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just 'knowing' something..

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Skilled Investigator
I've remembered another strange experience that I had, not a very long story but I still ponder on it from time to time.

Whilst taking my usual route by foot one evening, I approached the bridge where you had to be careful crossing as it was just on a sharp bend in the road, so both directions were slightly awkward to watch whilst crossing the road, there was no other place to cross to get to where I lived at the time.

It was whilst I was waiting here, watching and listening for traffic, that a car approached from my left, taking the corner slow, not only because it's a sharp turn but I also noticed that it was a learner driver-I then noticed that there was a mobile phone on the roof, which slid off as the car turned.

So, when it was safe to do so, I picked up the phone off the road-and then, without thinking just decided that if I walked in the direction that the car had gone, that I would somehow be able to give it back to that person.

It was almost like I felt that I knew the car had stopped nearby, but I wouldn't have been able to hear that, as I walked for five minutes, but I felt calm, there was no reasoning as to why or where but I followed my instinctive feelings, and sure enough, the car had stopped, driving lesson still in session, going over some theory I think..

I tapped on the window, and they both looked a bit startled, I explained what I had seen, and the girl driver immediately checked her bag and looked me in a way I'm pretty sure I've never been looked at before! lol:D

She then said "but, how did you know we had stopped?, and where we were"?, all I could say was that I had no idea, I actually felt a bit embarrassed to be honest, because I really did not have an explanation, all I did know was that I had a feeling that propelled me to keep walking.

Very strange indeed. Probably not even a paranormal experience really, maybe just luck, who knows?:confused:
Why must we refer to such instances as paranormal? The history of humanity is replete with such tales. Before we understood the mechanics of the five senses we accepted and utilized them., to our mutual benefit.
The loss of a sense of "knowing" one's environment outside of the limits of the 5 "common senses" is a common thing in this modern world. The "tracking" sense is all too often dulled by convenience.
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I agree with everybody so far about this (doesn't happen often, but there you go)....I also think that the brain (or the brain + whatever else is required) seemlessly integrates information from multiple sources - it doesn't care whether the source is the known senses, subsconscious observation or perceptions that we would regard as paranormal.​
I tend to think of the paranormal as phenomena that are part of our universe but which we currently have to put in the "Dunno what the Hell that is" basket. The distinction is in our knowledge, not in nature.
But then again I do talk a lot of shite.
I agree with everybody so far about this (doesn't happen often, but there you go)....I also think that the brain (or the brain + whatever else is required) seemlessly integrates information from multiple sources - it doesn't care whether the source is the known senses, subsconscious observation or perceptions that we would regard as paranormal.​
I tend to think of the paranormal as phenomena that are part of our universe but which we currently have to put in the "Dunno what the Hell that is" basket. The distinction is in our knowledge, not in nature.
But then again I do talk a lot of shite.
No thing happens that is not Natural.
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"Just knowing" used to happen me a good bit.

It seems to be conected with other people when it happens to me, perhaps more like psychically picking up on intention rather than premonition.
"Just knowing" used to happen me a good bit.

It seems to be conected with other people when it happens to me, perhaps more like psychically picking up on intention rather than premonition.

I used to experience that loads when I was younger in my teens, there was a time that I 'knew' when a certain visitor was on his way, interestingly this was somebody I was very uncomfortable around, an acquaintance of my boyfriend, always would call at random times, even at 3am on some occasions, but around 15 mins before hand I would get the feeling, like a heaviness in my gut, a dread? perhaps...and sure enough he would always turn up. There was no pattern to the times in which he visited, could be months between each so I learnt to trust that feeling, so yea I reckon we have had our abilities dampened down, they are there for a reason.

I wasn't terrified of this bloke though, he was just an odd ball!, insisted on wearing an eye patch, a long leather black coat..and had an unhealthy interest in making Freddy krueger style gloves?!?!?!?!?!:confused::D

Sorry....I have digressed..::)
That's an interesting talent... something akin to being an involuntary Samaritan with a penchant for attracting slasher wannabes.

thanks for sharing your experience :)
That's an interesting talent... something akin to being an involuntary Samaritan with a penchant for attracting slasher wannabes.

thanks for sharing your experience :)

well, when you put it like that!, lol, I'm pleased to say that the 'slasher wannabe' was not a friend of mine:p
When I was younger, a friend of mine was seeing my ex. I knew they liked each other, but I really felt that there was something going on between them. I felt like I was bein really paranoid. One night me and my friend were out and I confronted him with my "paranoid fantasy". The look on his face was one of complete shock. He laughed a bit and said, "How did you know that?" I was right! They had kept it secret cause of me, and even my other friends were surprised by it.
"I wasn't terrified of this bloke though, he was just an odd ball!, insisted on wearing an eye patch, a long leather black coat..and had an unhealthy interest in making Freddy krueger style gloves?!?!?!?!?!"

Fine line between harmless nerd and psycho killer. Did he own a lot of action figures?
action figures?..nope, no idea about that. I really only know two things about him, how he dressed and that he loved Ozzy/Black sabbath, the latter was the only thing we had in common!:D
The sense of intuition or of 'knowing' something is such an interesting phenomenon. I wonder if we as a species had this sense more and have lost it/ignore it or if it is possible that we evolving toward it. The way animals react makes me think that this sense is innate in us. I've often 'known' someone had passed away due to a heavy void feeling in my stomach or a certain song coming into my mind. I still grapple with the intuition sense because it does not gel with my other rational mind.

In my martial art one of the black belt gradings involves kneeling while someone stands behind you with a sword poised. You pass if you role out of the way at exactly the right time when the sword is about to cut you. This still seems like magic to me but maybe one day we will have the science to explain how this works. Until then I'll keep trying to integrate what I know and what I feel into some usable understanding!

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