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Who is Luis Elizondo? (re: DeLonge's TTS/AAS money making media empire)

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OK @S.R.L. , as long as we are up there on your urological hill, shall we sing along with Paul here and dedicate the bust of our new guru Waldo Elizondo?

There’s been a change of plans …

Word on the street has it; The Paracast’s very own Tom Morrison will be creating and then presenting Elizondo’s breathtaking bronzed bust complimented with chin strip, cranium crowned with large platter, adorned with a glorious pile of mashed potatoes (Close Encounters style), accented with a cube of margarine poised atop its peak, lending a certain je ne sais quoi. After careful consideration, Elizondo’s bust will be relocated and displayed at either the Roswell UFO Museum, or perhaps the entrance of a local Denny's Restaurant..., home of the "Grand Slam a la Elizondo".
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Luis Elizondo will appear at the Ufo Congress this February. You can pose all the questions you like if you attend.
At the website, there is no mention of Elizondo responding to questions directly from the audience. Simply to answer questions and speak to the audience. More than likely, the questions are cherry-picked in advance.

Besides, who in their right mind would spend their hard-earned money to wrestle a microphone away from Linda Moulton Howe? Again, it looks like his attendance is prerecorded.

"Although he can not physically make it to the conference, we will show an interview with Luis recorded exclusively for the International UFO Congress."

“Luis was originally going to join us at the conference, but that will not be possible due to a personal issue. However, Luis still wants to answer questions and speak to the audience of the International UFO Congress. He says: “The UFO community have been ridiculed and marginalized and yet, somehow, doggedly persisted in their pursuit of the truth, despite the naysayers and cynics.” He continued: “It is a fact that part of my inspiration for coming forward after these many years was due to the multitudes of brave men and women who continued to ask the hard questions despite the common consensus of the system.”

International UFO Congress | Luis Elizondo
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But not in person.
I recall Alejandro Rojas telling us on The Paracast that Mr. Elizondo is dealing with some health issues right now, so I presume that's why he can't make it in person.

And his quote above kicks butt. How can any of us who have endured decades of derision and mockery from the mainstream media and academia, and endless patronizing denials from the government, read that statement and not feel a refreshing sense of solidarity?

On the other hand, the smug online conspiracy theorists /cynics who keep attacking this guy are a huge part of the problem - not the solution, imo.
Luis Elizondo will appear at the Ufo Congress this February. You can pose all the questions you like if you attend.

Lol... while in absentia, and prerecorded... please explain how that might work?
I'm wondering if Elizondo will be shown lying in a hospital bed with tubes running about, as we really don't need any more deathbed confessions.
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Folks, sorry to be the cause of so much discord among members. I am a private person. For those who already know, I will be in surgery and sadly unable to attend any forums for at least a month (hopefully sooner). Despite what some may think, this is not "careful dodging" on my part, I have had this scheduled for some time and I will be under the care of my wife and daughters while recovering.
Also, I regret that my actions have been misinterpreted as anything other than genuine and sincere by some. However, there is certainly a difference between constructive criticism and disgruntled "provocateurs".. I hope cooler heads will prevail for all of our sake when studying this phenomena. Afterall, it's up to you to take the ball to the finish line at this point. I also ask that you continue to ask the hard questions but in a constructive manner and not assume pretense, motivation, or intent of individuals who you have never met. I do not believe it is helpful to the overall effort and it hurts our collective credibility by jumping to presumptions. Everyone has something to contribute. And lastly, my recommendation would be save the mashed potatoes for a worthy cause like Thanksgiving or shepherd's pie...
Folks, sorry to be the cause of so much discord among members. I am a private person. For those who already know, I will be in surgery and sadly unable to attend any forums for at least a month (hopefully sooner). Despite what some may think, this is not "careful dodging" on my part, I have had this scheduled for some time and I will be under the care of my wife and daughters while recovering.
Also, I regret that my actions have been misinterpreted as anything other than genuine and sincere by some. However, there is certainly a difference between constructive criticism and disgruntled "provocateurs".. I hope cooler heads will prevail for all of our sake when studying this phenomena. Afterall, it's up to you to take the ball to the finish line at this point. I also ask that you continue to ask the hard questions but in a constructive manner and not assume pretense, motivation, or intent of individuals who you have never met. I do not believe it is helpful to the overall effort and it hurts our collective credibility by jumping to presumptions. Everyone has something to contribute. And lastly, my recommendation would be save the mashed potatoes for a worthy cause like Thanksgiving or shepherd's pie...

How can anyone possibly take anything to a finish line when you are not forthcoming with meaningful information?

BTW, do you plan to respond to attendee’s questions @ the conference, or, are your answers prerecorded?

Well Lue.., what ye' say?

I suppose you must confer with the PTB before answering sensitive questions.

Just curious Lue, is “careful dodging” cryptic for my keyboard doesn’t work?
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Also, I regret that my actions have been misinterpreted as anything other than genuine and sincere by some. However, there is certainly a difference between constructive criticism and disgruntled "provocateurs".. I hope cooler heads will prevail for all of our sake when studying this phenomena. Afterall, it's up to you to take the ball to the finish line at this point. I also ask that you continue to ask the hard questions but in a constructive manner and not assume pretense, motivation, or intent of individuals who you have never met. I do not believe it is helpful to the overall effort and it hurts our collective credibility by jumping to presumptions.

As I have pointed out here a number of times, the vast majority of conversations and criticism that has been associated with you here and elsewhere is not really about what you have done or said but about TTSA and its other members. Since you are now part of it all, you become associated with it all.

For all that I have seen, you have given the impression that for you this is a serious scientific matter and about the data and making it public. Yet you are now a member and representative of a for-profit entertainment company, whose primary interests seem to be selling entertainment, pipe dreams of spaceships and telepathy and whatnot, and insanely overpriced stock for the benefit of the majority shareholder and his other business interests. Various other members of that company are well known for their pseudo-scientific and religious beliefs, questionable use of research money, and believing or even being part of various UFO related hoaxes and stories that rational and science-minded people don't take seriously. Those are well documented, mostly by their own words, and not just some assumptions.

I would really like to hear your take on that conflict between serious credible scientific research and for-profit entertainment with all those other questionable aspects. Do you acknowledge that in this case that "collective credibility" doesn't quite work for your advantage?
Fair enough indeed...however, through mutual respect and common decorum we can have an exchange without devolving into crass behavior and subversive inuindo.

I will try and make this short. I am not a company man per say so I will explain it as it was explained to me.

First, the corporate structure you are referring to is a "B" corporation which deals primarily for public bennefit. Very few of these exist because of the additional requirement and oversight required to demonstrate some sort of "public good" a company is alligned to. The DPO was an effort to allow anyone and everyone to join the fight. As you probably know, an IPO is usually limited to a select few and angel investment could jeopardize our abilite to remain focused on the research.

Second, the purpose is not to "make money", instead the company is trying to "raise money" so it can conduct the research and modeling to bring the various applications forward to a mature state.

Third, the motivations of my colleagues are question you should ask them...preferably in a sincere and non-accusatory manner. These folks have taken great risk to be part of this endeavor, and for better or worse, they are entitled to their positions and opinions like the rest of us on this forum. Honest inquiry is always more preferable over hostile interrogation. I don't blame anyone for not responding to a potential ambush...I am only doing it this time because i have faith in several members of this discussion board that we (collectively) are trying to have fruitful discussion about a serious topic. Otherwise, I would gladly be gone and avoid the backbiting and accusatory tone.

Lastly, I frankly don't care who supports my efforts and who doesn't. I knew when I made the decision to leave that I would catch the arrows from all sides. I accept it. What I DO care about are the many individuals who are trying to learn more about this incredible mystery of our universe and instead are being led down roads fraught with personal egos, agendas, and bias. Even worse, I have been deliberately misquoted and then that is used to perpetuate mistrust and anti-government propaganda among the discussion boards.

Please let me expoubd on this for just a moment: From intellectual arrogance to scientific tyrany, I am completely stunned by manner in which I have witnessed a response in recent months. In some cases, the very same scientists who made an early (and successful) career studying non-observables such as black holes (which by deffinition can only be observed through indirect measurements) are the same scientists who are ridiculing their own methodologies that we are trying to use to study the elusuve phenomena. On the opposite side of the argument, you have well respected researchers who now feel their efforts are in jeopardy and their funding sources may be in danger so they have decided to launch a full frontal assault by making false accusations we are pursuing FLIR fuzz and exhaust plumes...

As for addressing people's questions...I have made every effort to directly answer many of them both in the media and in upcoming events. In several cases I have been advised NOT to engage but I have chosen to do so in order that the myths can be dispelled once and for all. In most cases, at personal expense. As much as i would like to attend certain forums and engage with you directly, unfortunately mother nature has a vote and I can't push off my surgery any longer.

As with my other posts, I am sure several will nevertheless interpret my response as disingenuous or obfuscation. I assure you it is not. Hopefully in the near future it will become evident that i have made a boy scout attempt at trying to remain fair, honest, and reachable.
I am not a company man per say so I will explain it as it was explained to me.

First, the corporate structure you are referring to is a "B" corporation which deals primarily for public bennefit. Very few of these exist because of the additional requirement and oversight required to demonstrate some sort of "public good" a company is alligned to. The DPO was an effort to allow anyone and everyone to join the fight. As you probably know, an IPO is usually limited to a select few and angel investment could jeopardize our abilite to remain focused on the research.

Second, the purpose is not to "make money", instead the company is trying to "raise money" so it can conduct the research and modeling to bring the various applications forward to a mature state.

How familiar are you with the details of that corporate structure and financials? For example, I just mentioned this piece from TTSA SEC filings in another thread:
Revenues increased to $683,946 from $520,486 for the six months ended June 30, 2017 and 2016, respectively. Revenues increased primarily as a result of product releases, namely a special edition of vinyl albums under a limited license and trade paperback versions of previously released novels.

Cost of revenues increased to $497,448 from $305,935 for the six months ended June 30, 2017 and 2016, respectively. Cost of revenues increased primarily as a result of the increased price of vinyl albums due to license fee.

General and administrative expenses increased to $25,038,810 from $259,532 for the six months ended June 30, 2017 and 2016, respectively. General and administrative expenses increased primarily as a result of stock-based compensation expense related to the grant of 9,000,000 options and 2,500,000 shares of common stock under the Company’s 2017 Stock Incentive Plan.

Sales and marketing expenses increased to $158,217 from $78,118 for the six months ended June 30, 2017 and 2016, respectively. Sales and marketing expenses increased as a result of higher advertising and promotion costs, primarily related to the Company’s Regulation A offering.
We have an accumulated deficit at June 30, 2017 of $26,248,900. We expect to incur substantial expenses and generate continued operating losses until we generate revenues sufficient to meet our obligations. At June 30, 2017, the Company had cash of $70,784. The Company is currently raising additional funds through a Regulation A offering to finance its operations.
The accompanying financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, which contemplates the realization of assets and the satisfaction of liabilities in the normal course of business. The Company has incurred losses from operations and has an accumulated deficit at June 30, 2017 of $26,248,900. These factors raise doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern.

During the next twelve months, the Company intends to fund its operations through the sale of common stock to third parties through its Regulation A offering and other means of financing as available. If we cannot raise additional short-term capital, we may consume all of our cash reserved for operations. There are no assurances that management will be able to raise capital on terms acceptable to the Company. If we are unable to obtain sufficient amounts of additional capital, we may be required to reduce the scope of our planned operations, which could harm our business, financial condition and operating results. The financial statements do not include any adjustments that might result from these uncertainties.

Do you see that giving some valid concerns on whether that money is actually going to conducting research?

Also note these plans from the Offering Circular for the case of raising less than $5 million, which would already be double the amount TTSA has currently raised (according to the counter on the TTSA front page):
Less Than $5 Million Raise
If the offering size were to be less than $5 million and above the $1 million minimum, TTS AAS would adjust its use of proceeds by reducing planned growth of employee headcount, reducing operational costs, and slowing down projects or not making investment in projects. The company is also required under the loan to Our Two Dogs, Inc. to repay 10% of the net proceeds from funds raised in this offering, up to $400,000 in this scenario.
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I do indeed. Our frustration with dealing with the SEC is the extreme nature in which we are prohibited from discussing anything about the company publicly other than what is expressly indicated in the SEC filing. If we deviate even a little (even for the sake of clarification) we would face stiff penalties and fines. We have been advised by attorneys not to engage in any discussion unless it comes from our Board and we are in complane with SEC rules and regulations. Admittedly, I am not an expert either legally or operationally in the left and right limits of our corporate communications strategy nor the strict declarations made by the SEC. However, with that said, we recognize full well how in the absence of data, the void will be filled by something else. As such, we are working very hard to dispell some of the myths associated with our effort and it's my understanding we will begin to address some of these concerns (in a legally sound manner) in the near term. Uncle Sam does not take kindly when speaking out of turn (ask me how I know) and we certainly don't want to make any mistakes with the SEC.
I will ask our legal staff to help us develop a means to help clarify some of the ambiguity concerning the filing to see if we help clarify some of the common misconceptions in the comming weeks and months...point noted.
Please for give me, but I am not clear on the question? I am willing to respond but I am not certain what you are asking me...please restate so I can try and provide you with a meaningful response.

Also, I will have limited access to a mobile device so if I don't respond immediately, please do not take it that i am ignoring members...
Please for give me, but I am not clear on the question? I am willing to respond but I am not certain what you are asking me...please restate so I can try and provide you with a meaningful response.

Also, I will have limited access to a mobile device so if I don't respond immediately, please do not take it that i am ignoring members...

In the absence of data, what would you propose to fill the void?
Folks, sorry to be the cause of so much discord among members. I am a private person. For those who already know, I will be in surgery and sadly unable to attend any forums for at least a month (hopefully sooner). Despite what some may think, this is not "careful dodging" on my part, I have had this scheduled for some time and I will be under the care of my wife and daughters while recovering.
Also, I regret that my actions have been misinterpreted as anything other than genuine and sincere by some. However, there is certainly a difference between constructive criticism and disgruntled "provocateurs".. I hope cooler heads will prevail for all of our sake when studying this phenomena. Afterall, it's up to you to take the ball to the finish line at this point. I also ask that you continue to ask the hard questions but in a constructive manner and not assume pretense, motivation, or intent of individuals who you have never met. I do not believe it is helpful to the overall effort and it hurts our collective credibility by jumping to presumptions. Everyone has something to contribute. And lastly, my recommendation would be save the mashed potatoes for a worthy cause like Thanksgiving or shepherd's pie...
Hello Lue,

Thank you so much for returning to Paracast where I hang out as some species of forum class clown. I knew it would take some levity to overcome the gravity of your situation so I figured the best way to make nonlocal contact with you was to cast you as Waldo (so cutely rhymes with your last name!) and put out a cosmic APB to search for you. It was a literal “overnight success.”

First let me identify myself. My name is Tom Mellett and I am an old friend of Hal Puthoff, though I haven’t seen him in a good 20 years now. To establish my “Uncle Hal bona fides,” I suggest you call him up and ask him: “Just who is this guy Tom Mellett?” and he will suddenly burst out laughing (I guarantee it!)

I may not “feel your pain” but I do commiserate with your medical problems and wish you the best in undergoing the knife. A year ago, I had some blood clots in my lung which put the fear of Bejesus into me, so my Mirror Neurons bid Godspeed to your Mirror Neurons.

And on that note of empathy, I would like to offer you my highly intuitive analysis of your character that I posted on Paracast about a month ago in another thread. I urge you to read it through here, then print it out and refer to it if you have any pre-surgery anxieties, and most definitely enjoy reading it when you are in recovery.

I give you now the link to the original PFAA report and then copy it below for you.

Best regards,

Tom Mellett
Los Angeles CA

"Top questions and doubts about UFO whistleblower, Luis Elizondo "

PFAA for Luis Elizondo, dated January 8, 2018

Subjecting the name Luis Elizondo to cursory PFAA (Psycho-Forensic Anagrammatical Analysis) yields a distinctive and robustly bifurcated cluster mapping of oppositional emotional phrases that make Luis the perfect spokesman for TTSA during this preliminary (“modified limited hangout”) stage of public UAP/UFO disclosure.

This does not mean that Luis is, like a stereotypical politician, “all things to all people” but rather that Luis has a distinct Zen-like “tabula rasa” quality to his personhood that quite irresistibly invites projection of others upon him of both psychiatric sympathies and antipathies.

Let me start with two starkly opposed anagrams to illustrate the “Love-hate” reactions that Luis engenders:


Here I only need mention the name of Paracaster Thomas R. Morrison as the exemplar of this kind of admiration for Luis.



I suppose I should name SLR as the Paracast exemplar for this sentiment against Luis. But also note that this is a self-referential anagram which then must be interpreted on 2 levels, first the literal and then the meta-level — both of which express Luis’ keen awareness of the effect he has in drawing forth the love and hate from his admirers and detractors, but here you see, he actually delights in self-mockery aimed at those who question his honesty — a sure sign of his, well, Zen-like quality.


[4] ODIOUS ILL ZEN. (With variant: ODIOUS? I’LL ZEN!]

ZEN appears as an important keyword in many of the anagrams and I give 2 here, to show that Luis is, in the New Age parlance, ably practicing well the Zen of non-duality, transcending the mutually exclusive dualism of [1] and [2] above. Note [4] which resonates with 2 interpretations due to the ambiguity of ILL = “sick” and I’LL = “I will”. The first indicates how Luis practices Zen to deal with all that comes his way that is either “odious” or “ill” or both. The variant then makes that Zen practice much more clear.



Those of you familiar with the pedagogy of Waldorf schools, developed by Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) know that the children are “grokked” by the teacher according to the 4 Humors or 4 temperaments: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic.

Since Luis is the classic phlegmatic body type (with his ego “surfing”, as it were, more the waves of his endocrine glandular system), then it’s not surprising to see anagrams expressing that temperament.
But once again Luis has been doing his Zen, and so he is keenly self-aware of the pitfalls and negative side of the phlegmatic temperament, which invariably falls into dullness, stupor and becoming quite boring and repetitious. He knows that when he falters, he will begin to ooze dullness to others, and when he dozes, he can fall prey to illusion, or become deluded. But, in the main, he expresses the positive side of the temperament which is being an indefatigable and assiduous worker who knows how to get things done.



Yes, Luis has a temper and keeps it in check 99.99% of the time, but do beware of the volcanic eruption that is the other 0.01%



Finally, I want to end this anagrammata-gram with a positive affirmation of Luis’ very upbeat and optimistic spirituality. He is not urging us here to become pagan sun-worshippers (idolizing the physical or macrocosmic sun), but rather to acknowledge and validate the microcosmic heart, which in alchemical parlance is the human heart, (if you know your astrology, Leo the Lion rules the heart) thus bringing us full Ouroboritic circle back to Luis anagram [1]


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