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Strange sounds from the sky

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Skilled Investigator

I was standing out on my porch, I was drinking a pure leaf iced tea when all the sudden I started hearing these weird noises coming from the sky sounded like metal on metal I got out my cell phone and started filming the sky after about a minute I went inside to find a phone number to report the mysterious sounds that I was hearing..

Sent from my A1-830 using Tapatalk
What part of Augusta were you around? Are there train tracks or industrial areas nearby?
The video was shot on my porch on Sandhill which is a residential neighborhood but there are no train tracks anywhere in Augusta that actually work.

I'm actually starting to think that it was some kind of sound from a airship like a blimp there's been rumors of secret government airships that flies very high altitude

Sent from my A1-830 using Tapatalk
What about the quarry or gravel dump east/northeast of Sand Hill on your side of the river? Is that active?
What about the quarry or gravel dump east/northeast of Sand Hill on your side of the river? Is that active?
The only thing they're currently doing there is storing that stuff they put down on the roads during the winter that melts the ice off the road

Sent from my A1-830 using Tapatalk

Sent from my A1-830 using Tapatalk
From the short video, the sound doesn't appear to get significantly louder or softer which I would expect from a moving object flying overhead. Did the sound change as time passed?
It was kind of chilly out and after about a minute of being out there I went back inside and I was also kind of scared but it did keep repeating but it kept getting quieter

Sent from my A1-830 using Tapatalk
There are a couple of obstacles. It was at night, so it would be difficult to visually identify the source of the sound, and sound can play tricks because it bounces off of buildings and echoes, making it harder to find the source. To me, the metalic sound could easily be explained by metal rubbing on metal. There is not enough information to determine the origin of the sound, but that doesn't necessarily make it anomalous. I'm leaning toward a rational and mundane source of the sound at this point absent any additional data.
Good luck!
im sorry its an overlay of the noises from war of the worlds... HOAX! maybe this is why the youtube channel was shut down...

I agree, it corresponds exactly to the tripod SFX from WotW sound design, it's sped up several hundred times, but has the same second tone interval as in the tripod sound FX from the movie—good catch VVHF.
agreed I take a dim view on hoaxers! I await your explanation on our discoverys! or did you move on?
oh the blimp pic looks suspect to!