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What would you ask ET if you could?

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Sharon Stewart

Paranormal Novice
Hi, my name is Sharon and I channel an ET from the Vegan star system named Ivo. I don't know why my avatar says I'm a paranormal novice because I've experienced so much paranormal in my life: seeing people running though my house with top hat and tails on (!), seeing a woman with a long dress walk into the wall, seeing a man's face on my sister's face (presumably a past life), having my knee tapped twice and nobody was there, predicting something would happen and it does exactly how I said. Having an insistent voice in my head tell me to take a cab to the bus station and when I refused, take the bus and end up dumped off on the side of the road to wait half an hour for another one. All kinds of stuff..... worked at a spiritualist church putting people in touch with their loved ones who've passed..... so channelling an ET. Not such a stretch. I saw a post on here where somebody explained about Sasquatch as being very closely related to humanity. Ivo said that that was the hominid that was used as a base for our race, not monkeys or apes. That hominid is the sasquatch. Anyway, glad to be here and would love questions from anyone for Ivo.
Hi, my name is Sharon and I channel an ET from the Vegan star system named Ivo. I don't know why my avatar says I'm a paranormal novice because I've experienced so much paranormal in my life: seeing people running though my house with top hat and tails on (!), seeing a woman with a long dress walk into the wall, seeing a man's face on my sister's face (presumably a past life), having my knee tapped twice and nobody was there, predicting something would happen and it does exactly how I said. Having an insistent voice in my head tell me to take a cab to the bus station and when I refused, take the bus and end up dumped off on the side of the road to wait half an hour for another one. All kinds of stuff..... worked at a spiritualist church putting people in touch with their loved ones who've passed..... so channelling an ET. Not such a stretch. I saw a post on here where somebody explained about Sasquatch as being very closely related to humanity. Ivo said that that was the hominid that was used as a base for our race, not monkeys or apes. That hominid is the sasquatch. Anyway, glad to be here and would love questions from anyone for Ivo.
Welcome to the forum. Here are a couple of questions to start:

How much like a normal conversation is your channeling experience? For example, do you converse back and forth within the same time frames as you do when you are in a conversation with someone in person? Or do you have to sometimes wait for days for a reply like with forum posts, emails or letters?
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Welcome to the forum. Here are a couple of questions to start:

How much like a normal conversation is your channeling experience? For example, do you converse back and forth within the same time frames as you do when you are in a conversation with someone in person? Or do you have to sometimes wait for days for a reply like with forum posts, emails or letters?
Ivo here: We thank you for the welcome. Sharon and I speak in real time. She asks and I immediately answer her. I have the ability to multitask with my thoughts; this is a consequence or a benefit, of using telepathy to speak rather than the mouth. Your people will someday accomplish this as well. As I am saying these words, she is typing them in this blog. How does she know it is me? For one, she asks me. I typically wait until she asks a question to respond. She is very aware that we are two distinct personalities, one feminine, one masculine. The response to a post in a forum sometimes takes a while as Sharon suffers from chronic fatigue and she must be feeling well to channel me well. She is aware when she channels of a vibration in the pineal gland as I speak. I am not the only entity she speaks with but the main one.
Sharon here: I've also seen how Ivo keeps an eye on me. It's a little silver sphere that follows me around everywhere I go, including while I'm doing more personal things. He knows everything I'm doing and he knows everything I'm thinking. Yes. I call it invasion of privacy at times but I realize I came to earth (my soul is from the Lyran star system) to do this work so I accept it. Ivo also protects me so it's good he can watch me. There are more like me. Omnec Onec, the lady from Venus (yes!) said in her book: "Since Omnec came to Earth in 1955, she as Sheila has led an insignificant life most of the time. The manuscript of her Venusian life she already completed in 1975. She believes that we will soon see an increase in UFO activity and that many incarnated extraterrestrials in earthly bodies will also become aware of their true identity and make themselves public."
Of course, despite all this, someone will ask if I'm schizophrenic, hearing voices in my head. No. I'm not. I have seen him with my physical eyes. I've seen his ship fly by many times. I realize that I'm doing something that is very new and there will be doubters and worse. But channellers, psychics, etc. have been here throughout time. I should mention that because ET can't land, for fear of being imprisoned or shot at, they use channellers to spread the information they want humanity to know. Ivo anticipates first "official" contact in 30 years. Don't wait for disclosure from the gov't. because you'll be waiting a long time.
Thank you, awaiting more questions,
Sharon and Ivo
Ivo here: We thank you for the welcome. Sharon and I speak in real time. She asks and I immediately answer her. I have the ability to multitask with my thoughts; this is a consequence or a benefit, of using telepathy to speak rather than the mouth. Your people will someday accomplish this as well. As I am saying these words, she is typing them in this blog. How does she know it is me? For one, she asks me. I typically wait until she asks a question to respond. She is very aware that we are two distinct personalities, one feminine, one masculine. The response to a post in a forum sometimes takes a while as Sharon suffers from chronic fatigue and she must be feeling well to channel me well. She is aware when she channels of a vibration in the pineal gland as I speak. I am not the only entity she speaks with but the main one.
Sharon here: I've also seen how Ivo keeps an eye on me. It's a little silver sphere that follows me around everywhere I go, including while I'm doing more personal things. He knows everything I'm doing and he knows everything I'm thinking. Yes. I call it invasion of privacy at times but I realize I came to earth (my soul is from the Lyran star system) to do this work so I accept it. Ivo also protects me so it's good he can watch me. There are more like me. Omnec Onec, the lady from Venus (yes!) said in her book: "Since Omnec came to Earth in 1955, she as Sheila has led an insignificant life most of the time. The manuscript of her Venusian life she already completed in 1975. She believes that we will soon see an increase in UFO activity and that many incarnated extraterrestrials in earthly bodies will also become aware of their true identity and make themselves public."
Of course, despite all this, someone will ask if I'm schizophrenic, hearing voices in my head. No. I'm not. I have seen him with my physical eyes. I've seen his ship fly by many times. I realize that I'm doing something that is very new and there will be doubters and worse. But channellers, psychics, etc. have been here throughout time. I should mention that because ET can't land, for fear of being imprisoned or shot at, they use channellers to spread the information they want humanity to know. Ivo anticipates first "official" contact in 30 years. Don't wait for disclosure from the gov't. because you'll be waiting a long time.
Thank you, awaiting more questions,
Sharon and Ivo

Sharon here: Usual, I see you're from Calgary. I was just there in August, a family wedding in Lethbridge. Nice country! I live near Ottawa.
Ivo here: We thank you for the welcome. Sharon and I speak in real time. She asks and I immediately answer her. I have the ability to multitask with my thoughts; this is a consequence or a benefit, of using telepathy to speak rather than the mouth. Your people will someday accomplish this as well. As I am saying these words, she is typing them in this blog. How does she know it is me? For one, she asks me. I typically wait until she asks a question to respond. She is very aware that we are two distinct personalities, one feminine, one masculine. The response to a post in a forum sometimes takes a while as Sharon suffers from chronic fatigue and she must be feeling well to channel me well. She is aware when she channels of a vibration in the pineal gland as I speak. I am not the only entity she speaks with but the main one.
Thank you for helping me to understand how your communication works. It is good that you have an understanding of our language because that is the way we communicate here. What do you call yourselves as a race? Like we refer to ourselves as humans. What do you call yourselves?
Sharon here: I've also seen how Ivo keeps an eye on me. It's a little silver sphere that follows me around everywhere I go, including while I'm doing more personal things.
Is the sphere something physical located here on Earth or also channeled?
He knows everything I'm doing and he knows everything I'm thinking. Yes. I call it invasion of privacy at times but I realize I came to earth ( my soul is from the Lyran star system ) to do this work so I accept it. Ivo also protects me so it's good he can watch me. There are more like me. Omnec Onec, the lady from Venus (yes!) said in her book: "Since Omnec came to Earth in 1955, she as Sheila has led an insignificant life most of the time. The manuscript of her Venusian life she already completed in 1975. She believes that we will soon see an increase in UFO activity and that many incarnated extraterrestrials in earthly bodies will also become aware of their true identity and make themselves public."
We cannot move too fast here or I'll lose track of things. So for now, if we can keep to a couple of points at a time, it would be very helpful.
Of course, despite all this, someone will ask if I'm schizophrenic, hearing voices in my head. No. I'm not. I have seen him with my physical eyes. I've seen his ship fly by many times. I realize that I'm doing something that is very new and there will be doubters and worse. But channellers, psychics, etc. have been here throughout time. I should mention that because ET can't land, for fear of being imprisoned or shot at, they use channellers to spread the information they want humanity to know. Ivo anticipates first "official" contact in 30 years. Don't wait for disclosure from the gov't. because you'll be waiting a long time.
Thank you, awaiting more questions,
Sharon and Ivo
You are correct that there are many skeptics and doubters, and justifiably so. Anyone with an imagination can conjure up a story, and no doubt there are impostors and frauds out there. But I haven't had the opportunity to engage with someone who channels, and I do not arbitrarily dismiss it as possible, and I look forward to further communication.
They are coming and what do they want with Earth?[/QUOT

ETs are very aware that this planet has been taken over by negative entities that are manipulating us into doing their bidding. We live on this earth as they want us to, in an economic system that is not the real reason we were put on this earth. The real reason is to go through the ascension process. Our souls wanted to learn more, so they had a body created that would help them in this task. Before we had bodies, or the ability to reincarnate, we were pure energy - that is all human species. So ET wants to put us back on track. The first thing I think they are going to try to get us to do is to stop fighting and killing each other. The rest of our galaxy is peaceful, by and large, and they want us to join their collective but we can't until we stop killing.
Thank you for helping me to understand how your communication works. It is good that you have an understanding of our language because that is the way we communicate here. What do you call yourselves as a race? Like we refer to ourselves as humans. What do you call yourselves? Is the sphere something physical located here on Earth or also channeled? We cannot move too fast here or I'll lose track of things. So for now, if we can keep to a couple of points at a time, it would be very helpful. You are correct that there are many skeptics and doubters, and justifiably so. Anyone with an imagination can conjure up a story, and no doubt there are impostors and frauds out there. But I haven't had the opportunity to engage with someone who channels, and I do not arbitrarily dismiss it as possible, and I look forward to further communication.
Ivo: We call ourselves humans. Our group is the Vegans as we hail from the Vegan star system. We call your group "Terrans" as you live on Terra.
Thank you for helping me to understand how your communication works. It is good that you have an understanding of our language because that is the way we communicate here. What do you call yourselves as a race? Like we refer to ourselves as humans. What do you call yourselves?
Is the sphere something physical located here on Earth or also channeled?

We cannot move too fast here or I'll lose track of things. So for now, if we can keep to a couple of points at a time, it would be very helpful. You are correct that there are many skeptics and doubters, and justifiably so. Anyone with an imagination can conjure up a story, and no doubt there are impostors and frauds out there. But I haven't had the opportunity to engage with someone who channels, and I do not arbitrarily dismiss it as possible, and I look forward to further communication.

Sharon: Okay the sphere: I have seen it and it is on earth but when I'm in my regular consciousness I can't see it.
Re: skeptics and doubters. Yes people go through life according to their own experience and some are not open minded. Thank you for being open minded. I've been accused of making this up to take advantage of people, etc etc. It would be easier to write fiction or something like that if I was going to take advantage of others.
Sharon: Okay the sphere: I have seen it and it is on earth but when I'm in my regular consciousness I can't see it.
Interesting. What do you mean by your "regular consciousness"? You mean when you aren't channelling? When you are channelling what other things around you seem different?
Re: skeptics and doubters. Yes people go through life according to their own experience and some are not open minded. Thank you for being open minded. I've been accused of making this up to take advantage of people, etc etc. It would be easier to write fiction or something like that if I was going to take advantage of others.
I think some people are just afraid they'll become a victim of a hoaxer who just wants to put one over on them so they can get a laugh out of it. Personally, I don't care. If that's what this is then I'll learn about that. If that's not what it is, then I'll learn something else. I don't have enough information to do any real analysis of what is going on, so it seems the first thing to do is find out more :).
Interesting. What do you mean by your "regular consciousness"? You mean when you aren't channelling? When you are channelling what other things around you seem different? I think some people are just afraid they'll become a victim of a hoaxer who just wants to put one over on them so they can get a laugh out of it. Personally, I don't care. If that's what this is then I'll learn about that. If that's not what it is, then I'll learn something else. I don't have enough information to do any real analysis of what is going on, so it seems the first thing to do is find out more :).
Hello Usual, I like your take on things. You investigate what you don't know with learning in mind. Yes, I'm thinking a lot of people are fear-based as you pointed out. It reminds me to have compassion for them.
When I'm channelling I see things with my eyes. Flicks of light around the room, shadows, flashes, movement of shadows .... all kinds of things. I'm hoping one day to be able to see who those flicks of light and shadows are but for the moment this is what I see. Ivo tells me to give up meat to raise my vibration and I'm thinking of doing it. There are other proteins around to eat.
Once I was talking to my friend and channelling and i saw a block of shadow at the kitchen counter and as I looked at it it crossed the room and ended up at the edge of the living room door. That was the biggest one I saw.
Yes, I meant regular as in normal consciousness.
~ Sharon
Hello Usual, I like your take on things. You investigate what you don't know with learning in mind. Yes, I'm thinking a lot of people are fear-based as you pointed out. It reminds me to have compassion for them.
When I'm channelling I see things with my eyes. Flicks of light around the room, shadows, flashes, movement of shadows .... all kinds of things. I'm hoping one day to be able to see who those flicks of light and shadows are but for the moment this is what I see. Ivo tells me to give up meat to raise my vibration and I'm thinking of doing it. There are other proteins around to eat.
Once I was talking to my friend and channelling and i saw a block of shadow at the kitchen counter and as I looked at it it crossed the room and ended up at the edge of the living room door. That was the biggest one I saw.
Yes, I meant regular as in normal consciousness.
~ Sharon
Interesting. Have you considered the idea that your telepathic link with Ivo might include more than just sounds like words, but perhaps also imagery, and that the orb and ships and other visual experiences are a way of communicating those things to you in a more lifelike way rather than them being physically here on Earth?
Interesting. Have you considered the idea that your telepathic link with Ivo might include more than just sounds like words, but perhaps also imagery, and that the orb and ships and other visual experiences are a way of communicating those things to you in a more lifelike way rather than them being physically here on Earth?

Ivo here: Hello Usual Suspect. There is definitely a telepathic connection between Sharon and I which has been in place since she was a baby. This was intentional for her to do this work with us. I say "us" as I do not act alone but am her main contact.

The visuals she sees is simply a consequence of her own psychic abilities as she has many and they are evolving as she evolves, emotionally. She sees me as I walk in her living room as she speaks to myself and her friend. Some of the flicks of light are me as was the rectangular shape she saw walking from the kitchen to the living room. Obviously I am not a rectangle but she was unable to see the entire of my form on this occasion. On one other she did.

The ship she sees is my ship as I have flown it past her many times to help her to understand that this is real. She needs, just like other Terrans, physical proof on top of the telepathic link as this is the way she has been conditioned to think by your world. Obviously there is a reason why your people have been conditioned this way: so that negative forces can work unseen in secret behind closed doors. And people still do not perceive there is anything gravely wrong as they do not see it with their physical eyes. We will tell you that there are many species with many more abilities than your physical eyes can discern. So your eyesight is making you blind.

But that is another topic. Understand as well that telepathic links are easier for us to hold between Terrans and our race when we are within the grid that encircles your world, the purpose of which is to block out any telepathy coming in from other worlds as well as other dimensions. So I must be here, physically present around your world. As are many ETs. Sharon has seen this grid as well.
I think some people are just afraid they'll become a victim of a hoaxer

Yeah after the Blossom Goodchild affair i think most peoples attitude to this sort of stuff is.


This article delves deeper into that one, and who was behind it and what was their likely motivation.

Galactic Federation of Light : Theism • Rational Skepticism Forum.

Ive read plenty of books re Channeled ET's and to be fair at least one was compelling with information i found very interesting.

But there has been so many examples of scammers and would be cult builders using this format that given the lack of verifiable proof, Its not surprising most people relegate this aspect of Ufology to the ignore basket.
See its easy to type a response. .but why wont you contact me? Or Gene?
Its like me saying that a zoo polar bear talks to me.
Or getting Gene and Chris to talk to the polar bear.
If an alien contacted me I would make sure that the alien got a lot of press..
I await your answers. .
Sharon I warn you. I am a seeker of truth I busted one hoax this year..

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