Thomas R Morrison
Paranormal Adept
Apparently there’s an enclave of anthropogenic climate change deniers here at The Paracast, which I usually just politely ignore, but since it’s interfering with the paranormal discussions that I come here to enjoy, I thought we might contain this subject here before it infects any more unrelated threads.
This topic is a prime example of an asymmetric debate, which is why I strive to avoid it. It takes about 30 seconds to object to the science of climate change, and at least a week of writing to fully explain all of the science behind it, which ranges from basic chemistry, to physics, to statistical analyses of paleoclimatological data, to the feedback dynamics of complex equilibrium systems.
I'm not willing to do that again, because I've found that most people who deny climate change are emotionally/psychologically invested in their position for some reason, which makes these arguments totally futile. But I will respond to the latest challenge, because it's an issue that poses an immanent threat to global civilization.
Claim or Implied Claim #1: CO2 doesn’t raise atmospheric temperature.
CO2 reduces the heat capacity of the atmosphere, which causes the temperature to rise faster, per unit of energy. This is an empirical and indisputable fact. Here are the experimental charts for the heat capacity of nitrogen, oxygen and CO2. Room temperature is roughly 300K:
N2: (1040 J/kg*C) Nitrogen - Specific Heat
O2: (918 J/kg*C) Oxygen Gas - Specific Heat
CO2: (846 J/kg*C) Carbon Dioxide Gas - Specific Heat
And the specific heat capacity of water is also important to this topic, because the oceans absorb a great deal of heat due to their much higher heat capacity. That’s why the melting of the polar ice caps is so alarming: the energy content of the oceans has increased so much that we can actually observe the polar icecaps receding very rapidly:
H20: (4184 J/kg*C) Specific Heat Capacity of Water (Water Properties, USGS Water Science School
A good analysis of how these factors apply to the Earth’s energy dynamics, which determines its temperature, can be found here:
“Heat Capacity, Time Constant, and Sensitivity of the Earth’s Climate System,” Schwartz, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 2007
Claim or Implied Claim #2: Humans haven’t significantly changed the CO2 levels.
“Human emissions of CO2 are now estimated to be 26.4 Gt per year, up from 23.5 Gt in the 1990s, according to an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report in February 2007 (pdf format). Disturbances to the land – through deforestation and agriculture, for instance – also contribute roughly 5.9 Gt per year.
About 40% of the extra CO2 entering the atmosphere due to human activity is being absorbed by natural carbon sinks, mostly by the oceans. The rest is boosting levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.
How can we be sure that human emissions are responsible for the rising CO2 in the atmosphere? There are several lines of evidence. Fossil fuels were formed millions of years ago. They therefore contain virtually no carbon-14, because this unstable carbon isotope, formed when cosmic rays hit the atmosphere, has a half-life of around 6000 years. So a dropping concentration of carbon-14 can be explained by the burning of fossil fuels. Studies of tree rings have shown that the proportion of carbon-14 in the atmosphere dropped by about 2% between 1850 and 1954. After this time, atmospheric nuclear bomb tests wrecked this method by releasing large amounts of carbon-14.
Fossil fuels also contain less carbon-13 than carbon-12, compared with the atmosphere, because the fuels derive from plants, which preferentially take up the more common carbon-12. The ratio of carbon-13 to carbon-12 in the atmosphere and ocean surface waters is steadily falling, showing that more carbon-12 is entering the atmosphere.”
Climate myths: Human CO2 emissions are too tiny to matter | New Scientist
Claim or Implied Claim #3: Human CO2 emissions haven’t significantly changed the global mean temperature.
We’ve seen that CO2 levels in the atmosphere change the heat capacity of the atmosphere, and the Brookhaven study quantified the energy dynamics of climate change in the Earth’s system (and many other studies have reached the same conclusions based on the empirical data). And we’ve seen that 60% of the 35.6 gigatons of human-generated CO2 (in 2012, and rising) is cumulatively contributing to the CO2 content of the atmosphere each year. All that’s left is to check the data, which I provided previously in the form of two graphs:
Graph 1 shows the historical levels of CO2 in the atmosphere over the last millennium:

Graph 2 shows the historical levels of global mean temperature:

And lo and behold, they match: over the last century, the global temperature has risen sharply as the CO2 levels have risen sharply. That’s called “empirical proof.” The scientific analysis is confirmed by the observational data.
“The LC50 for gaseous hydrogen cyanide is 100-300 parts per million. Inhalation of cyanide in this range results in death within 10-60 minutes.”
Environmental & Health Effects | International Cyanide Management Code (ICMI) For The Manufacture, Transport and Use of Cyanide In The Production of Gold(ICMI)
Sure, 100 ppm sounds small. But claiming that it’s insignificant is like saying that a virus can’t hurt you because you can’t even see it. It’s a child-like argument. Do the math; it works out. The 25% increase in the atmospheric CO2 levels has sharply increased the thermal energy content of the air and oceans. It’s not a huge problem…yet. But the levels are now higher than at any time in the history of the existence of the human species, and at the rate of increase we’re seeing now, by the year 2100 we’re going to have 200-300% higher concentrations of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere than we’ve had in millions of years, and the inevitable corresponding increase in global mean temperature that’s dictated by the laws of physics.
That should scare the crap out of you. We can’t even estimate the full impact of that on the survival of the human species. In any case, now would be a good time to sell off any beachfront condos you may have, because they’ll probably be underwater by the time your grandchildren are your age.
Global mean temperature and atmospheric CO2 are positive feedback mechanisms for each other: when something triggers a heat increase (such as a change in ocean currents, or subtle cyclical changes in the Earth’s orbit, or Sun cycles), atmospheric CO2 increases, which further increases the temperature – the result is a steep spike in global temperature. That’s why climatologists are concerned about a “runaway greenhouse effect.”
The Earth is on the closest/warmest edge of the habitable zone of our solar system, and the rate that we’re increasing the CO2 concentration could easily overcome the negative feedback mechanisms (like increased cloud cover) that have historically balanced the temperature cycle of the planet. The thermodynamics of atmospheric CO2 concentrations and corresponding temperature increases is very basic and irrefutable physics, and the fact that they’re in lock-step right now only illustrates that the pre-industrial environmental cycles no longer apply: the steady human-generated cumulative forcing of CO2 into the atmosphere is directly causing a matching spike in the global heat content of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans.
Study suggests rising CO2 in the past caused global warming
The industrial corporations with billions of dollars in PR money are the ones with the real vested interest in muddying the debate and spreading lies and propaganda – and they’re using it too. It’s very much a David and Goliath scenario – in fact the only reason we’re even having this debate here in 2017, is that the oil companies and the Kock brothers and all of the sociopaths in the fossil fuel industry have spent billions on psychological warfare to confuse the public. It’s just like the tobacco companies spending billions for decades to promote arguments against the science of lung cancer and heart disease related to smoking. And it works: they’ve made hundreds of billions in extra profits by foiling the regulatory efforts in the US that most of the Western world has already imposed on them. It’s kind of amazing how many people they have working for them for free, right here online, without even realizing that they’re doing it.
“The Great Global Warming Swindle” is itself a Fraud and a Swindle
I prefer to trust 30 years of scientific study and the weeks I’ve spent reading actual studies of this subject, rather than relying upon a deliberately crafted disinformation movie for my opinions.
This topic is a prime example of an asymmetric debate, which is why I strive to avoid it. It takes about 30 seconds to object to the science of climate change, and at least a week of writing to fully explain all of the science behind it, which ranges from basic chemistry, to physics, to statistical analyses of paleoclimatological data, to the feedback dynamics of complex equilibrium systems.
I'm not willing to do that again, because I've found that most people who deny climate change are emotionally/psychologically invested in their position for some reason, which makes these arguments totally futile. But I will respond to the latest challenge, because it's an issue that poses an immanent threat to global civilization.
This statement contains three possible claims and/or implied claims, all of which have to be addressed individually. So here’s how it breaks down:NOBODY has been able to prove that carbon released into the atmosphere from human activity is the reason for global temperature changes...
Claim or Implied Claim #1: CO2 doesn’t raise atmospheric temperature.
CO2 reduces the heat capacity of the atmosphere, which causes the temperature to rise faster, per unit of energy. This is an empirical and indisputable fact. Here are the experimental charts for the heat capacity of nitrogen, oxygen and CO2. Room temperature is roughly 300K:
N2: (1040 J/kg*C) Nitrogen - Specific Heat
O2: (918 J/kg*C) Oxygen Gas - Specific Heat
CO2: (846 J/kg*C) Carbon Dioxide Gas - Specific Heat
And the specific heat capacity of water is also important to this topic, because the oceans absorb a great deal of heat due to their much higher heat capacity. That’s why the melting of the polar ice caps is so alarming: the energy content of the oceans has increased so much that we can actually observe the polar icecaps receding very rapidly:
H20: (4184 J/kg*C) Specific Heat Capacity of Water (Water Properties, USGS Water Science School
A good analysis of how these factors apply to the Earth’s energy dynamics, which determines its temperature, can be found here:
“Heat Capacity, Time Constant, and Sensitivity of the Earth’s Climate System,” Schwartz, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 2007
Claim or Implied Claim #2: Humans haven’t significantly changed the CO2 levels.
“Human emissions of CO2 are now estimated to be 26.4 Gt per year, up from 23.5 Gt in the 1990s, according to an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report in February 2007 (pdf format). Disturbances to the land – through deforestation and agriculture, for instance – also contribute roughly 5.9 Gt per year.
About 40% of the extra CO2 entering the atmosphere due to human activity is being absorbed by natural carbon sinks, mostly by the oceans. The rest is boosting levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.
How can we be sure that human emissions are responsible for the rising CO2 in the atmosphere? There are several lines of evidence. Fossil fuels were formed millions of years ago. They therefore contain virtually no carbon-14, because this unstable carbon isotope, formed when cosmic rays hit the atmosphere, has a half-life of around 6000 years. So a dropping concentration of carbon-14 can be explained by the burning of fossil fuels. Studies of tree rings have shown that the proportion of carbon-14 in the atmosphere dropped by about 2% between 1850 and 1954. After this time, atmospheric nuclear bomb tests wrecked this method by releasing large amounts of carbon-14.
Fossil fuels also contain less carbon-13 than carbon-12, compared with the atmosphere, because the fuels derive from plants, which preferentially take up the more common carbon-12. The ratio of carbon-13 to carbon-12 in the atmosphere and ocean surface waters is steadily falling, showing that more carbon-12 is entering the atmosphere.”
Climate myths: Human CO2 emissions are too tiny to matter | New Scientist
Claim or Implied Claim #3: Human CO2 emissions haven’t significantly changed the global mean temperature.
We’ve seen that CO2 levels in the atmosphere change the heat capacity of the atmosphere, and the Brookhaven study quantified the energy dynamics of climate change in the Earth’s system (and many other studies have reached the same conclusions based on the empirical data). And we’ve seen that 60% of the 35.6 gigatons of human-generated CO2 (in 2012, and rising) is cumulatively contributing to the CO2 content of the atmosphere each year. All that’s left is to check the data, which I provided previously in the form of two graphs:
Graph 1 shows the historical levels of CO2 in the atmosphere over the last millennium:

Graph 2 shows the historical levels of global mean temperature:

And lo and behold, they match: over the last century, the global temperature has risen sharply as the CO2 levels have risen sharply. That’s called “empirical proof.” The scientific analysis is confirmed by the observational data.
See “Claim or Implied Claim #1: CO2 doesn’t raise atmospheric temperature.”Your chart shows carbon dioxide over time, it does not prove it is the cause of warming.
100 parts per million of cyanide in the air will kill you in under 1 hour:I would also draw your attention to the Y axis. Parts per million. You may notice the current level is 100 parts per million above over peaks. That's 100 out of 1,000,0000 or an extra 1 carbon atom in every 10,000 atoms of atmosphere. Change the measurement to parts per 100 and you get a flat line on the chart the change is so small.
“The LC50 for gaseous hydrogen cyanide is 100-300 parts per million. Inhalation of cyanide in this range results in death within 10-60 minutes.”
Environmental & Health Effects | International Cyanide Management Code (ICMI) For The Manufacture, Transport and Use of Cyanide In The Production of Gold(ICMI)
Sure, 100 ppm sounds small. But claiming that it’s insignificant is like saying that a virus can’t hurt you because you can’t even see it. It’s a child-like argument. Do the math; it works out. The 25% increase in the atmospheric CO2 levels has sharply increased the thermal energy content of the air and oceans. It’s not a huge problem…yet. But the levels are now higher than at any time in the history of the existence of the human species, and at the rate of increase we’re seeing now, by the year 2100 we’re going to have 200-300% higher concentrations of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere than we’ve had in millions of years, and the inevitable corresponding increase in global mean temperature that’s dictated by the laws of physics.
That should scare the crap out of you. We can’t even estimate the full impact of that on the survival of the human species. In any case, now would be a good time to sell off any beachfront condos you may have, because they’ll probably be underwater by the time your grandchildren are your age.
This is one of the many PsyOps talking points issued by the Koch brothers and their fake science mills.I refer also to a earlier points about how temperature change has led carbon change in the past. E.g. carbon increase comes after temperature change. This chart does not prove that carbon released by man's activity is a temerature driver or the main temperature driver on earth (see prior ice ages or sun cycles).
Global mean temperature and atmospheric CO2 are positive feedback mechanisms for each other: when something triggers a heat increase (such as a change in ocean currents, or subtle cyclical changes in the Earth’s orbit, or Sun cycles), atmospheric CO2 increases, which further increases the temperature – the result is a steep spike in global temperature. That’s why climatologists are concerned about a “runaway greenhouse effect.”
The Earth is on the closest/warmest edge of the habitable zone of our solar system, and the rate that we’re increasing the CO2 concentration could easily overcome the negative feedback mechanisms (like increased cloud cover) that have historically balanced the temperature cycle of the planet. The thermodynamics of atmospheric CO2 concentrations and corresponding temperature increases is very basic and irrefutable physics, and the fact that they’re in lock-step right now only illustrates that the pre-industrial environmental cycles no longer apply: the steady human-generated cumulative forcing of CO2 into the atmosphere is directly causing a matching spike in the global heat content of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans.
Study suggests rising CO2 in the past caused global warming
Not really – climate science jobs aren’t contingent on blaming humans for global warming. In fact if any of them could prove that global warming wasn’t being caused by humans, they’d get hired by Exxon at triple their meager academic salary.Climate scientists who make a living from climate science have a vested interest in ensuring that their conclusion's keep coming back to carbon dioxide from people. It's this assumption that maintains their funding and raison d'etre.
The industrial corporations with billions of dollars in PR money are the ones with the real vested interest in muddying the debate and spreading lies and propaganda – and they’re using it too. It’s very much a David and Goliath scenario – in fact the only reason we’re even having this debate here in 2017, is that the oil companies and the Kock brothers and all of the sociopaths in the fossil fuel industry have spent billions on psychological warfare to confuse the public. It’s just like the tobacco companies spending billions for decades to promote arguments against the science of lung cancer and heart disease related to smoking. And it works: they’ve made hundreds of billions in extra profits by foiling the regulatory efforts in the US that most of the Western world has already imposed on them. It’s kind of amazing how many people they have working for them for free, right here online, without even realizing that they’re doing it.
You’ve got it backwards: the propaganda of climate change denial is actually somewhat similar to the Russia propaganda. Both efforts are profitable to the corporations that now own/control the government, the economy, and the mainstream media. Climate change denial keeps the fossil fuel corporations fat and happy, and pushing for conflict with Russia is what the defense industry wants so they can make a killing, so to speak. And of course the DNC loves the Russia conspiracy narrative because it diverts attention from their own lethal levels of corruption, and the rigged primary, and the WikiLeaks releases that proved that the news media is just a megaphone for the Deep State.A bit like the CIA needs to keep telling us Russia is still the bogeyman, it keeps their prorgam's and funding in a healthy place.
I realize that it’s a complex subject – the global ecosphere is a sophisticated system, and CO2 isn't always the main driver of the global temperature. So it’s easy to cherry-pick data, misrepresent facts, and muddle the irrefutable physical science of heat capacity and thermodynamics. Which apparently is exactly what they did in that faux documentary, as addressed and refuted point by point here:I would recommend you watch the documentary I linked earlier in the thread plenty of charts from respected thinkers that show that this miopic view of it can only be human release carbon is not one that holds up when all the data is considered.
“The Great Global Warming Swindle” is itself a Fraud and a Swindle
I prefer to trust 30 years of scientific study and the weeks I’ve spent reading actual studies of this subject, rather than relying upon a deliberately crafted disinformation movie for my opinions.
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