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The New MJ-12 Documents on Roswell and Other UFO Cases

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I downloaded the pdf and read through some of it. Quite fascinating, whether authentic or not. However I found the text a little hard to read in places. It also looks like an unusual font used, which doesn't look like official gov typewriter text style.

Does anyone have a link to any transcription or general summary?
My podcast co-host put these on our outline for the show we're recording tomorrow night. I'm looking forward to chatting about them with him. It's good to see that people are not buying what is essentially a publicity student by Heather Wade for her show.
The critique focuses on the glitches in formatting and syntax, not the serious factual lapses. But I think Kevin Randle managed that pretty well (he also listed the format and syntax problems).
Kevin Randle is scheduled to be interviewed Wednesday night by Martin Willis (Podcastufo.com). And the new MJ-12 is the topic of discussion.

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Kevin is always a great guest. But I'm sick and tired of Roswell, and these new documents are more time-wasters. It's the reason why I wouldn't invite Don Schmitt to talk about his Roswell/70th anniversary book.

Someone has gotten a little too much free publicity. Feel free to talk about it. We'll mention it in passing here and there on the show, but there has to be enough of this nonsense.
On Facebook, Greg Bishop said that Stanton Friedman has rejected the documents.
on Friday nights interview (with Heather Wade) Stanton still had reservations but didnt say one way or another what he believed. i dont have Facebook. what context and timeframe was this mafe by Stanton? He did say it would take weeks of research to look into it further and that he wouldn't have time until after Roswell's 70th celebration to begin (looking into it further.)

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On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being highest), I'm going to give this one a 1.

I say that based on the first MJ12 do-dah and the fact that this is coming from an
anonymous source.

After seeing what happens to whistleblowers, who would want to take that risk?
on Friday nights interview (with Heather Wade) Stanton still had reservations but didnt say one way or another what he believed. i dont have Facebook. what context and timeframe was this mafe by Stanton? He did say it would take weeks of research to look into it further and that he wouldn't have time until after Roswell's 70th celebration to begin (looking into it further.)

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Greg didn't provide context. He just said "I thought Stan already said they were fake."

I asked him for a link, but so far, he has not provided one.
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This is why these alleged documents should not have been posted. They should have been investigated first. But this way, people can invite guests and do shows.
That's a good point - if this kind of thing were properly evaluated by the top specialists in the field *before* they got released, it would discourage frauds in the future. Whatever thrill they get from doing this would be stymied if the public didn't get to see them until after they were exposed as hoaxes - at which point nobody would bother reading them anyway.

It’s really impressive that we heard from Kevin Randle within 24 hours; he’s got exactly the kind of expertise with documentation required to evaluate this stuff. That settled it for me, but it was also terrific to read John Greenwald’s piece about it – another researcher intimately familiar with this kind of document. I'm not as familiar with Nick Redfern's work but I gather he's seen lots of government documents as well.

I have no idea what would possess someone to hoax this kind of thing; it seemed like the whole Roswell/MJ-12 thing was on life support anyway. Hopefully the fact that it took less than three days to debunk this, will discourage others from wasting their time.

It did get me thinking, though, about the ease with which the military could retrieve a crashed object without anyone in the public being the wiser for it. Unless something were to come down near a populated area, I bet they could get in and out and we’d never even hear about it.
This is why these alleged documents should not have been posted. They should have been investigated first. But this way, people can invite guests and do shows.
This is the same reason that Ray won't release his AAP analysis and evidence to the public until after peer review. You only get one chance to release your work properly!
It is so sad to hear that people study UFOs through government documents. Lets say, UFOs don't exist, but government says they do exist. Would we than all believe in UFOs just because government told us to :rolleyes:. Governments are about politics and in the politics truth is almost irrelevant. The current US political scene is the best proof.

Before I wanted to seriously study UFOs I set down and learned a little about quantum mechanics, electrodynamics and astrophysics.

Only science and rational method can decide if UFOs are here or not. Government can't decide if the Moon is round or square. because it is natural laws that decided Moon is round.

As far as Roswell goes, its obvious that something happened there. Researchers can't even agree on the date when it happened nor on the sequence of events. That's the strongest proof that Roswell was for real, because its obvious that cover-up worked overtime to muddle up the real facts and confuse those who wanted to find out more.
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Update: I received a communication directly from Stanton Friedman.
Me: "Mr. Friedman, On Facebook, Greg Bishop said that you reject the new MJ 12 documents distributed by Heather Wade. Is that true?"
Him: "No. I said I haven’t had enough time to dig into them and I have been gone. Stan"
Kevin Randle is scheduled to be interviewed Wednesday night by Martin Willis (Podcastufo.com). And the new MJ-12 is the topic of discussion.

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Kevin's interview with Martin was very enlightening in regards to the new MJ-12 doc's being fake. Kevin also commented that he had Stephen Bassett on his own show Saturday and Bassett is on the same page that they are fake.

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I will simply say that if I was ever in a position to talk about UFOs, in a written document, within government channels, the first thing I would do would use an unusual typeface, spell a couple names wrong, and add parts to it that would seem to immediately discredit the document. This would be a safeguard against it every being taken serious (if leaked)...anyone with a brain would look at the document, see the misspellings, the wrong type face, and parts about the aliens eating strawberry icecream and immediately dismiss it.... :)

I would have effectively communicated with the other side, while putting enough bogus data into the document, no one would ever believe it was real.

Like with good disinfo, I wonder if some of these memos could be purposely compromised for exactly this reason. I have argued many of the "witnesses" the government chooses to employ in these "cases" often have troubling circumstances in their own background which make them easily discredited when and if they go public.
I have some experience with military documents, the issue i have are the serial numbers on the documents each one is labelled same as the first page "405389" and that no corresponds with the complete document, but on official secret documents each page has a different serial number to the first page so its easier to be checked by duty personnel on there weekly or monthly checks to make sure it hasn't got missing and each page would be verified and checked against the duty officer folder, (i know its probably completely different because I'm in UK armed Forces). but thats what usually should be done especially for theses types of documents.

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