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Paranormal Podcast

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FeralNormal master
OK guys so this is specific. I'M trying to rebuild my paranormal chops and there is a older paranormal podcast I'm trying to remember.

Do any of you peeps know of an older show that had a irregular schedule and then put them up under season 1,2,3 etc.

I am not thinking of Jim Harolds Paranormal Podcast but something close to that. I'm sorry to be so vague but thats the best i can do right now but i appreciate any possibility i can get.
Hi Wade I don't really listen to any other paranormal podcasts, but I would suggest that you use the paracast search feature and enter your user name in the "posted by member section"and "podcast" in the search field (if the link below doesn't work):

Search Results for Query: podcast | The Paracast Community Forums

Maybe you wrote something about it on here before in a previous post, I can see that you have talked about several other podcasts.

If you still cant find it, I would start by listing even the most basic information like:

How long was each episode?
How many Host/s?
Where they male female?
Did they have distinctive accents? Northern, Southern, Canadian etc.
What was their usual topic of discussion? i.e Crypto or UFO or Ghosts etc.
Where there any memorable episodes or guests?
How did you find it? as in through Itunes or similar?
Did you download any episodes? and do you still have any stored?
Did the device you listened to it on have a 'history' (like an internet search history in a web browser)
Where they young or old?
just try to go through the very basics and hopefully something will jog your memory and if not yours someone else's.

Best wishes
Hi Wade I don't really listen to any other paranormal podcasts, but I would suggest that you use the paracast search feature and enter your user name in the "posted by member section"and "podcast" in the search field (if the link below doesn't work):

Search Results for Query: podcast | The Paracast Community Forums

Maybe you wrote something about it on here before in a previous post, I can see that you have talked about several other podcasts.

If you still cant find it, I would start by listing even the most basic information like:

How long was each episode?
How many Host/s?
Where they male female?
Did they have distinctive accents? Northern, Southern, Canadian etc.
What was their usual topic of discussion? i.e Crypto or UFO or Ghosts etc.
Where there any memorable episodes or guests?
How did you find it? as in through Itunes or similar?
Did you download any episodes? and do you still have any stored?
Did the device you listened to it on have a 'history' (like an internet search history in a web browser)
Where they young or old?
just try to go through the very basics and hopefully something will jog your memory and if not yours someone else's.

Best wishes

It was Binnal of America. i got it as he appears on Joshua Cutchin Facebook page
I was struck down with a stroke just before Chistmas last year and things seemed pretty bad for awhile...BUT I've made a damn good comeback over the past few months and im roarin back.

I tried sending you a message a little awhile back but i guess you never got it
Wow ... I'm so glad you've made it back! I've had my own issues to deal with and have a hard enough time keeping my own life on track, but I still feel bad when things fall through the cracks, and I'm very sorry I missed your message. Where did you send it to? What's your situation now? When you say you want to get your "paranormal chops back", is there a particular direction you're gravitating toward?
I wrote a general im back message and cc it to you, Mike and Goggs..im finishing up my hospital stay. My brother packed all my bags and he moved my possessions (including pick up)back east i should be joining it by the end of the month

I got a benefit check (after spending a Lot of my money ) from social security (it will be coming monthly)and ill be spending it getting myself back as close to normal as i can and then.......:) who knows.
So sorry to hear you've been in such a difficult health struggle, Wade. :confused: Not fun.

So you're leaving L.A. That's a big change. Where 'back East' is home now? Care to say? If not, understood. (I'm from New England - and have been missing it recently - especially the autumnal season - hope to be back this fall for an extended visit - though L.A. remains home - for now).

Please take care - so good that you're 'roaring back'. :)

P.S. Getting out of the way of the nuclear strike, are we? :D:p
P.S. Getting out of the way of the nuclear strike are we?
Well I was born and raised near Watertown NY , except for visits haven't been much a local since 1980 and now as you may know it's the home of the ever growing 10th Mountain Division so in case of nuclear strike........:eek:
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Welcome back, Wade! Glad to see you are making a strong recovery. Time among family and old friends will have its advantages, so enjoy that. We were just recently back that way for a wedding, down by Syracuse. Mighty pretty country.
Well I was born and raised near Watertown NY , except for visits haven't been much a local since 1980 and now as you may know it's the home of the ever growing 10th Mountain Division so in case of nuclear strike........:eek:
Ha-Ha! :p:D Enjoy the autumn again! Envy you!