For all our Paracasters north of the border, here are several links for coverage of Stanford's historic dino track find at the Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD. (Thanks to Jason in Calgary)
According to Dr. Martin Lockley the world's foremost dino track expert and Ray's co-author for the paper published by Scientific Reports and
“The concentration of mammal tracks on this site is orders of magnitude higher than any other site in the world… I don’t think I’ve ever seen a slab this size, which is a couple of square meters, where you have over 70 footprints of so many different types. This is the mother lode of Cretaceous mammal tracks.” [my emphasis]
Ray's observational & visual acuity and his undeniable intuition are off the charts. He is literally one in many millions. Dino tracks are his hobby. He prefers to look up at the trackways and footprints in the sky. THAT is his true passion and expertise. IMHO, he is the only "ufologist" that even comes close to mattering!

Here's a shot of Ray explaining the find to Minority Whip Steny Hoyer and the Goddard SFC Director Chris Scales and the Goddard article about this historic find...

According to Dr. Martin Lockley the world's foremost dino track expert and Ray's co-author for the paper published by Scientific Reports and
“The concentration of mammal tracks on this site is orders of magnitude higher than any other site in the world… I don’t think I’ve ever seen a slab this size, which is a couple of square meters, where you have over 70 footprints of so many different types. This is the mother lode of Cretaceous mammal tracks.” [my emphasis]
Ray's observational & visual acuity and his undeniable intuition are off the charts. He is literally one in many millions. Dino tracks are his hobby. He prefers to look up at the trackways and footprints in the sky. THAT is his true passion and expertise. IMHO, he is the only "ufologist" that even comes close to mattering!

Here's a shot of Ray explaining the find to Minority Whip Steny Hoyer and the Goddard SFC Director Chris Scales and the Goddard article about this historic find...

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