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The Roswell Slides Have Been Leaked Online

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Please point to one post that has accused people of being idiots and tin foil hats. Because I'm not aware of a single one.
My apologies, you've used other words besides idiot:

Thank God! One less fanatic I have to worry about.
That's how deep you are on your cultic "believerism".
Typical. Nothing can rattle the rock hard cult-like fanaticism of the true believer.

Thats a few quotes of yours. If we are trying to have a conversation, no matter what we each may believe on a subject, words like yours above are an attempt to degrade the other person and shut the topic down. Chris has a few of his own sprinkled about so your not alone.
My apologies, you've used other words besides idiot:

Thank God! One less fanatic I have to worry about.
That's how deep you are on your cultic "believerism".
Typical. Nothing can rattle the rock hard cult-like fanaticism of the true believer.

Thats a few quotes of yours. If we are trying to have a conversation, no matter what we each may believe on a subject, words like yours above are an attempt to degrade the other person and shut the topic down. Chris has a few of his own sprinkled about so your not alone.

"You've used other words besides idiot"

I've never called anyone an idiot here ever, period.

Also, do not cherry pick my words to try to twist them to fit your agenda. Most of those were responses to a person as a reply to something they posted to me.

It seems to me that you just want to have everyone who doesn't believe the slides are alien to be removed or banned from the conversation.
I don't think there's any danger of your being banned little boy. Your level of discourse in general and your untenable denial of the clear meaning of your statements -- as quoted by Heidi above -- seem to be just fine with the moderators. If this is the kind of ufo 'discussion' they want to encourage here, it's pointless to object (or to read) further.
I don't think there's any danger of your being banned little boy. Your level of discourse in general and your untenable denial of the clear meaning of your statements -- as quoted by Heidi above -- seem to be just fine with the moderators. If this is the kind of ufo 'discussion' they want to encourage here, it's pointless to object (or to read) further.

Either give it a rest or go pout in the corner.
This is going to be a never-ending story until that May event. Even then, it'll never be solved, because it would require far more than a couple of slides to determine what we're looking at, the sourcing, and what it really means. All we're getting is Microsoft-style vapor with red herrings, such as whether or not Anthony Bragalia's email was hacked and whether it means anything in relation to this story.
Lets not forget offical groups ignored human rights putting the states intrest when conduting experiments such as Atomic tests and the effects on humans of all ages in bilogical and chemical experiments during WW2 and during the Cold War in many states.
This is going to be a never-ending story until that May event. Even then, it'll never be solved, because it would require far more than a couple of slides to determine what we're looking at, the sourcing, and what it really means. All we're getting is Microsoft-style vapor with red herrings, such as whether or not Anthony Bragalia's email was hacked and whether it means anything in relation to this story.
This is never going to end, May or otherwise. There is zero foundation for these slides, even if they were produced in 1947 (and then we can ask, which part of the slides are from '47, where were they taken, who took them, etc., etc.?). It's carnival barking. I'm relatively new to the forums but have been listening for a few years. I think there truly are "things out there." But honest brokers don't try to sell out 10,000 seat stadiums with 4-6 months of wait time to show them.
Had to unlike your post, manx, after someone called my attention to the link that followed it. What possessed you to post @beyondthestargate's outrageous OP from four years ago??? Looks like this place has been toxic for a long time.

Oopsy, tiredness C, i mixed up their names, 'boy' and 'beyond' and you are right about the place being undermined, anyway post deleted.
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This is never going to end, May or otherwise. There is zero foundation for these slides, even if they were produced in 1947 (and then we can ask, which part of the slides are from '47, where were they taken, who took them, etc., etc.?). It's carnival barking. I'm relatively new to the forums but have been listening for a few years. I think there truly are "things out there." But honest brokers don't try to sell out 10,000 seat stadiums with 4-6 months of wait time to show them.
Unless- and this is a stretch- other slides are presented that show known military or govt officials of the time, or perhaps images of a known base. If such other slides existed within the sequence of the two slides in question- that WOULD make things interesting.
Excuse me? Care to elaborate and educate me on this comment?
Sure Chris. I'd liken it to "group think." You can re-read your own postings to see that. Basically anyone that doesn't consider this to be a scam has bought the bridge to nowhere. I'd like to think that everyone that has posted has shown the ability to use critical thinking and doesn't need to be boxed in to your POV nor mine.
Theres a podcast, I believe done in 2007? of Schmitt and Carey here at the Paracast. If you listen to that and read their book you might come away with a different opinion about them then they currently have in this "group think" atmosphere. And I'll throw another name in, Randle. He's allowed Bragalia to use his site as a launching pad to write responses to folks. I'm sidelined on my opinion on what they've found. Because of who has worked on it, I hold back scathing venom that it's all a hoax until it unravels. Schmitt and Carey have put miles and miles of time and travel, research and interviews into Roswell. I respect them for that. Having said that, this may possibly bury them and their work for good. It may not. I'd like to hear more about who made the decision for Mexico, what do Schmitt and Carey get monetary wise for all this?
I don't believe it's wrong to put pressure on them to tell all either. It's out and causing multiple fractures to the field. But I'll wait and see.
Sure Chris. I'd liken it to "group think." You can re-read your own postings to see that. Basically anyone that doesn't consider this to be a scam has bought the bridge to nowhere. I'd like to think that everyone that has posted has shown the ability to use critical thinking and doesn't need to be boxed in to your POV nor mine.
Theres a podcast, I believe done in 2007? of Schmitt and Carey here at the Paracast. If you listen to that and read their book you might come away with a different opinion about them then they currently have in this "group think" atmosphere. And I'll throw another name in, Randle. He's allowed Bragalia to use his site as a launching pad to write responses to folks. I'm sidelined on my opinion on what they've found. Because of who has worked on it, I hold back scathing venom that it's all a hoax until it unravels. Schmitt and Carey have put miles and miles of time and travel, research and interviews into Roswell. I respect them for that. Having said that, this may possibly bury them and their work for good. It may not. I'd like to hear more about who made the decision for Mexico, what do Schmitt and Carey get monetary wise for all this?
I don't believe it's wrong to put pressure on them to tell all either. It's out and causing multiple fractures to the field. But I'll wait and see.

Just and FYI: Kevin Randle does not believe the slides are of an alien.
Unless- and this is a stretch- other slides are presented that show known military or govt officials of the time, or perhaps images of a known base. If such other slides existed within the sequence of the two slides in question- that WOULD make things interesting.

Nope. There's a slide of Eisenhower but it was taken at an appearance. There's no indication the Rays had any relationship with him. What's going to happen is there will be an explosion of speculation given, i.e. "What if..." and "If so....", a al Ancient Aliens.
Nope. There's a slide of Eisenhower but it was taken at an appearance. There's no indication the Rays had any relationship with him. What's going to happen is there will be an explosion of speculation given, i.e. "What if..." and "If so....", a al Ancient Aliens.
Not that I don't believe you, but how can you be sure what the other 400 slides consist of? I'll admit to only following this saga here in the Paracast forum, but aren't you speculating yourself in dismissing the other slides? Has one of the custodians of these slides come out and said there is nothing in those 400 slides that can be linked to the two slides in question?

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