chrono-synclastically infundibulated
I'm wondering if someone could tell me that I'm being paranoid.
the last 24hrs have been bubbling, with crazy shit going on all around me.
Here it is in point form:
-Bush was in town, 4 people arrested.
-neighbor's dog's go batshit, escalading in an event where they both jumped out of the yard. Not easy, even for them.
-noticing movements out of the corner of my eye, at work, at home in the studio out back all day, not digging being alone for any length of time.
- remarked to girlfriend that she should remember her dreams. On a hunch.
- going to bed, notice both cats tripping out, and looking out window beside bedroom, nothing there but they were staring fixated on a spot outside,
- standing outside bedroom door looking in at the darkness, I hear four distinct , loud scrapes down the wall. I am terrified at this point GF investigates...Nada.
- working out behind the shop today, notice a black, private helicopter flying a complete circle around my location.
-it completes 3 loops around me that I noticed, then disappeared completely, takes off or something.
- listening to ipod, later on and distinctly hear my neighbor's dog bark 4 times,(his characteristic bark), in my headphones.
the last 24hrs have been bubbling, with crazy shit going on all around me.
Here it is in point form:
-Bush was in town, 4 people arrested.
-neighbor's dog's go batshit, escalading in an event where they both jumped out of the yard. Not easy, even for them.
-noticing movements out of the corner of my eye, at work, at home in the studio out back all day, not digging being alone for any length of time.
- remarked to girlfriend that she should remember her dreams. On a hunch.
- going to bed, notice both cats tripping out, and looking out window beside bedroom, nothing there but they were staring fixated on a spot outside,
- standing outside bedroom door looking in at the darkness, I hear four distinct , loud scrapes down the wall. I am terrified at this point GF investigates...Nada.
- working out behind the shop today, notice a black, private helicopter flying a complete circle around my location.
-it completes 3 loops around me that I noticed, then disappeared completely, takes off or something.
- listening to ipod, later on and distinctly hear my neighbor's dog bark 4 times,(his characteristic bark), in my headphones.