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Charles Hall?

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Skilled Investigator
Has Paracast ever interviewed Charles Hall? Are there any plans to interview him? His story is fascinating and quite convincing. I think it would make a really good paracast.
Has Paracast ever interviewed Charles Hall? Are there any plans to interview him? His story is fascinating and quite convincing. I think it would make a really good paracast.

He may be convincing, but it doesn't make it true. His story started out as fiction novels and then he claimed it was true, perhaps to drum up sales? His story is ridiculous.
He may be convincing, but it doesn't make it true. His story started out as fiction novels and then he claimed it was true, perhaps to drum up sales? His story is ridiculous.

Well you are entitled to your opinion, but I think if paracast can interview the likes of Steven Greer, Jim Sparks, Boyd Bushman, and others of that sort there's certainly no harm in interviewing Charles Hall. I find his story quite interesting.
Well you are entitled to your opinion, but I think if paracast can interview the likes of Steven Greer, Jim Sparks, Boyd Bushman, and others of that sort there's certainly no harm in interviewing Charles Hall. I find his story quite interesting.

Yes, that's true. Trust me, there have been tons of guests on the show that I think are full of it. If he's interesting, why not? Ultimately it's up to the hosts.
Maybe I should already know this but. Who the hail is Charles Hall? :-)

I had no clue who he was either. He apparently met up with tall white aliens. He wrote a novel and then later said everything in it was true. Sounds to me like he wanted to sell books, but who am i to judge?
I had no clue who he was either. He apparently met up with tall white aliens. He wrote a novel and then later said everything in it was true. Sounds to me like he wanted to sell books, but who am i to judge?

I would love to meet up with tall white blonde female aliens. I'd be the only male and they would compete to be my queen. Then I'd be taken to the planet Amazon waaay far away to rule and never grow old mate with many beautiful amazon warriors.

Anyway, if I was gonna write a story that would be where I would start. :-)

---------- Post added at 07:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:01 PM ----------

tyder001 said:
I would love to meet up with tall white blonde female aliens. I'd be the only male and they would compete to be my queen. Then I'd be taken to the planet Amazon waaay far away to rule and never grow old mate with many beautiful amazon warriors.

Anyway, if I was gonna write a story that would be where I would start. :-)

Scuse me, I gotta go get a cold shower. This alien stuff is interesting after all. :-)
Here is his talk at Xcon

XCon 2005 - Charles Hall - The Tall Whites - ET Experiences in the Nevada Desert

---------- Post added at 02:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:06 PM ----------

I would love to meet up with tall white blonde female aliens. I'd be the only male and they would compete to be my queen. Then I'd be taken to the planet Amazon waaay far away to rule and never grow old mate with many beautiful amazon warriors.

Well according to Mr. Hall they are not the hot blonde babes you immediately start envisioning, and hitting on them could get you killed pretty quick. Do I believe all he says? The jury is still out on that, but he tells a very interesting story with far too much detail to be made up by your common hoaxer, and he comes off quite sincere in all that he says. Moreover his credentials are verified, and those he worked with at the base verify he was indeed working there in the capacity he stated. I'm not willing to dismiss him out of hand. I've listened to his interviews on several radio shows and he does not contradict himself yet, and his story is completely consistent in each interview.

As for his books, it costs money to publish a three volume set, and he's not rich. He seems to have had a lot to say and felt strongly compelled to say it. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but you seem quite ready to ridicule him, notwithstanding you landed all over me for criticizing those scamming ufology with claims of "psychic contact" with aliens for money and trashing me for that, then I see you here ridiculing someone who's story you have not even examined and who you have never even heard of. I think there's a word for that. I believe it's called hypocrisy.
Well according to Mr. Hall they are not the hot blonde babes you immediately start envisioning, and hitting on them could get you killed pretty quick. Do I believe all he says? The jury is still out on that, but he tells a very interesting story with far too much detail to be made up by your common hoaxer, and he comes off quite sincere in all that he says. Moreover his credentials are verified, and those he worked with at the base verify he was indeed working there in the capacity he stated. I'm not willing to dismiss him out of hand. I've listened to his interviews on several radio shows and he does not contradict himself yet, and his story is completely consistent in each interview.

I agree with you about this Martina. I have read his first book. It's a bizarre story yet some of it rings true strangely enough. If it is true it has massive implications for our understanding of the 'cover-up'. I did find his main protagonist (basically himself) to be irritatingly and unbelievably perfect (and this is alarmingly egotistical in some ways). However I think this may be down to his unsophisticated writing style. Good fiction is hard to write...

So his story remains in my grey basket...it would be excellent if he could produce a corroborating witness who would go public or even speak confidentially to a respected researcher and they could publicise the testimony. I heard talk of possible witnesses coming forward but don't think it's happened yet.

I've listened to several interviews of his and the impression he leaves me with causes me to group Hall (rightly or wrongly) with Jim Sparks.
Hey Keiko, yes it's quite the story alright, and even if not true it's pretty entertaining. I do believe I've read that efforts have been made to verify his story among those he worked with at the ranges, and some of them who verified he worked there said there were indeed weird things going on out there, but were very reluctant to say precisely what. I also find it interesting that he wrote Hall Photon Theory in an effort to explain the principles of the TW's antigravity drive, and it's not a simple or amateurish document. He seems to know what he's talking about.

---------- Post added at 03:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:20 PM ----------

I've listened to several interviews of his and the impression he leaves me with causes me to group Hall (rightly or wrongly) with Jim Sparks.

Well okay, but it's still a pretty darned good story, and I think it's a better story than Sparks told... also Sparks got interviewed on paracast, so why not Hall?
Aren't the Tall Whites (the name of the New Zealand Basketball team by the way ... there is also the Black Sticks (hockey), the Wheel Blacks (blokes in wheelchairs playing something or other) and many many more dear friends :D ... but I digress) the ones that can run at 300 miles an hour or something? I've heard a few interviews with Hall over the last few years but he's always given me that strange gut feeling I have when I feel people are making it all up ie my intuitive BS detector.

Nevertheless I found a paper that Charles Hall wrote on his eponymous "Hall Photon Theory" and I've skipped my way through it just reading a bit here and there for the moment. And unfortunately my intuitive gut feeling is screaming at me at the top of its voice. He talks about Maxwell's 4 equations of Electromagnetism. But he doesn't realise that Maxwell's original equations were more complicated than he is making out. In fact, a guy of the name of Heaviside deliberately SIMPLIFIED Maxwell's equations throwing out huge chunks of it just to simplify matters. Therefore one can not understand Maxwell properly without going back to the original equations which he wrote in a fairly arcane mathematics (notice the 's' you saucy Americans :D).

[And what is it with calling seemingly everything in it after himself? A bit too narcissistic for me ... and 'Star Shine'!?? ahem ...]

Sooo ... I'm taking this with an enormous pinch of salt, pepper, and maybe some deliciious tomato ketchup at the moment. But for those who would like to read the paper I tracked down, you can find it on this website:


http://www.openseti.org/Docs/Hall_Photon_Science_Paper_B.pdf (for the actual 'paper')

And for more on the Tall Whites: http://www.openseti.org/Hall.html

ps if you go to the first link and scroll all the way down to the bottom and press search, you will be rewarded with possibly the smallest search box on the entire internet ... its quite cute!!! :rolleyes:
Heh... I'd actually forgotten about this guy. It's all coming back to me now though... a planet with an impossibly thick atmosphere... mushroom pudding... magic glow-rods that can stun or kill... gambling aliens... Sears clothing...

Wow, I really know too much about this sort of thing. To think I could have used those neurons to learn calculus or something.
Nevertheless I found a paper that Charles Hall wrote on his eponymous "Hall Photon Theory" and I've skipped my way through it just reading a bit here and there for the moment. And unfortunately my intuitive gut feeling is screaming at me at the top of its voice.....

So you skipped through it and dismissed it out of hand. Okay.....
So you skipped through it and dismissed it out of hand. Okay.....

Ummm nope. I'm going to read it later ... and then I'll dismiss it out of hand :D. From what I saw of it it didn't seem right to me since I've done a bit of Quantum Physics, and Relativity, and Gravitation, and Solid State Physics, and Nuclear Physics, and Geophysics ... and Electromagnetism, Meterology, Applied Maths, Calculus ... the list goes on and on and on ad nauseam :D ... when I studied Astrophysics at the University of Edinburgh. I actually did a lot of study in the James Clerk Maxwell Building in Edinburgh which was where Maxwell did some of his theorising. So I feel I have some idea for whether it is good physics or not. I'm no expert though I should mention. There are probably better people around here that can probably do a better job of critiquing his paper. But by just running my eyes over it, it was enough to be suspicious of it ... thats all.

I looked at some of Stan Romanek's equations recently, and they weren't right at all. There was one equation where a quantity "k" say ... ended up, if you looked at it close enough equalling the same quantity "k" ... which was ... profound to say the least :D. And his differential equations just were really ... odd. In fact I mentioned this in these here forums ... so you may like to check my post out.

But I'll give it a look through again later and see if I can understand all this about "Star Shine" or whatever it was. It just smells a little hokey to me :cool:

[ps I should mention that I believe string theory to be utter sausage meat ... so I do have an open mind on the state of physics, cosmology or whatever today. At this moment I'm slowly moving towards the plasma physics side of things ie rotating plasmas and whatnot. String theory is just too complicated, and it doesn't fit into way the universe is ie full of ROTATING things. On the big scale I just don't see all those larger scale stringy things if it say is a fractal type universe... and hang on a sec ... what are the stringy things made out of anyway??? :D ...]
Ummm nope. I'm going to read it later ... and then I'll dismiss it out of hand :D. From what I saw of it it didn't seem right to me since I've done a bit of Quantum Physics, and Relativity, and Gravitation, and Solid State Physics, and Nuclear Physics, and Geophysics ... and Electromagnetism, Meterology, Applied Maths, Calculus ... the list goes on and on and on ad nauseam :D

Well gosh! You seem like just the guy to ask about liquid fluoride thorium reactors. I'm sure you have heard of this alternate nuclear power technology.
So the more I look into this case, the more dubious it seems. He could make an interesting guest though, especially if he's asked some good questions like the classic Jim Sparks bathroom break one.

I wonder if any of the hosts have ever thought of having him on as a guest.
I think he'd make a guest that many listeners would find interesting. He'd likely generate a lot of discussion on the forums too.

From my point of view, he's out there with Sgt Wolf, Stone and Bob Dean. Like them, he's also endorsed by the Exopolitics crowd which, to me, is like wearing a sticker saying 'I TELL LIES.' The Exo guys like to drink their Kool Aid neat, no ice, and appear almost phobic towards credible guys.

Like the best Exo guys, he's cleverly woven many strands of UFO folklore and myth into a tangled ball of WTF that appears coherent. He rattles off ET spiritual clap trap in a similar vein to the Contactee movement. Yeah, we should all be vegetarian. Yeah, the USAF uses disinfo and black triangles are a joint ET/secret USAF project. And yeah, the Tall Greys have a deal with US agencies and the Government.

It's all standard Exopolitical fare. In short...bollocks.

Despite my own antipathy towards to this kind of person, he'd probably make a good guest. I wouldn't listen to the show, but many more might do and I guess that's the point?
Well gosh! You seem like just the guy to ask about liquid fluoride thorium reactors. I'm sure you have heard of this alternate nuclear power technology.

Umm I'm not saying that he shouldn't be on the show. All I'm saying is I don't think that his case is real ... in my opinion. I said that I am no real expert in high level physics but from the physics I learnt at University and from what I've read over the years, his paper doesn't pass my smell test. Others may think differently, and may be able to offer better criciticism.

But its not down to me to have Hall on the show. I'm just one lone voice in the wilderness just offering up my opinion.

[and I've been here much much longer than you have too ... so booh yaa sucks :D. Yes I can get really childish and stroppy too if I need to ... thank you very much]

ps I know nothing about liquid fluoride thorium reactors but what I do know is that on Dr Joseph P Farrell's latest talk with GeorgeAnn Hughes on The Byte Show, he tells the story of how them Nazis were possibly using a Thorium isomer in their Bell device, and how when the Allies got into Germany and Poland they discovered a huge cache of Thorium. Baffled as to why they were hoarding such a huge amount of Thorium, they asked those bad Germans, and they answered (and I'm paraphrasing) ... "Ve are putting it in ze toothpaste". Apparently they said that they were putting in ze toothpaste as a teeth whitening agent. Yeah, right ... and I'm Herman Goering. Thorium is of course a heavy metal (go ... Iron Maiden!!!) and is mildly radioactive. Not something you would really want to brush your teeth with first thing in the morning. The Allies never did figure out what they were using it for ...