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Can the dead be brought back?

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Skilled Investigator
I guess this is the right section for this subject. Because ghosts is like soul and does the soul live on, etc. Anyway, does anyone know if this Associated Press video news story is accurate or just a bunch of baloney?

link: 'Dead' Woman Comes Back to Life - YouTube

because it says at 56 seconds in that she went 17 and a half hours without any brain waves and now she's back and dancing and doing cartwheels and all sorts of stuff old grannies do in their spare time. Is this possible?

I love movies like "Re-Animator" and "Flatliners" but I have to wonder how long people can go being dead, or how certain we are of detecting it, and strange cases of someone thought to have been dead, not necessarily celebrities like Jesus, but you know throughout time there's been a lot of cases where people "wake up" after a few days or more. It seems like there has.

At the very least there needs to be better safeguards in place and more attempts at saving people who aren't complete jerks and deserve coming back to life. I suspect a lot of people only kind of partially died or could have received better medical help and then could have lived a few years longer.

I assume we're beginning to develop technology that can microscopically repair damage to brain cells and stuff that quickly happens after death. Little robots. Nanorobots. That kind of thing. Aren't we?
oh. I'm afraid I'd be tempted to slip into the women's lockerrooms or something.

Do ghosts have sexual desires? I wonder if they get married. They probably have news shows in Ghost Land where they discuss things like whether gay ghosts should be allowed to marry and then it gets decided by a ghostly supreme court, shimmering in the fog.
People have been routinely put into a state of "clinical death" and brought back ( resuscitated ) during heart transplants, and have been declared "clinically dead" in other circumstances only to be revived, or in some cases have revived themselves. One of our relatives was once declared dead and woke up in a body bag in the morgue. She had no OOBE or NDE type experience. It's not that uncommon. There have been experiments where a series of images are placed up out of sight of patients in ORs so that if they happen to have what they think is an OOBE during their NDE, they can observe the display and when revived report back the findings.

I've heard of more than one such experiment. However to date, no such experiment has successfully shown that the OOBEs people associate with NDEs represent perceptions of objective reality. That is none ( zero ). It would be interesting if some ethereal part of us survives as a disembodied consciousness or "soul", but to date that belief is based on inconclusive evidence and assumption, likely motivated by emotional wish fulfillment on the subject of our own mortality.
I've heard of more than one such experiment. However to date, no such experiment has successfully shown that the OOBEs people associate with NDEs represent perceptions of objective reality. That is none ( zero ). It would be interesting if some ethereal part of us survives as a disembodied consciousness or "soul", but to date that belief is based on inconclusive evidence and assumption, likely motivated by emotional wish fulfillment on the subject of our own mortality.
I suppose it's possible that one's memory is quickly wiped upon returning to life, the way that it's usually hard to remember one's dreams. But I agree with you that 'this likely is just wishfulness.
I suppose it's possible that one's memory is quickly wiped upon returning to life, the way that it's usually hard to remember one's dreams. But I agree with you that 'this likely is just wishfulness.
With dreams, at least most of us accept that they're a conjured up by our subconscious minds and that any resemblance to objective reality is by association and/or coincidence.
...she went 17 and a half hours without any brain waves and now she's back and dancing and doing cartwheels and all sorts of stuff old grannies do in their spare time. Is this possible?

Totally possible. The doctors cooled her body and put her on machine support.

There are two different kinds of death, clinical death, and biological death.

In this AP story the woman was only clinically dead. After enough tissue dies from oxygen deprivation, life in the body is no longer possible. This woman did not suffer that level of tissue necrosis.

I want to see them start resuscitating people who have been rotting in the sun for two or three days. Then I can try that motorcycle jump across the Colorado River I've always wanted to attempt.
oh. I'm afraid I'd be tempted to slip into the women's lockerrooms or something.

Do ghosts have sexual desires? I wonder if they get married. They probably have news shows in Ghost Land where they discuss things like whether gay ghosts should be allowed to marry and then it gets decided by a ghostly supreme court, shimmering in the fog.
Ghost land? The dead dont play like that...
I guess this is the right section for this subject. Because ghosts is like soul and does the soul live on, etc. Anyway, does anyone know if this Associated Press video news story is accurate or just a bunch of baloney?

link: 'Dead' Woman Comes Back to Life - YouTube

because it says at 56 seconds in that she went 17 and a half hours without any brain waves and now she's back and dancing and doing cartwheels and all sorts of stuff old grannies do in their spare time. Is this possible?

A lack of brain activity during a comatose state or period of near-dead heart/lung activity can actually be a good thing. When people are very sick or have suffered brain injuries, doctors will place them in medically-induced comas because the body heals the fastest when at a complete rest. Although the coma might not be medically-induced, it might be induced from the pain or distress the body is experiencing when that person is extremely sick.

In other words, the individual might appear to be dead but their body is actually healing itself. That's why the person, once they awaken, appears reinvigorated or much better than when they were sick and coherent. This phenomenon is analogous to the renewed vigor experienced by some individuals before they're about to die. It's like a defense mechanism of sorts.

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