It's sad but true that most people don't like inconvenient realities to upset their pleasant illusions and prejudices. I see this all the time in my own daily interactions with people. Once someone reaches a point in his or her life when they feel they "understand" the world well enough - often around the age of thirty - they spend the rest of their life filling in the blanks of what they think they already know. It's a tendency that usually becomes more extreme over time. Ideas and worldviews seem to harden in tandem with the arteries.
The friends people make, television shows they watch, the internet sites they visit - the very world they create for themselves - all of these usually support the circumscribed worldview they themselves have adopted.
Obviously, it's the same with books. It's a rare book that has the ability to truly change one's mind about the world. Rarest of all are those gems with the ability to change one's life.
Laura Knight-Jadczyk's
The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and the Process of Alien Abduction is such a book.
It follows that such a book can only be written by those rarest of thinkers, someone possessing profound insights, freedom from convention, and the utter fearlessness necessary to tear down illusions and stare down the face of the abyss. Laura Knight-Jadczyk is such a person.
I believe that Laura understands, better than probably anyone you will ever know, just how dire is the plight of our civilization - the plight of our species. She also understands that to change one's life, one must be willing to fight.
"Fight what?" one might ask. The answer may seem strange within the context of our post-post-post modern 21st century setting, but it is ... to fight evil.
Crazy? No. Not at all.
The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and the Process of Alien Abduction is a book that lays out provocatively and passionately the hidden slavery of the human race. The problem is that this situation is so far removed from what most people have come to accept about their world, that Knight-Jadczyk's analysis and information will meet with tremendous resistance. Calling this book a "new paradigm" is a gross understatement. Understanding it will require most readers to discard nearly everything they think they know about how the world works. I realize this is a significant claim, and I do not make it lightly.
My problem in reviewing this book is amplified by how much of its information was obtained, and therein lies the core controversy surrounding Laura Knight-Jadczyk. Because for more than a decade, she has obtained information - lots and lots of information - from a group of people she calls "the C's": short for Cassiopaeans. In other words, this is information that has been gathered in sessions using a Ouija board and planchette, over and over, year after year.
This is not an easy thing for me to comment on. When my own work focuses so extensively on open source documentation, "proven" data that brooks no argument from established sources, when I have spent my public career with the meticulous caution of a historian to make a careful and reasoned argument on the UFO cover-up, delving into the world of "channeled" information can make me decidedly uncomfortable.
But here is why I feel what the Cs are genuine. In the first place, I have had the pleasure of knowing Laura, of spending time with her in deep conversation, as well as with many people who belong to her global salon, the Signs of the Times (SOTT). In other words, I don't just think that Laura is honest - I know she is. I know that she is a down-to-earth mother of five, who just happens to be brilliant and totally relentless. I have been fortunate indeed to meet many extraordinary people in my life, but even among these people, Laura is special.
So, yes, there is a personal connection here, one of friendship, and a detached reader might wonder if my own judgment is clouded in this review.
But the real issue, as I see it, when reviewing the content of this book, is twofold. First, how can we be sure that the communications from "The Cassiopaeans" are genuine; and second, is there inherent value in those communications?
To answer the first question, all I can say is that her channeled information is not the first, and will certainly not be the last. My attitude on most claimed channeled information usually ranges from extreme caution, to skepticism, to outright disbelief. But I cannot say that all such information is bunk or must be dismissed out of hand. My own research into the history of Remote Viewing (RV) has convinced me beyond any reasonable doubt that there is another dimension to our existence other than the straightforward material one. There is something more. Call it non-local, call it spiritual, it does not matter. There is an important aspect to our existence that conventional minds and "official culture" do not recognize.

Richard Dolan
Taken in that context, when I read the incredibly rich, detailed - and logical - statements coming from "the C's," I find it unlikely that Laura (or anyone, for that matter) could convincingly fake them. In the first place, the process for obtaining this information is from a Ouija board, with several people touching the planchette, and one person in charge of recording the letters, which come in at a furious pace. I have learned enough about the process of using the Ouija, and known enough people who have described this experience to me in detail, that I am satisfied something real is going on in that process. Moreover, the "dialogue" between Laura and the Cs also frequently includes other members of the channeling session who are present. Frequently the transcripts record very active discussions that include the comments and questions of many people in attendance.
I am inclined to think that the C's are real. Yet, we all must recognize that their existence does not pass the test of scientific evidence. We can take their existence as, let us say, an interesting working hypothesis.
But it is the message of the Cassiopaeans that really matters. What they tell us is that the world we live in is an illusion not unlike that of the movie,
The Matrix. The human race is being manipulated physically and spiritually by a race of beings that we know as the Reptilians, whom Laura refers as "The Lizzies" (her down-to-earth way of stripping them of their terror and putting them in their place). They can manipulate time with ease, they control "the Greys," and they live in what is known as the Fourth Density.
What is a density? I confess I don't quite understand the physics, and I am not sure that physics is the right path here in any case. But animals live in the second density, and we humans live in the third. It is, therefore, more of a state of consciousness than, say, a "dimension" of existence. The Reptilians are able to manipulate and control us in just the way that we can control cattle. But simply because the Reptilians live in a state of consciousness that is higher than ours does not mean they are ethical. They are, in fact, what we would refer to as pretty evil. They exist in what is called a "Service to Self" (STS) state of being. Humanity also exists in STS. There are other beings, however, such as the Cs, who live in a "Service to Others" (STO) state of being (and incidentally on the Sixth Density).
But the Reptilians can indeed do many things by virtue of being Fourth Density. For one, they can "appear" into our reality at will, in essentially any guise or form. They "need" us as food, both psychically/spiritually and physically. They have farmed us throughout our very existence. They have shaped our religious and political systems. Indeed, in many crucial ways, they have "made" us in their own image. Breaking free of their oppressive control is humanity's paramount task if it is ever to achieve true personal and spiritual liberation.
Incidentally, the abduction process comes into play here as one of several mechanisms by which "the Lizzies" control us. Using their creations, the Greys, to conduct most of the abductions, these events seldom occur in our Third Density reality. Instead, they take place in the Fourth Density, which effectively means it occurs in a timeless, spiritual realm. Yet while in the Fourth Density, life seems just as physical to us as always, and the return to Third Density is like the process whereby one copies and pastes a file back to one's hard drive. That is, the changes (and implants) that occur in the Fourth Density reality are effectively copied to one's Third Density body.
This is certainly a lot to take, and merely scratches the surface. Reading the book is really the only way to grasp it all.
I should point out that not all of this book deals with the Cassiopaeans, although this is its core. But there is a great deal of trenchant analysis by Knight-Jadczyk throughout, something that her readers have come to expect over the years.
The overall message of the book is grim. But the situation is not hopeless. I am very much taken by the motto of the C's, stated several times in the book: "knowledge protects; ignorance endangers."
No matter what the final truth is regarding the existence of the C's, or the Reptilians, or any other entities, I think all of us could use this as a personal motto. We live in a very dangerous world, far more dangerous, far worse, than most people realize. Yet, there is a way to safety, and it lies in understanding the nature of the reality in which we exist. This is hard work, but easily worth the effort.
I am also grateful to Laura Knight-Jadczyk for her courage in facing some of the most difficult issues human beings can face. She is a shining light in a world of darkness.
Richard M. Dolan is author of UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Coverup (Hampton Roads, 2002). He speaks at conferences around the world and has appeared on numerous television and radio programs. Visit his website at