Aaron LeClair
Paranormal Maven
You shoulda wore that Grey head you have as your avatar and ran outside after em.
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This one buzzed my place for nearly three hours. At times I thought it was going to rip my freakin' roof off. He started circling when I went outside, chunked a rock at him and flipped him off and started filming. There was lot's of other weird shit happening in the same time time period that I won't go into for now.
I'm in a fairly densely populated suburb.Are you in an isolated area? Any idea why?
Also, to you and Mike, what kind of cam are you using to film this stuff? TIA
, all the rules here say you have to have the registration visable and not be flying at such a low altitude in a residential area and national park. looking out the front window i estimate it was about twice the height of the lamp post (streetlight pole), but there are trees near that pole that are half as high again as it is, so there isnt much margin for error
You shoulda wore that Grey head you have as your avatar and ran outside after em.
The one in my video was so close to the roof of my house that I threw a rock at it. That's a lot lower than a 1000'. I was about half a click from letting him have some buckshot. I attempted to call the police and the battery in my phone was dead. Hmmmm.I'm a private pilot. The rule is you must be 500' above ground level in unpopulated areas and 1000' AGL over populated areas. In your cae you could probably make the case that the area is largely unpopulated, but 500' is way higher than a couple of lamp posts which are likely no more than 40' tall.
I'm a private pilot. The rule is you must be 500' above ground level in unpopulated areas and 1000' AGL over populated areas. In your cae you could probably make the case that the area is largely unpopulated, but 500' is way higher than a couple of lamp posts which are likely no more than 40' tall.
Whenever I read chopper stories Im reminded of Davids encounter as a kid in Jersey with the black chopper and the disk. (I know there are many flying disk/chopper stories out there, but I trust David and I heard it first hand). I mean, just what in the sweet holy crap was going on there? Clearly, if we assume David remember everything correctly, there is some human element on earth that knows something about these UFOs and has access to a black chopper. Damn Id like to know the inside info on that.
Also, Mike coule you elaborate on your 'Grey' experience again? You asked the question "I want to know the truth about this", and a grey appeared in your door that night? Was that the first encounter?
Mike, for what it's worth, all of the power companies have helicopters that they use for everything from vegetation control, to lowering linemen down to high voltage towers to replace insulators and such.
Also have you considered Dept. of Natural Resources, or whatever your country has for an equal to that? Also possibly, if you live in a park area, maybe scientists observing wildlife? I can see either of those operating in a leased or rented chopper so wouldn't have official markings, just an FAA registration number on the tail.
As for FLIR, outside of combat choppers, the helicopters I've seen with FLIR pods are pretty obvious, even from a distance a helicopter mounted FLIR system is pretty easy to see on the underside of the bird.
Just some food for thought....![]()
The next time one of those helicopters flies over my house, I'm breaking out the Plasma cannon.
I kid you not. I built one.
Whenever I read chopper stories Im reminded of Davids encounter as a kid in Jersey with the black chopper and the disk. (I know there are many flying disk/chopper stories out there, but I trust David and I heard it first hand). I mean, just what in the sweet holy crap was going on there? Clearly, if we assume David remember everything correctly, there is some human element on earth that knows something about these UFOs and has access to a black chopper.
Another possibility is that I "think" I saw a black helicopter, but it might have been a screen memory. I honestly don't know what to believe in this regard.
Another possibility is that I "think" I saw a black helicopter, but it might have been a screen memory.