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Politics & The CIC/Prez

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We've had a lot of Trump where I live because he built a luxury golf resort just a few miles up the road. Now, there wasn't anything particularly wrong with wanting (and doing) that except to fully realise his dream, Trump wished to buy out some local homeowners. Classic story of the small guy not wanting to sell and not being interested in money. Trump singularly failed to understand that there are people in the world who cannot be bought.

But what was actually shocking (and not mainly the fault of Donald Trump exactly) was where the local police seemed to have been given directions to be his bully-boys to journalists who were legally researching stories that were anti-trump. Once particular incident was caught on film of a police officer being ridiculously heavy-handed in threatening and then arresting - dare I say it, on a 'Trumped-up' charge - a local journalist who was on public property and carrying out his work. This incident led to the demotion of the officer concerned and a really bad taste about our local politicians seemingly bending over backwards to accommodate Donald Trumps every whim regarding this golf course.

Bottom line is that if it is in any way an indication of how Trump may conduct himself, in the most powerful job in the world, it does not bode well for the U.S.
We've had a lot of Trump where I live because he built a luxury golf resort just a few miles up the road. Now, there wasn't anything particularly wrong with wanting (and doing) that except to fully realise his dream, Trump wished to buy out some local homeowners. Classic story of the small guy not wanting to sell and not being interested in money. Trump singularly failed to understand that there are people in the world who cannot be bought.

But what was actually shocking (and not mainly the fault of Donald Trump exactly) was where the local police seemed to have been given directions to be his bully-boys to journalists who were legally researching stories that were anti-trump. Once particular incident was caught on film of a police officer being ridiculously heavy-handed in threatening and then arresting - dare I say it, on a 'Trumped-up' charge - a local journalist who was on public property and carrying out his work. This incident led to the demotion of the officer concerned and a really bad taste about our local politicians seemingly bending over backwards to accommodate Donald Trumps every whim regarding this golf course.

Bottom line is that if it is in any way an indication of how Trump may conduct himself, in the most powerful job in the world, it does not bode well for the U.S.
Interesting story. Thanks for sharing. BTW - I read in the news the other day about an interesting police department somewhere in Scotland that put's out some pretty unique Tweets. I think they found a package of cocaine somewhere and posted a picture of it (on Twitter) and then told the owner that it was found and it could be safely retrieved at station headquarters, lol. They had some other humorous tweets as well. Wish I remembered what town/police station it was.
Interesting story. Thanks for sharing. BTW - I read in the news the other day about an interesting police department somewhere in Scotland that put's out some pretty unique Tweets. I think they found a package of cocaine somewhere and posted a picture of it (on Twitter) and then told the owner that it was found and it could be safely retrieved at station headquarters, lol. They had some other humorous tweets as well. Wish I remembered what town/police station it was.

Yes that is true though i'll have to look up where exactly. We have a single police force now, regional forces were merged.
My comments are naturally given in the context of an outside observer, im no expert on this topic

But here goes

I doubt the Voters will vote in a woman this time round. They bucked the trend last time by voting in a man of colour, and my sense is his popularity has dropped over time. So im not sure the electorate will take a chance on another non typical candidate ie a woman.

As for Trump, again as a purely external perspective, he seems like a good example of the stereotypical american. In that sense i think he would represent the majority of the voters.

In his favour hes brutally honest, you know what you are getting warts and all.

I think his views on fiscal policy are good ones, can he as president run the US at a profit, rather than on credit ? Well 19 trillion is a hell of a CC bill.

As unpopular as this may be, id vote for him myself.

I dont think the POTUS has enough personal power that he could do any real damage, I think he is an outside the box option for a situation that perhaps needs some outside the box thinking.

It wont be boring thats for sure
Trump is better than Hillary from outside USA . The reasons which folks who are expats of the US have said Hillary mob have failed example Benghazi affair, her emails incident and the other half giving the Chinese weapons tech and like it or not US is No1 on the block at the moment. With its global empire which like all in history needs to decide go all out and destroy any competition or give it up.
So for example:


As to Benghazi: It's a non-scandal. Multiple investigations have found no wrongdoing on the part of the former Secretary of State. There were a number of security shortcomings, however, contained in the original report, and attacks upon American diplomatic installations aboard have occurred a number of times over the years with sometimes fatal results. Some were even worse than Benghazi. Being a member of the diplomatic corps in a dangerous country is perilous.

What's curious is that Congress has spent far more time investigating Benghazi than 9/11. Think about that!

Doesn't matter if you hate Clinton. That's not the point. She should be judged on her own merits or lack thereof, not made-up partisan scandals. There are real problems to confront.
Read the article about the elaborate and time-consuming procedures used to transmit secure information via the State Department. All I have to say.

So when is Colin Powell being indicted? His personal email went through AOL's servers and he never saved them, but we have to arrest AOL's executives for storing possibly classified information, maybe, sometime or other.
Well the NH results are in but..............

But be forewarned: The interpretation of those early votes may come as a surprise to you. That’s because “winning” in each of those states is not a straightforward reflection of who had the most votes. “Winning” in these states is about expectations. And expectations are set by the media and polls, not voters.

If there’s one thing we’ve learned over the years, it’s that the presidential nomination process is littered with winners who were actually losers and losers who were actually winners.

Iowa and New Hampshire: Where winners lose, and losers win
Two things i like about trump

The first will be no surprise, hes promised to put the kibosh on Isil/Daesh, and anyone who promises to do that can be president of the whole world as far as i stand.

I also liked his stance on US army deployment, that being if you need the US army to come and fight for you, expect to get the bill.

I think thats a fantastic way to go.

Not only is that good financial policy, it removes the whole "US are meddling" aspect. There is a difference between someone coming into your yard and chopping down trees, and the gardener who you paid to come do it.

The US people cant possibly afford to pay for every mess that needs sorting out, and if you want whats undoubtably the best military in the world today to come and sort out your domestic problems, you should be prepared to pay for the service.

Having said that i have my reservations any POTUS could ever get that sort of control over the military complex, i think they have been a power in their own right since WW2
I think most people are pretty much sick and tired of the political establishment class. It's pretty clear based on the polls and how Trump is soaring above others. People want somebody who is not a politician, period. Would Trump be a good president? Who knows...it's a 50/50 chance. With other candidates, you pretty much know what you're getting - a whole lot of nothing. The way I see it, there is not much difference between Repubs or Dems, just different sides of the same coin. Would Trump be able to pull it off and take the White House? I think it would be a daunting task against Hillary.

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