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The Roswell Slides Have Been Leaked Online

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Besides which, Boy, when did Carey drop the 'first morsel' regarding the possibility of a 'smoking gun'? Was it in response to whoever 'let the cat out of the bag' regarding the slides and asked him about them? Why don't you see if you can trace the chronology and nature of these events before you attempt to place the blame for all that has ensued on Carey?

Every single interview with Carey over the past few years that I've listened to included Carey talking about a breaking new development which he called a smoking gun. He would drop this and then say that he can't talk about it further. If you keep casting the line eventually you will get a bite.
You're still missing the point. I have the impression that you'll never get it. I think it's best that I not keep responding to your posts. See ya.
Thanks for the brilliant imagery and thinking options, @Fewmet . This fool's map of the world comes from that link above and could also be a picture of the Roswell Aliens. It just hasn't been named as such. I mean tell me that's not an alien visor looking at the world from outer space?
This cryptic and unsettling 'Fool’s Cap Map of the World' (1580–1590), made by an unknown artist, appropriates French mathematician and cartographer Oronce Finé’s cordiform, or heart-shaped, projection of the Earth; the world in this iconic image is dressed in a jester’s belled cap, beneath which a Latin inscription from Ecclesiastes reads: 'The number of fools is infinite.'

Public domain via Wikimedia
I'd like some clarification here, if you guys will indulge me a minute or two. I'm getting the impression that because several of us have posted here about waiting to see how this all pans out pov, via Gene and Chris, you'd like the coversation to stop, via Burnt, we're fools?, and obviously via BoyintheMachine we're idiots. Do I read this right? Should I stop commenting here? Is this conversation beneath you and maybe the idiots should go away? Splain away.....
Where I come from this is called a 'pissing contest.' The parties end up arguing and resolving nothing. The only thing that ends up happening is that everyone gets a wet leg.
I'd like some clarification here, if you guys will indulge me a minute or two. I'm getting the impression that because several of us have posted here about waiting to see how this all pans out pov, via Gene and Chris, you'd like the coversation to stop, via Burnt, we're fools?, and obviously via BoyintheMachine we're idiots. Do I read this right? Should I stop commenting here? Is this conversation beneath you and maybe the idiots should go away? Splain away.....
Heidi, I disagree with name calling, but it is a commentary on ufology's ship of fools. Remember Jim Moseley, and try to keep that jester's spirit of christmas alive. I mean we're all here together are we not?

Imho yes, it is a fool's journey, no matter what "could be" narrative is spun about the background of the slides. We need to take a collective shake and recognize that Roswell Alien Proof, baring extraordinary governmental revelation, will just never, ever happen. Some, like the Dream Team want to keep that dream alive, but this batting at the dangling fish goes in circles, like it did before that and before that and before that...

And while we hold different opinions of the value of the slides having anything to do with alien lifeforms that doesn't mean I think any less of who is on board this ship. These opinions are all written in pixels and no one should take it to heart. I just remember to laugh at myself when I get the chance, like O'Brien sticking his mug in the jester's outfit.
Here's a maxim I frequently think about during any discussions about UFOs, related research and alleged proof... "Nothing is an absolute reality, all is permitted" from Vladimir Bartol's novel, Alamut.

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Heidi, I disagree with name calling, but it is a commentary on ufology's ship of fools. Remember Jim Moseley, and try to keep that jester's spirit of christmas alive. I mean we're all here together are we not?

Imho yes, it is a fool's journey, no matter what "could be" narrative is spun about the background of the slides. We need to take a collective shake and recognize that Roswell Alien Proof, baring extraordinary governmental revelation, will just never, ever happen. Some, like the Dream Team want to keep that dream alive, but this batting at the dangling fish goes in circles, like it did before that and before that and before that...

And while we hold different opinions of the value of the slides having anything to do with alien lifeforms that doesn't mean I think any less of who is on board this ship. These opinions are all written in pixels and no one should take it to heart. I just remember to laugh at myself when I get the chance, like O'Brien sticking his mug in the jester's outfit.
If you've read the commentary from several of us you've also read that none of us finds these slides conclusive evidence yet of anything. In fact, Mike, in extreme patience attempted to explain that but maintained his ability to remain open to what more comes out of it. There's about five pages of filler of him remaining patient while spittle flew from opposing points of view. I don't think I've seen one person here that supports these slides of "proof." And then of course, like water and oil, comes the discussion of Roswell itself, which is also a shut down conversation here. Which I find interesting considering all the various cases that have been discussed, this one case has had the most investigation it seems of all the others combined. The conclusions are to each his own. I don't have a problem with that. But the inability to discuss these cases without the smear to follow seems shallow of this forum.
I would suggest that for those that aren't interested in anything Roswell related that they consider not jumping in and muddying the waters with their need to label the rest of us as fools, idiots, believers with tin foil and all the other less than respectful crap that's flung around. This forum has collectively decided in a group think kind of way what's cool to discuss and whats not. I don't presume it's a loss to any of you but it is a limited venue.
If you've read the commentary from several of us you've also read that none of us finds these slides conclusive evidence yet of anything. In fact, Mike, in extreme patience attempted to explain that but maintained his ability to remain open to what more comes out of it. There's about five pages of filler of him remaining patient while spittle flew from opposing points of view. I don't think I've seen one person here that supports these slides of "proof." And then of course, like water and oil, comes the discussion of Roswell itself, which is also a shut down conversation here. Which I find interesting considering all the various cases that have been discussed, this one case has had the most investigation it seems of all the others combined. The conclusions are to each his own. I don't have a problem with that. But the inability to discuss these cases without the smear to follow seems shallow of this forum.
I would suggest that for those that aren't interested in anything Roswell related that they consider not jumping in and muddying the waters with their need to label the rest of us as fools, idiots, believers with tin foil and all the other less than respectful crap that's flung around. This forum has collectively decided in a group think kind of way what's cool to discuss and whats not. I don't presume it's a loss to any of you but it is a limited venue.
We're 21 pages deep into the thread so it seems to me that an ongoing , very vigorous discussion is in fact taking place and it is one with wide ranges of opinion. I don't see it stopping any time soon. Yes, there has been labeling, refutations and lengthy Roswell dream team apologist statements etc. We've had commentary about infighting, speculation and their effects as well. With Ufology it's an inevitable mixed bag. Which voices say stop talking? I see no group think here at all. If anything this has been the most rapidly growing thread in recent months. Yes, camps develop, or posters may see themselves on sides, or undecided, and that's a personal choice.
I'd like some clarification here, if you guys will indulge me a minute or two. I'm getting the impression that because several of us have posted here about waiting to see how this all pans out pov, via Gene and Chris, you'd like the coversation to stop, via Burnt, we're fools?, and obviously via BoyintheMachine we're idiots. Do I read this right? Should I stop commenting here? Is this conversation beneath you and maybe the idiots should go away? Splain away.....

I have not called anyone an idiot. Keep my screen name out of your posts.
"Certain personalities trying to insert themselves into the investigation of slides..."
why am I not surprised to see Lance Moody's name top the list
. . . I would suggest that for those that aren't interested in anything Roswell related that they consider not jumping in and muddying the waters with their need to label the rest of us as fools, idiots, believers with tin foil and all the other less than respectful crap that's flung around. This forum has collectively decided in a group think kind of way what's cool to discuss and whats not. I don't presume it's a loss to any of you but it is a limited venue.

I second everything Heidi has written in her last two posts and commend her courage in expressing it. While the forum archives include numerous substantive discussions of ufo research in the past, that's seems to be no longer possible here in the present. I personally see no point in continuing to post here concerning ufo and ufo research subject matter.
If you've read the commentary from several of us you've also read that none of us finds these slides conclusive evidence yet of anything. In fact, Mike, in extreme patience attempted to explain that but maintained his ability to remain open to what more comes out of it. There's about five pages of filler of him remaining patient while spittle flew from opposing points of view. I don't think I've seen one person here that supports these slides of "proof." And then of course, like water and oil, comes the discussion of Roswell itself, which is also a shut down conversation here. Which I find interesting considering all the various cases that have been discussed, this one case has had the most investigation it seems of all the others combined. The conclusions are to each his own. I don't have a problem with that. But the inability to discuss these cases without the smear to follow seems shallow of this forum.
I would suggest that for those that aren't interested in anything Roswell related that they consider not jumping in and muddying the waters with their need to label the rest of us as fools, idiots, believers with tin foil and all the other less than respectful crap that's flung around. This forum has collectively decided in a group think kind of way what's cool to discuss and whats not. I don't presume it's a loss to any of you but it is a limited venue.

Please point to one post that has accused people of being idiots and tin foil hats. Because I'm not aware of a single one.

Just an FYI, Open Minds routinely censors comments. I don't think they've published a single one of my comments even though they all were sound and did not violate any rules. For example, here is a comment I left on that page:

"The being is in a glass box on a shelf, not on a stretcher. That is a placard, not a ruler, and has writing on it which I’m assuming identifies it and possibly even has the name of the museum the exhibit is being displayed at. However, the placard is too blurry to read anything.

The being in the slide is most likely a mummified child and it’s very sad that it’s being pushed off on the public as an alien from Roswell.

Also, Frank Warren’s screen grab is too blurry. There are better images of the leaked slide out there. Try UFO Conjectures."

However, they refuse to allow it while allowing every other comment from other people to go through moderator approval.