Gene Steinberg
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  • Hello Gene,
    just wondering if you will be attending MacWorld next week?
    Yes, that's the proper place. The reason I use the tech site is to separate the money from the funds used for The Paracast.

    Thanks in advance.

    Hello Gene
    I recently logged on and want to say i am very sorry for all the medical troubles you are having.
    I would like to contribute something to help you and your wife. I do have a paypal account. I went to the link on one of the threads and was taken to a tech site contirbution page. Is that where i should make the donation to help you? Good luck with everything i always feel things have a way of working out. Like my Dad use to say "It will pass"
    Take care
    Happy Birthday Gene! I wish you lots of moments to smile and laugh with your family and friends and of course to get at least one question answered from all these questions you've been having for all these years!
    Hey, anyway to allow R.Hastings to have his own forum - it's just become so bulky - that I cannot navigate through the whole thread, and it's a shame. Feel it's too dense and needs some IT magic to spread it out a bit.

    Sincere regards -
    Just popping in to say hi, and to tell you I really enjoyed that last show. It was so nice to hear you guys having such good belly laughs. Made me smile.

    Thanks for your offer of help with my FTP problems. I downloaded Cyberduck and everything is working great. See the site and my music not music blog. I also posted a recording of Al Bender from the " 1967 Congress of Scientific Ufologists" at ufomystic today.


    Well, just make sure that the conversation is civil. If it gets too out of hand, we'll have to close the threads, OK?
    Gene, I hope this finds you well.

    On the remote viewing thread Aaron has agreed and I hope others will to try an experiment. This is to vaguely and correctly match made up data to a proposed rv target to show how this can occur. Can I send you (will need an email addy) a target for this to hold until we get theri vague-made-up data to match to the target?

    Then like the last experiemnt we can show a comparison to see if;
    a. vague random data matches a blind target

    all the best...

    I talked to him a few months ago actually. I don't know if we'll have him on real soon, but thanks for the suggestion.
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