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John Titor: American time traveler. And other thoughts.

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Skilled Investigator
Lately I've been interested in the legend of John Titor.
John Titor feels like one of the Internet's first forays into myth making.
John time traveling from the 2030's to the 1960's to get the first IBM's in order to fix the ruined computerized infrastructure of the 2030's and making a brief stop in the 1990's to warn us about the coming American civil war which will take place between the country folks and the city folks.

When Coast to Coast am had the lawyer of the Titor family on. I never got to ask the lawyer this question.
"How were the 1990 Titors convinced that this random stranger who showed up on their door step convince them that he is their son from the 2030's.?"
I am also amazed at how John Titor's legend continues to grow in the 2010's. He has a band named after him.
It was so well done. It reads like a pretty good science fiction story. It definitely had set-up. There was lead-in time. Art Bell was connected with it in the late 90's before it went onto the internet.

I love this video - very cool. It's from 2009.

John Titor Hoax Debunked and Identity Revealed - Hoax Hunter

Just saw this one - same guy - but updated and a full 40 minutes in length. Watching it now. :) LATER: Oh, very, very - should I ruin it for you? Yes, its not a good follow-up. :( He's already made his point with the first video - and this one is very - thin.

The Real John Titor - Hoax Hunter

I'm currently in the kitchen smashing myself repeatedly in the face with a large frying pan. For my next trick I am going to eat my computer monitor. I really did try to watch the whole video, but the way the guy was waving his hands around kept making me loose balance.
I'm currently in the kitchen smashing myself repeatedly in the face with a large frying pan. For my next trick I am going to eat my computer monitor. I really did try to watch the whole video, but the way the guy was waving his hands around kept making me loose balance.

The second video is not good at all. Looks like he is trying to extend his 15-minutes of fame.

Hey! Why won't the smiley post at the end of my sentence? I can't get it to post after 'fame' - it insists on being up there above the quote.
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am i missing something here? it was shit and unconvincing then as it still is now.
The Titor Hoax? Yes. Or do you mean the videos? I thought the first video was fun (and accurate - I was convinced) - the second video - not so much. Second video was totally no good - even pointless - which brings into question the first video imo. So the guy did himself no favors doing the second video. Hey, maybe the guy doing the video is the hoaxer - and explains why he is trying to keep the pot stirred. :p
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Maybe the guy who made these videos is actually John Titor did you think about that one eh!? And, he has made these videos to confuse us.

I'm off to make a YouTube video. Now where did I put my webcam.

I had a brief interaction with someone claiming to be John Titor on another message board back in 2007. Here it is:

In Topic: What Are You Reading?
08 December 2007 - 01:14 PM
BigScaryMonster, on Dec 7 2007, 11:59 PM, said:
"The Grays," by Whitley Strieber.

Holy crap, The Grays?! A fellow Whitley Strieber fan?

Without a doubt the single most influential book of my life was Communion. When I was but a young lad fighting for my life in your bleak and miserable future, I stumbled upon this terrifying gem in the bombed out attic of my parents house. Those black eyes, horse eyes, cold stones, they gripped my tiny soul. I'd developed an irrational fear of aliens at that point, probably due to re-runs of those ancient Time Life book ads [Roswell! Abductions!] and before long I was reading it in secret every night. I never finished it. I think I battled it over the course of three months in brave little spurts, and it terrified me to the core. I lost so much sleep my grades fell. It's a work of genius.

Then of course, I saw some interviews with Whitley, bat shit insane Whitley, read little bits of his other books, found out he was a screenwriter, saw that abortion of a movie with Christopher Walken, and yeah, the magic faded a little.

But Communion... Boy.

Regarding The Grays, I liked his idea of why they abduct us. The whole drinking emotions this. That was nice. I've actually brought back a copy of 2012 from the future with me, and it's decent too.
I had a brief interaction with someone claiming to be John Titor on another message board back in 2007. Here it is:

In Topic: What Are You Reading?
08 December 2007 - 01:14 PM
BigScaryMonster, on Dec 7 2007, 11:59 PM, said:
"The Grays," by Whitley Strieber.

Holy crap, The Grays?! A fellow Whitley Strieber fan?

Without a doubt the single most influential book of my life was Communion. When I was but a young lad fighting for my life in your bleak and miserable future, I stumbled upon this terrifying gem in the bombed out attic of my parents house. Those black eyes, horse eyes, cold stones, they gripped my tiny soul. I'd developed an irrational fear of aliens at that point, probably due to re-runs of those ancient Time Life book ads [Roswell! Abductions!] and before long I was reading it in secret every night. I never finished it. I think I battled it over the course of three months in brave little spurts, and it terrified me to the core. I lost so much sleep my grades fell. It's a work of genius.

Then of course, I saw some interviews with Whitley, bat shit insane Whitley, read little bits of his other books, found out he was a screenwriter, saw that abortion of a movie with Christopher Walken, and yeah, the magic faded a little.

But Communion... Boy.

Regarding The Grays, I liked his idea of why they abduct us. The whole drinking emotions this. That was nice. I've actually brought back a copy of 2012 from the future with me, and it's decent too.

What would you say if I told you this post by "BigScaryMonster" was written by a real 'time traveler?'
Do you have other posts by this pseudonym?

As Ever
Temporal Recon
I'd say that time travel is operationally impossible but please enjoy the experience you or he may be seeking from that playful illusion.

Don't you just love his certainty?

Thank you for commenting, Waller.
In spite of the fact that I disagree with his simplistic premise, Dr. Sagan's words do come in handy from time to time. And because it is so oft' quoted, let's use it here:

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence..."

Concerning your statement that time travel is "operationally" impossible, might you provide your evidence for your extraordinary claim? And please be sure to make your evidence extraordinary...

Of course, your post implies that I believe that Titor specifically was a 'time traveler.'
Also, of course, I said no such thing in my post, did I? I merely commented that there is a tie between BigScaryMonster and the 'time travel' Question which vexes those of us with the wherewithal to forge into the grey mists of the unknown....or orange....or green.

The truth of Titor is already well-documented, perhaps I should provide you the link?

Don't we all just love those 'playful illusions' we all create for ourselves?

As Ever
Temporal Recon
Don't you just love his certainty?

Thank you for commenting, Waller.

And thank you for your co-creation. Certainty is not elitist unless you define it so. I don't because knowing is natural to us. In fact, all the answers to all the questions are within you. Is it elitist to tap within yourself?

In spite of the fact that I disagree with his simplistic premise, Dr. Sagan's words do come in handy from time to time. And because it is so oft' quoted, let's use it here:

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence..."

I don't consider my post(s) extraordinary from my POV. I see you disagree. Well, contrast and paradox, two of the greatest teaching tools along with consciousness form the Triad.

Concerning your statement that time travel is "operationally" impossible, might you provide your evidence for your extraordinary claim? And please be sure to make your evidence extraordinary...

I have addressed this, further, I have no idea what you would claim to be evidential and feel no requirement to chase that elusive goal.

I post for the same reason I do everything, for the sheer enjoyment of it. Take what you want, dump the rest. It is of no concern to me if you find value in what I have to say or not. It's none of my business what, how and why you enjoined your choices for (non)spiritual paths.

Of course, your post implies that I believe that Titor specifically was a 'time traveler.'
Also, of course, I said no such thing in my post, did I? I merely commented that there is a tie between BigScaryMonster and the 'time travel' Question which vexes those of us with the wherewithal to forge into the grey mists of the unknown....or orange....or green.

The truth of Titor is already well-documented, perhaps I should provide you the link?

If you feel like it. I have no personal interest in this Titor, don't care who he is truthfully.

Time travel is impossible for one simple reason. Time is illusory, a product of our consciousness as we create this physical 4D [ir]reality. Everything was created and exists in one moment, no past, no future, these concepts of past and future are also space-time illusions we create to assist us in dealing with this highly unnatural and severely limiting physical existence.

If Mr. Titor or any other individual wishes to claim that they "time-traveled", this includes the 'Basiagos' as well, they did no such thing. What they have accomplished, perhaps, is astral movement into other dimensions which they honestly misrepresent as "time-travel".

Don't we all just love those 'playful illusions' we all create for ourselves?

As Ever
Temporal Recon
Why else would we do it? How else would you have us experience the illusions of physical reality if not with a playful approach?
...I have no idea what you would claim to be evidential...
This much is certain

Time travel is impossible for one simple reason. Time is illusory, a product of our consciousness as we create this physical 4D [ir]reality. Everything was created and exists in one moment, no past, no future, these concepts of past and future are also space-time illusions we create to assist us in dealing with this highly unnatural and severely limiting physical existence.
You make extraordinary claims, yet provide no evidence to support them. This is interesting considering I do not disagree with you here, at all. But perhaps you might provide your reasons for the benefit of those observing?
You may notice that (excepting for the occasional oversight), I put the term 'time travel' in quotes, to specify that 'time travel' is an actual misnomer of the effect. Again, I wonder if those reading might find it interesting that we agree?

If Mr. Titor or any other individual wishes to claim that they "time-traveled", this includes the 'Basiagos' as well, they did no such thing. What they have accomplished, perhaps, is astral movement into other dimensions which they honestly misrepresent as "time-travel".
Agreed, there are a great many claimants beyond the headliners such as ole JT and Andy. Nonetheless, with so many 'time travel' claimants, there must be another way to discriminate between those who have slipped the surly bonds of the Moment and those who couldn't slip on a banana.
I'm certain those who might share your opinion might say in response that no discrimination is needed since the claimants are all equally fakers (fakirs?). I might humbly suggest to these well-meaning people an expansion of what may or may not be possible.

As Ever
Temporal Recon
You make extraordinary claims, yet provide no evidence to support them. This is interesting considering I do not disagree with you here, at all. But perhaps you might provide your reasons for the benefit of those observing?
The information that I provide can easily be found by anyone with an open mind and heart (see my signature). This information comes to us in many, many forms but the methodology that I am most familiar is human/ET channeling ala Anka/Bashar, Abraham/Hicks, Carroll/Kryon among others. I would include physical mediumship (Hamden, Rucker, etc.) as rich sources of material as well.

In short, they have left us a complete kit, an instruction manual on physical reality, how to observe it, how it works, how we create it through our beliefs and preferences. If you (pl) apply what they have gifted to us, you will find that their advise is spot, I see the evidence clearly every day by simply living life in the moment and watching the synchronicities flow.

Agreed, there are a great many claimants beyond the headliners such as ole JT and Andy. Nonetheless, with so many 'time travel' claimants, there must be another way to discriminate between those who have slipped the surly bonds of the Moment and those who couldn't slip on a banana.
I'm certain those who might share your opinion might say in response that no discrimination is needed since the claimants are all equally fakers (fakirs?). I might humbly suggest to these well-meaning people an expansion of what may or may not be possible.

As Ever
Temporal Recon
Some are fakers no doubt about that. Many are not and by comparing the fakes with those who are discerned as genuine, it becomes a simple matter of categorizing both. The energies are completely different.

As an aside, having studied mediumship (primarily physical), sat with an uncountable number of physical mediums in seance, having ET entities vocalize and materialize, the sheer statistical probability that "are all equally fakers (fakirs?)" is as near to zero as probabilities can exist. Same datasets for ET (direct voice) channeling.

This does not invalidate their positions, for them their opinion is who and what they are. It's the physical reality they have chosen to experience, one which they wish to see the severe limitations of our existence on Earth upheld not removed.
Some are fakers no doubt about that. Many are not and by comparing the fakes with those who are discerned as genuine, it becomes a simple matter of categorizing both. The energies are completely different.

As an aside, having studied mediumship (primarily physical), sat with an uncountable number of physical mediums in seance, having ET entities vocalize and materialize, the sheer statistical probability that "are all equally fakers (fakirs?)" is as near to zero as probabilities can exist. Same datasets for ET (direct voice) channeling..

I thought we were talking about 'time travel?' Are you saying there are genuine 'time travelers' now?

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