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Conspiracy Theory - At War With Aliens

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Not that Stanton is the end all and be all of UFO's but I don't see snacks on the list...LOL
If you except that life is the norm in our fabulous universe, then the bio-diversity of earth is ho-hum yawn and as much as I like Stanton's works, it is applying silly human mores and ideas to his reasons for visiting list. I suspect that if we could communicate perfectly with whomever 'they' are to ask why 'they' visit; we would find ourselves like Dolphins in Sea World trying to understand what the hell happened to the ocean and how the hell we got in this stupid tank. In other words even after perfect communication we still would not have a clue.
And war? It would be like F15E Strike Eagles travelling back in time to engage the British in the revolutionary war... While they have some clues to the technology being used against them, they can merely watch all that was fade away into a glass darkly.

If we are not in a tank, what would you call Earth?
What's on Earth that wouldn't be plentiful elsewhere in the universe, and where you wouldn't have a pesky population getting in the way of extracting it?

Besides, we're awfully deep down a gravity well and far away from the more fashionable parts of the universe where resource extraction could be simpler, more economical, and closer to the cool kids.

But earth is an extreme rarity in one important way--it's a habitable planet. It's possible they haven't killed us off because they first want to create a hybrid species incorporating all genes enabling them to be fully adapted to terrestrial conditions including e.g. pathogens.
Even we contemplate terraforming planets like Mars; rectifying environmental damage to earth would be a piece of cake.
I'm not certain btw ETs could just roll over us. It's been some time since the government got samples of their technology. We don't know how far backengineering may have progressed, or what plans have been made.
Let's see now, im mr ET.

Do i
a] go to war with a primitive people and sustain casualties, and collateral damage to the 'plot'.

b] sprinkle a lil weed killer around the plot, just leaving the beautiful flowers, i.e. kill off the apex predators on the plot, [think fast acting human myxomatosis ].

c] Kill off all the clever creatures with a nasty predatory nature [humans], so that future generation's of my 'clan' can live without fear of
those nasty little bugs spreading to 'our' plot.

d] train them, to be obedient pet's.

e] eat the bolshy little feckers.
But earth is an extreme rarity in one important way--it's a habitable planet. It's possible they haven't killed us off because they first want to create a hybrid species incorporating all genes enabling them to be fully adapted to terrestrial conditions including e.g. pathogens.
Even we contemplate terraforming planets like Mars; rectifying environmental damage to earth would be a piece of cake.
I'm not certain btw ETs could just roll over us. It's been some time since the government got samples of their technology. We don't know how far backengineering may have progressed, or what plans have been made.
Well, there's rare and then there's rare.

Yes, in terms of the local solar group.

No, in terms of the galaxy.

My thinking is this: we've been shooting at them since wwii. We haven't downed one yet. In fact, they seem to shrug off everything we throw at them.

So even if all they had to hit us with was pointy sticks, they could simply fire at will. Or better yet, pull an Iron Sky and drop some big rocks on us from orbit.

They haven't, so likely they won't.

Regarding pathogens, they've had the ability to sample us for 50 years at least. DNA is data, so they only need so much of it before they can model and replicate it as needed.

I don't think they're here to take over.
Seriously, theres no way to eradicate humans without destroying the environment, nuclear power stations dont run themselves, without people they eventually go POP.


we are electrical creatures, switch us all off or over-load us all in the same second, one signal from orbit, like flicking a light switch.
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It's been some time since the government got samples of their technology. We don't know how far backengineering may have progressed, or what plans have been made.

How are you certain that the United States government has obtained samples of their technology? I'm sure one could speculate that, given the technological advances of the past 50 years, this may have occurred; however, I'm not so sure we can say with certainty that the government has obtained actual samples.
Here's a suggestion:

How about we have a closer look at the specific claims to see how well they stack up. Anyone who wants to pick one, do a bit of fact checking, and post about them is encouraged to do so. I'll go through the video and post a new topic as I have time over the next week. Here's the first one if anyone is interested in doing some digging:

1:40:00 | "September 17, 2012: Reports surface of a highly unfriendly terrestrial threat jeopardizing a vast exapanse of the Pacific Ocean from the coast of California to Alaska. Naval forces from the United states and China are said to have launched a joint counteroffensive. Officially the Navy denies tha battle claiming the massive mobilization is a planned training exercise code named Valiant Shield."


- Was there an exercise on that date called Valiant Shield with that logo?
- What "reports" are they referring to that "surfaced"? What are the sources?
- Resource: Valiant Shield 2012 Ends
- Resource: UFO War: Chinese and US Navy off San Francisco | Veterans Today ( Monday, September 17th, 2012 )

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Well, there's rare and then there's rare.

Yes, in terms of the local solar group.

No, in terms of the galaxy.

Habitable planets now appear quite rare relative to the total # of planets. I don't buy all the "rare earth" arguments like the complete uninhabitability of the galactic center or the need for a satellite to stabilize obliquity. It's interesting, though, that not one truly earthlike extrasolar world has been identified among the thousand now known.

My thinking is this: we've been shooting at them since wwii. We haven't downed one yet. In fact, they seem to shrug off everything we throw at them.

In fact there have been many claims of shoot downs, utilizing radar or other means.

Regarding pathogens, they've had the ability to sample us for 50 years at least. DNA is data, so they only need so much of it before they can model and replicate it as needed.

They may want the very best genes as the pool increases with population, before they're done with hybridization or whatever.

I don't think they're here to take over.

The secretiveness of the phenomenon naturally invites suspicion as to motives.

How are you certain that the United States government has obtained samples of their technology?

Failure of mogul or other prosaic explanations leaves only one reasonable alternative. :) A further implication is over 6 decades which which to understand the technology and perhaps duplicate it secretly.
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Habitable planets now appear quite rare relative to the total # of planets. I don't buy all the "rare earth" arguments like the complete uninhabitability of the galactic center or the need for a satellite to stabilize obliquity. It's interesting, though, that not one truly earthlike extrasolar world has been identified among the thousand now known.
Agreed, except that we only have one we know of in the 8 or so planets we have in our system. Using our own tech, if we were looking at Sol from a few dozen LY away, we'd probably find Jupiter, then Saturn, etc...
Might take a while to find an Earthlike planet, even if it's there, with all the high mass ones getting in the way.

In fact there have been many claims of shoot downs, utilizing radar or other means.
Many claims, yes. None proven, and none I think are even remotely believable.

The believable claims I've seen/read (like the Tehran incident) either the object didn't care, shrugged off the firepower, or shut down our ability to attack.

And I just do not believe one iota that we downed a saucer by turning on 1940's radar.

They may want the very best genes as the pool increases with population, before they're done with hybridization or whatever.
In 20-50 years we'll be able to accurately model gene progression through populations, as well as phenotype and behaviour implications.

Why wouldn't they?

The secretiveness of the phenomenon naturally invites suspicion as to motives.
Agreed. That's why I say we duplicate their technology, push our border back, and meet them on our own terms in a neutral location.

Not in my backyard, and not where they have access to me and my family at will.

Failure of mogul or other prosaic explanations leaves only one reasonable alternative. :) A further implication is over 6 decades which which to understand the technology and perhaps duplicate it secretly.
I don't think you were responding to me, but I disagree.

Here's one example: the US pulled a San Friedman and built a nuclear-powered plane. It slammed into the desert.

Big embarrassment to this day; they'd deny it to this day.
Agreed, except that we only have one we know of in the 8 or so planets we have in our system. Using our own tech, if we were looking at Sol from a few dozen LY away, we'd probably find Jupiter, then Saturn, etc...
Might take a while to find an Earthlike planet, even if it's there, with all the high mass ones getting in the way.

No doubt it would help if the search for extrasolar planets got more funding. It's a bit silly IMO to invest so much in Mars exploration, and a fraction as much on extrasolar planet searches. For all its mystique, Mars is just a dinky planet, only about an eighth the minimum mass of a truly earthlike planet.

Many claims, yes. None proven, and none I think are even remotely believable.

The believable claims I've seen/read (like the Tehran incident) either the object didn't care, shrugged off the firepower, or shut down our ability to attack.

And I just do not believe one iota that we downed a saucer by turning on 1940's radar.

There are some believable claims of UFO crashes other than Roswell, which at least indicates vulnerability in certain circumstances. The 1992 Long Island incidents may be real and due to government weaponry.

In 20-50 years we'll be able to accurately model gene progression through populations, as well as phenotype and behaviour implications.

Why wouldn't they?

Unless you reject the abduction phenomenon it appears they're engaged in some kind of program involving our biology, and I doubt it's pure research.

Agreed. That's why I say we duplicate their technology, push our border back, and meet them on our own terms in a neutral location.

Not in my backyard, and not where they have access to me and my family at will.

I don't think you were responding to me, but I disagree.

Here's one example: the US pulled a San Friedman and built a nuclear-powered plane. It slammed into the desert.

Big embarrassment to this day; they'd deny it to this day.

There may be other secret projects utilizing real saucer tech. :) We can't duplicate their technology, as you wish, if such efforts are doomed to failure.
Seconded Marduk.

I cant see an advanced machine, navigating all space hazzards to get here, crashing here.

I do however think it possible for there to have been shoot down's, i just dont picture ET being armed to the teeth, like in star trek.
I really think the hardware that visit's is automated.
I cant see an advanced machine, navigating all space hazzards to get here, crashing here.

You shouldn't reject crash cases based on a priori assumption. Our own experience shows advancing technology does not mean invulnerability. Look at all the times when our spacecraft, navigating interplanetary hazards, crashed on other planets or the moon or just missed. Roswell, Kecksburg and a few others seem credible enough.

I do however think it possible for there to have been shoot down's, i just dont picture ET being armed to the teeth, like in star trek.

Many smaller scout craft may be lacking both offensive and protective assets so they've lost a few.

I really think the hardware that visit's is automated.

I wish I had a buck for every report of humanoids associated with UFOs. :)
Conspiracy Theory - ET Aliens At War With Earth's Military

As human awareness is not unintelligent, it knows that Governments using technology, involved in studying the UFO condition and human life effects would cause the UFO to communicate to the military itself.

The military is known to use communication channels that other uses of transmitters are not allowed to use.

As the UFO condition itself is an attack on life is caused by unnatural means (scientific conversions), then all observations of UFO interactions have a reality of ownership to the condition.

Hence the Military would be using transmitted caused communications (not used by the common transmissions) due to the UFO conditions, hence the UFO would be more likely to interact with the transmitted interactions....so the UFO could fall out at military bases and could also be communicating on frequencies causing the UFO to be attracted to military planes and attack the plane not with a purpose, by simply by CONDITION.

The other CONDITION is to witness UFO's around nuclear power plants (human and natural life living at the ground state where the power plants are).

UFO's around earthquake sites....due to unnatural energy releases, mountain tops also due to energy releases...such as volcanic exploSION.

If UFO's as signals as manifestations are also photographed around satellite relays, what is to query?

UFO, an unnatural fusion change to Planet Earth and its natural nuclear sounds/transmisSION, once considered holy only due to the amounts of attacks caused as a condition of converting nuclear stone matter in ancient times.

A condition for holiness can only be considered HOLY if an effect was caused to consider unholiness.

Has this form of science been used before by ancient data review? The historical evidence attests that human's previously used nuclear sciences for converting nuclear mass of stone on Earth as levitation techniques. The UFO condition documented in pictorial evidence.

Science, unnatural to natural life is the only reason for phenomena and its forms of attacks exist and would increase due to the amount of nuclear use/conversion.
You shouldn't reject crash cases based on a priori assumption. Our own experience shows advancing technology does not mean invulnerability. Look at all the times when our spacecraft, navigating interplanetary hazards, crashed on other planets or the moon or just missed. Roswell, Kecksburg and a few others seem credible enough.

Many smaller scout craft may be lacking both offensive and protective assets so they've lost a few.

I wish I had a buck for every report of humanoids associated with UFOs. :)

Your idea of a humanoid has the following notified condition.

1. the human psyche used by all humans as a status of self awareness, personal ownership due to the condition of personally owning a particular amount of irradiation when the natural cells were forming. All human selves are different due to the amount of radiation interacting with cell forming....we are only living due to the sexual act, why our psyche is differently expressed.

2. human sciences as an awareness was first gained by the human males as a mind/psyche concept, and thinking today still involves the status and personal condition of self awareness.

3. the atmosphere is known to hold transmissions....SION the condition of conscious awareness and spiritual consideration....known by all occultists.

4. the atmosphere can record both image and sound in the natural and unnatural amount of photonic interaction and increased nuclear fall out conditions.

5. the human and natural life recorded (as a reflective atmospheric image body) in this way and unnatural communications the conditions of nuclear science.

6. photonic recordings in the atmosphere as a huge amount communicate and communicate as a natural/unnatural effect. The unnatural communications/images have therefore multiplied to a huge mass condition.

7. the human brain and natural chemical cell condition irradiated and given an unnatural atmospheric communication effect/interaction.....receives a multitude of unnatural imagery transmitted back to the mind.

8. this causes the unnatural condition of feeling the irradiation conversions personally due to UFO fallout conditions/nuclear conversions whilst also gaining the interactive transmitted imagery of natural atmospheric radiated light sound un evolving-gases burning as fallout.

The status of de-evolution states the image recorded in natural cooled radiated light/life sound would change in the changing nuclear light sound transmitted interactions. It might record a human life as an image, but eventually that life image would begin to convert in the nuclear sound change interaction gaining a lesser and much uglier looking transmitted message/image. The human witnessing the destruction of natural life is warned by this condition as they are seeing their own future images in a lesser and hotter radiated light mass sound due to atmospheric losses.

As the atmosphere is the psychic warning system, the loss of atmospheric mass and its natural replacement condition is advising the human nature of what it will look like as a future image if it does not stop abusing the only holiness it owns.....the only life condition of the natural life, natural atmospheric cooling and replacement.

Historical evidence attests that the human life once existed in a much uglier and deformed nature that re-evolved to atmospheric cooling and amassing...from a non applied occultist condition...no sciences.
I don't believe in a single credible UFO crash/retrieval scenario.

Not a one.

KDR has investigated every conceivable prosaic (or earthly) explanation for Roswell and nothing works. In light of that and reports of exotic material etc, a real ET event is the most reasonable conclusion.

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