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Black flat moving thing

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Skilled Investigator
One night I was coming home very late, around 11pm, and I saw this flat, very black, moving "worm" crossing the road. It was about 5 feet long and 2-3 feet wide shaped like a snake but pointed at each end. The road was dark grey and it was near a light post. It came from the area of a house and went into the playground. 2 days later the house it came from a boy who was a senior in high school commited suicide in his bedroom. I know what I saw and it was very quick but I felt an evil force. I have never seen anything like this before or since. Please let me know if you have ever seen something like this.

I am not sure what to say. As I read your words, I had the weirdest sense of de javu! I am certain I read the SAME account somewhere before, but without the suicide reference. (very strange)



1) When did this happen? Recently? What year?

2) Have you ever posted this story online? (This might explain the feeling of de javu)

3) Did you have any relationship with the family in the house? (friends, aquaintance, etc)

4) Have you ever had any other visions or premonitions like this before?

5) Do you have any previous history of anything paranormal?

- also - my memory is that a woman wrote or told the story. Not sure.
I am not sure what to say. As I read your words, I had the weirdest sense of de javu! I am certain I read the SAME account somewhere before, but without the suicide reference. (very strange)



1) When did this happen? Recently? What year?
2001 on Guam. The child was a Sr in High School. He hung himself in his room. We found out later he was part of a suicide cult. NCIS had a town hall meeting at the theater on base to discuss the cult.

2) Have you ever posted this story online? (This might explain the feeling of de javu)
Never. I've only told this to a couple of very close friends.

3) Did you have any relationship with the family in the house? (friends, aquaintance, etc)
No. But my twin daughters had classes with the child. We lived in the same neighborhood
4) Have you ever had any other visions or premonitions like this before?
Never like this. I have had many many premonitions but just with family and occ close friends.
5) Do you have any previous history of anything paranormal?
Yes. I will relate a few
I have identical....very beautiful...twin daughters. One time when they were Srs. in high school they went to work at Taco Bell. A little while later I heard this urgent voice to go to a specific beach. It was loud and screaming at me. Well, I went to the beach and both my girls and a girl friend was at that specific beach all alone except there were several male sailors......from another country...walking over to them. Now, nothing happened. I made them go home......but I KNOW that something very bad would have happened to those girls.

Once, while in Florida we visited a church. I went up and shook the pastor's hand it felt like a snake bit me. I pulled back my hand and never returned. Then, 2 years later I found out that this Pastor was an associate pastor at another church. While under contract he openned his own church and stole members over and got several little old ladies in our church to give him cash, furs, and a car. He really is a snake

29 years ago my husband was in the Navy and was deployed to the middle east on an Aircraft Carrier. I had never been in the ship. I went to my mother's home. One night I dreamed I left my body and flew over land and then the ocean and then saw the ship. I flew down and saw everything on the ship.... the eating area....berthing area...and found my husband's berthing area. I pulled back the blue curtain...sat next to him.....and gave him a kiss......then I was pulled back to my body. Now, I was able to describe everything even the blue privacy curtains that were in the berthing area.....which I've never been nor been told of. Now, back then everything was done by snail mail and I got a letter from my husband and he told me of this dream he had of me sitting down next to him and giving him a kiss. Hhhhmmmm.

I'm an RN and have been nursing for 25years. I've seen many strange things as a nurse. I worked hospice for many years. About 3 days before death most patients would see either.......black, floating, demons...and the patient would be very afraid.......or they would see white, floating, angels.......and these patients would be calm and comforted........Most saw white, floating, angels. I never saw any of these enities. The patients would describe them floating over their heads. Now, many times as a nurse I would have a patient that would say, "I'm going to die tomorrow." Now, they always died. I never asked how they knew.......I think I was a bit afraid to know.....but they knew. Ask and seasoned nurse and they will affirm this.

I had to retire from nursing due to health reasons almost 2 years ago. Well, about a year ago my husband said he woke up at 3 am. He saw a full size woman from the chest up.......all white.....coming out of the wall.......over my head.........praying.........no sound.......Kind of like the Virgin Mary. He said he sat up.....rubbed his eyes......and it was there for 3-4 minutes and just faded away. He insists he was awake and I believe him. He is a "non-practicing" Catholic but I am not Catholic.

This is just a few things that have happened to me and my family. My husband says he listens to me when I have a feeling because I'm usually, not always, right!

- also - my memory is that a woman wrote or told the story. Not sure.
I hope this helps and that I did this right!
Best Regards,
I heard about something like this once. It may have been on another podcast, but what I heard was about the big flat worm crossing the road and the person stopped their car to watch it and then decided to run over it and it changed into several worms and all of the worms kept crossing the road.... or something like that. No suicide reference.
oh and in the story I heard, it was a couple in the car who witnessed this.

Oh wow, I did not run over it. It crossed over before I reached it so my car did not hit it. I would have really freaked if I saw it break up into a bunch of worms. YIKEES!

Do you remember the info on the podcast? I would love to listen to it. This has bothered me for a long time now.

Best Regards,
I hope this helps and that I did this right!
Best Regards,

I would like to add one more experience that I feel is very impressive. When my twin girls were 2 years old they had bedrooms at opposite ends of the hall. One day when they were taking a nap I was putting up linen in the hall between their rooms. Their bedroom doors were open, one girl fell out of her child bed and hit the back of her head....instantly the other girl sat up in her bed screaming holding the back of her head........in the same area her twin had just hit her head on the floor.........I saw this with my own two eyes!

Now, they have a connection and know what goes on with each other......they read each other's minds........it is freaky sometimes.

Best Regards,
Bogie13p - - - Yes, I think you are right. That seems to ring true. It would be interesting to dig that episode up and compare details. I suspect that MU has a forum of some sort, and one could easily ask. (thanks!)
Bogie13p - - - Yes, I think you are right. That seems to ring true. It would be interesting to dig that episode up and compare details. I suspect that MU has a forum of some sort, and one could easily ask. (thanks!)

Hmm.. I didn't find a forum if there is one. Maybe I just didn't look hard enough, but I did find an email link, so I emailed MU asking if they remember what episode that was from. I don't know if anyone will reply, but we shall see.
Bogie13p - - - Yes, I think you are right. That seems to ring true. It would be interesting to dig that episode up and compare details. I suspect that MU has a forum of some sort, and one could easily ask. (thanks!)

Not sure if you saw the questions I answered 'cus I think I ended up answering myself..newbie! Just wanted to know what you thought.

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