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May "17th listener roundtable"

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Michael I thought you did great. In fact, so great, that if David had to take a few weeks off Id be totally happy with them calling you to fill his place for a couple weeks.

Good job (everyone).
Honestly man, did not notice a single instance of you stuttering.

BTW, I meant to ask you, the sighting of a cigar shaped something where everyone was ignoring it.... You say if you really put your girlfriend on the spot she admits she saw it.

What if you asked her what it looked like? Or asked her what she thought about it? Does she just clam up and refuse to answer?
Seriously? There were a few points there I thought I sounded like Porky Pig. Duh...duh, deet, dah, deet...that's all folks.
On the subject of the cigar thingy, she saw the same thing I did. It was clear as could be. I think she just knows that it was probably not human made and that freaks her out. I think the last time I brought it up she said something like, "Why does it matter? You can't do anything about it."
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Seriously? There were a few points there I thought I sounded like Porky Pig. Duh...duh, deet, dah, deet...that's all folks.
On the subject of the cigar thingy, she saw the same thing I did. It was clear as could be. I think she just knows that it was probably not human made and that freaks her out. I think the last time I brought it up she said something like, "Why does it matter? You can't do anything about it."
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Thats still a weird reaction/response. You cant do anything, but you can talk about it and its implications.
Great show everyone. Thanks Gene & David for letting some of the listeners speak out.

Shows that other experiencers have a spectrum of experiences that are unexplained. Kinda makes me think that either you're predisposed to having these kinds of experiences or maybe there's a "grand unified theory" of paranormal events. My personal take is that there's an intersection of events happening, at least somewhat on the metaphoric/symbolic level that we just aren't (yet) equipped to grasp.

Regarding Strieber -- as a long time former fan and listener my take is that he's had quite a few genuine experiences... and I have to say that communion helped me out quite a bit back in the '80s. But in the past ~5ish years he's allowed himself to go off the deep end, helped no doubt by Howe, Harris, and others. Now anything goes, there's no criticality at all. It's too bad really. Communion strikes too close to home to me to be faked, and yet listening to the "guests" that he has on dreamland now is just painful. And the drones... well, there's just no emoticon for that.
I am really surprised that you were that nervous considering how many times David has said very nice things about your posts and intellect! Don't you know you are his newest favorite forum member? That is a compliment BTW and I know how difficult it is to interpret posts sometimes.
I was glad to hear that you had a batch of offspring, Schuyler. This race of beasts needs all the Intelligence it can inherit. We're doomed otherwise.
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Streiber's newest fiction, Critical Mass is quite engaging.

Great show everyone. Thanks Gene & David for letting some of the listeners speak out.

Shows that other experiencers have a spectrum of experiences that are unexplained. Kinda makes me think that either you're predisposed to having these kinds of experiences or maybe there's a "grand unified theory" of paranormal events. My personal take is that there's an intersection of events happening, at least somewhat on the metaphoric/symbolic level that we just aren't (yet) equipped to grasp.

Regarding Strieber -- as a long time former fan and listener my take is that he's had quite a few genuine experiences... and I have to say that communion helped me out quite a bit back in the '80s. But in the past ~5ish years he's allowed himself to go off the deep end, helped no doubt by Howe, Harris, and others. Now anything goes, there's no criticality at all. It's too bad really. Communion strikes too close to home to me to be faked, and yet listening to the "guests" that he has on dreamland now is just painful. And the drones... well, there's just no emoticon for that.
Streiber's newest fiction, Critical Mass is quite engaging.

From all accounts he is a really talented fiction writer. Been meaning to track down a copy of Majestic for a while now.

Im not sure what to think of his "non-fiction". I accept he has some weird shit happen, but his audio interviews of late, he just sounds so damn out there. Like he is either having a nervous breakdown. Or playing up the paranoia angle to attract people to his media empire (books/website/podcasts etc).

Who knows. He does no favours by aligning himself with exopolitics people like Paola Harris. Those people (and her especially) are just embarrassing to listen to IMO. I cant help but cringe when I listen to them.
Great show. There's a post in in the encounters section of this forum that describes a very similar experience to Fahrusha's little house incident. The guy who describes it said he encountered a small house in Germany during a military training exercise they were doing in the woods. I think he even remarked on the curtains it had, that there was something about the house having curtains that freaked him out. I'm wondering with Fahrusha's experience being close to an army base if there's a military connection.
I would like to commend David and Gene for putting on a show like this that allows listeners to particpate on the show beyond just posting on forums. It's a rarity in any broadcast media that this type of format is done.

No agendas, no books or videos to sell. Just ordinary people sharing their experiences. How refreshing!
Great show. There's a post in in the encounters section of this forum that describes a very similar experience to Fahrusha's little house incident. The guy who describes it said he encountered a small house in Germany during a military training exercise they were doing in the woods. I think he even remarked on the curtains it had, that there was something about the house having curtains that freaked him out. I'm wondering with Fahrusha's experience being close to an army base if there's a military connection.

I'll check that out in the forum. Thanks.
Hi everybody,
Three points:
Point 1.A quote about remote viewer Ingo Swann from George Filer's "Filer's Files" about the Earth Oasis theory:
"Swann was part of CIA and Army agencies that were collecting intelligence on Soviet operations and UFOs. He was taken to a remote lake in Alaska where he witnessed a large triangular UFO at close range suck up the water from the lake. Swann was reportedly told that this kind of craft emerged from the Alaskan lake every day. Apparently we are an oasis in space where aliens refuel."
That (Ingo, conversations with Filer) is probably where I got the oasis idea I was toying with.
Thanks to Horatio Pink for finding the small house reference. My sighting of a small house was human sized, small in that it probably only had one or 2 rooms within (if it was really a house). Odd in that there was no road up to it or driveway etc.
Third point is on a different subject. I'm interested in corresponding with people on the list who have suffered from so-called sleep paralysis, especially experiences related to "aliens" or "beings". I have had such experiences off and on for years, most recently this Sunday morning.
I just heard the part where skunkape and BrandonD just figured out their Texas connection. I'm from that area too, and it was great hearing it mentioned on the Paracast.
It's no Marley Woods, but it is kinda spooky at night, and as I mentioned there was at least one very well documented Blue Book sighting there when I was a little kid.

Fahrusha, I just heard an episode of Binnall of America audio with a couple of sleep paralysis researchers named Andrew Barnes and Paul Taitt. They take it very seriously and not at all as a simple way to explain away abduction accounts. If you are interested it's easy to find on Binnall's website.

Additionally, I have been scared half to death by some of Strieber's stuff. When he's good, he's really good, and I found myself thinking all through _Majestic_, "Damn, I hope this is not real." As a UFO personality Strieber is in the less-credible portion of my gray basket, gotta say it, but he can write a compelling story.
I've only gotten half-way through the roundtable - great show, btw, and as usual, Dave and Gene have done a tremendous job of keeping everything running smoothly - so I haven't listened to the whole thing, but I feel this incredible need to cover some points brought up in the first half.

One thing that always frustrates me, and it came up several times during the current show is how detached, or turned-off or literally pissed-off people are during a UFO sighting. Personally, I've only had one sighting of something I felt was a intelligently playful non-material UFO, more or less disc shaped and bright like a near star. I recalled experiencing a sense of awe, not wow, dude that was so cool! but real interest and confirmation that "something peculiar was happening". Of course the light was miles away and not anywhere near as close as some sightings or experiences happen but perhaps that's where this all gets cagey for some witnesses; like it's a proximity issue. What do you think?

I also wouldn't mind knowing if any fellow listener's who've encountered, or sighted a UFO, or entities have ever been given the impression or been told right-out-loud from other humans, or from the phenomena itself, that they shouldn't pay attention to the subject at hand?

In other words, has anyone ever been directly warned (pleasantly or not-so-nicely) for trying to understand the phenomena and all it's ambiguities?

My only other reaction to the episode thus far is that we, human beings, really don't understand the world of our dreams very well, but thank you Fahrusha, Schuyler and Ally, amongst others, for bringing up a subject whose business many of us entertain on a daily basis.
All I can say is that I witnessed 4 classic 50's style discs big as a full semi truck and trailer over a major Canadian city mid day on a weekend two years ago.

I was stopped at a red light and couldn't believe my eyes.

I spotted 3 black objects in the sky I first took to be birds, but then noticed that they were far too large to be birds – plus they didn't have any wings. They were certainly close enough to not be helicopters, plus they were too close together (maybe 50 ft apart) to be some conventional aircraft that I can think of. They did act playfully, they kind of just flitted back and forth with two objects remaining close together and the third trailing off to the left.

I estimated they were a about two miles away when I first saw them and then came in about a mile away. They weren't high up in the sky, maybe 500 ish feet. I could judge the distance pretty easily because of the streets and buildings that they seemed to be overhead.

They then wandered off east towards a cloud bank, and then they faded into the clouds, which I estimated to be 10 miles or so away – very suddenly they went from ~ 1 mile away to ~10 miles away in a second or two but it didn't look fast, it looked lazy. Like going from basically motionless to ten miles away in a second or two was just something you do casually. Very odd.

When the trailing one banked, I could see that it was clearly disk shaped and light gleamed around the edge of the disk revealing it's metallic arc, and it looked like the edge was a bit dimmer than rest of the thing. Just a featureless disk like you might see in a serial from the '50s.

After the first three had begun to disappear into the cloud bank, they were joined by a fourth disk acting in the same manner as the first three. It wandered around about a mile away and then shot off into the same cloud bank as the first three.

I'd say the whole encounter took about a minute.

Now, there were probably at least 25 people around me waiting at the same light at a major intersection. I looked around and not one person was looking up. Not one. Every single one was steadfastly looking somewhere else. What are the odds of that? I mean, a couple dozen people all trapped at a red light, all facing the same direction... and only me looking ahead?

Now I'm not saying that there wasn't some possible prosaic explanation for what I saw but damn it freaked me out. Wasn't my first daylight sighting but for sure was my first public one.

They looked kind of like this but without the dome on top or below, just a featureless shiny polished pancake:

I have to say, I was really, really disapointed in this show. Just came off as so much ramblings by...well, by god knows who these folks were. Listening to it brought to mind a few of the complaints I have with Paracast in general. It would help a LOT if there would be more of an introduction of who exactly is speaking, what their credentials are, CV, etc. I don't just mean with this listener roundtable show, but of the dozen or so shows I have listened to, I get the sense that Gene and David are automatically assuming we know who their guests are, just by dropping their names. I listen to the show while driving and do not have instant acces to Google to find out who is who. Other than that, I really do enjoy the show and feel that we are hearing things here that are noticeably absent elsewhere in the discussion.
I really like that the paracast doesn't do a long 5 or 10 minute kiss ass introduction about who their guests are like some other shows do. I think by listening to what the guest or guests have to say tells quite a bit about who they are and pesonally, in some cases, I really don't care if the person as three PHD"s or is a high school drop out.
SarkozyAide -- the "Show Description" tag will give you a brief listing of the person and their background -- author, researcher, experiencer, whatever. If you are listening on an iPod you can repeatedly press the center button to display that text. Additionally, the names of the current and upcoming guests and their fields of interest are on the front page of the Paracast forum site. It was certainly very clear from the introduction of this show that the guests were ordinary folks who were regular forum participants; people who had demonstrated that they either had experiences or perspectives or both which would be interesting to share.

Ally, I agree with you about the long introductions. That is the one thing I dislike about binnall of america. I don't mean to be rude to SarkozyAide, but it is really not hard to find out who the guests are before you listen.

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