). They are most commonly associated with "miracle elixirs" (sometimes referred to as snake oil), which, it was claimed, had the ability to cure any disease, smooth wrinkles, remove stains, prolong life or cure any number of common ailments

Medicine show - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I dont know about you, but the next time i need surgery i will want to confirm that they "really know what you are doing and that your form of practicing medicine really works"

I think this approach beats the alternative

Her bedroom turned into a circus. Healers from everywhere showed up wanting to help. It was rarely peaceful and quiet. There was Phillip Scott, a Lakota sun dancer who burned sage; Nicolai Levashov, a Russian psychic who waved his hands; Harriet Bienfield, an acupuncturist with rare Chinese herbs; Desda Zuckerman, an energy worker who used techniques inspired by the ancient methods of the Miwok peoples. The reverend Rosalyn Bruyere phoned often, trying to get on Targ's schedule.

One was a man who claims to be the last existing Druid. Targ felt he really had a gift. Now she needed him. But he was stuck in France, recently deported. He offered to help if she would clear up his INS problems; then he wanted Comings to get him a job at the NSA in counterterrorism. Then he called again; this time, he offered to help for free, if Targ would convince another family to pay him $250,000 to save their dying loved one.

Nicolai Levashov urged Targ not to have radiation. He argued that it was killing her healthy brain cells. The radiation was painful; it left purple burns on her scalp. She dreaded the late-morning sessions. Levashov insisted he had been able to stop the cancer telepathically and isolate it inside a membrane. An MRI showed the tentacles had retreated; this was almost certainly due to the radiation, but Levashov claimed credit for it. His words finally won her over. One morning, she woke up and announced, "That's it. I'm not going to submit myself to the fire-breathing dragons." She picked up the phone, called the radiology department, and told them, "I feel like you're burning me at the stake!" She stopped going.

A week later, the pain worsened, and she checked herself into the hospital. Now admitted, Targ would receive radiation whether she liked it or not. So one morning, the orderly arrived at her room to wheel her to radiology. Targ was wearing a Viking hat over a gold foil wig and waving a staff that had once belonged to an African shaman. She pronounced, "I am going to slay the dragons!"

Wired 10.12: A Prayer Before Dying=

I have a low tolerance for snake oil salesmen, its just good sense to test the claims of those making them, if they cant or wont validate those claims, then its safe to assume they are full of it
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I'm on the fence about remote viewing.

Back in 2009, we actually featured a listener who claimed remote viewing abilities:

April 26, 2009 — Daz Smith

I think he was later banned from the forums, but he did produce possibly creditable results that demonstrated some sort of unusual abilities.

So listen here remote viewers, how about the ultimate "spy" mission?

As you know, Apple Inc. is famously secretive about future product development. Millions want to know if there will be an iWatch, an Apple connected TV, or even what form the next iPhone will take.

So if any of you believe you have the ability to see what's going on elsewhere, how about taking a trip to Apple headquarters in Cupertino, CA and tell us what you see?

Any takers?

To remote view anything you need precise coordinates. That's why I chuckle to myself when people bring up the missing plane and remote viewing. Makes no sense whatsoever. Remote Viewing is not the same thing as accessing the Akashic record to answer general questions. Even then you have to be dealing with something definitively knowable. How can we know that all things are?
I'm on the fence about remote viewing.

Back in 2009, we actually featured a listener who claimed remote viewing abilities:

April 26, 2009 — Daz Smith

I think he was later banned from the forums, but he did produce possibly creditable results that demonstrated some sort of unusual abilities.

So listen here remote viewers, how about the ultimate "spy" mission?

As you know, Apple Inc. is famously secretive about future product development. Millions want to know if there will be an iWatch, an Apple connected TV, or even what form the next iPhone will take.

So if any of you believe you have the ability to see what's going on elsewhere, how about taking a trip to Apple headquarters in Cupertino, CA and tell us what you see?

Any takers?

I am in ... i need a few days and will report back Gene.

To remote view anything you need precise coordinates. That's why I chuckle to myself when people bring up the missing plane and remote viewing. Makes no sense whatsoever. Remote Viewing is not the same thing as accessing the Akashic record to answer general questions. Even then you have to be dealing with something definitively knowable. How can we know that all things are?

Thats not true Jeff

The breakthrough discovery made at Stanford was that accessing this vast data-bank of information was a trainable skill and by using specific rigid protocols information could be downloaded from the Matrix on demand. Highly trained "viewers" operate these protocols in the blind, meaning they have no pre-knowledge about the target. All they receive is a set of 8 numbers which are coordinated with the target.


The "co-ordinates" are a random number set of 8 numbers.

Again the RV only gets the TRN numbers, nothing else

Generating a set of TRNs is only one of the steps necessary for correctly setting up a Remote Viewing target. Be sure to assign the TRNs to a photo or a cue as taught in the Learn Remote Viewing DVD set.

Random TRN generator here
Learn Remote Viewing
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Thats not true Jeff


The "co-ordinates" are a random number set of 8 numbers.

Again the RV only gets the TRN numbers, nothing else

If it's not Mike, I certainly stand corrected. However, that is not what I remember last reading. I started a thread here on remote viewing and the person that wrote the article that I presented claimed that you did in fact require coordinates. Something is amiss.
With that in mind Genes proposal could never have been a valid experiment, Something a "professional" should have pointed out, rather than the litigation baloney
If it's not Mike, I certainly stand corrected. However, that is not what I remember last reading. I started a thread here on remote viewing and the person that wrote the article that I presented claimed that you did in fact require coordinates. Something is amiss.

No worries mate, yes all the viewer gets under the protocol is a set of 8 random numbers, giving a precise location is contrary to the protocol

The TRN is designed to keep the target hidden from the viewer, because the human imagination would kick in and ruin the session
Genes proposed test is flawed in its scope, since the viewer already knows its apple, and they are looking for technology.
The concious mind will keep refering to this, where as the RVer needs to use their unconcious mind to access the matrix.

Given this i suggest he get a photo of the apple HQ, and use the TRN number generator ive linked above to assign it a TRN
Do this with two other targets as well, and Provide the 3 targets TRN numbers so that the experiment is now blinded

There are target session templates here

Learn Remote Viewing
The video is only five odd mins worth.

The TRN is a better protocol imo, since there is no possibility of any pre conceived knowledge tainting the session

Remote viewing is incredibly fascinating Mike. The only real reason that I am interested in the matter is that I believe this is our embryonic technical entrance into the realm if pure informational accessibility.
Yes it is a fascinating subject and one i am not skeptical of.

So to define the scope Gene will need to post nothing but the three sets of TRN's

Its a bit more leg (mind) work for the viewer, but its the only way i can think of to keep the exercise blinded

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