Recent content by mike_thoth

  1. mike_thoth

    Politics of Global Warming

    I have followed this global warming story for the last 10 years or so, I have covered many scientific subjects and many subjects covered by the Paracast. I also work in a broad sense in the scientific community where when statements are made and need to be backed up with evidence, citing papers...
  2. mike_thoth

    Politics of Global Warming

    Well that is at least an honest post and I appreciate honesty. I have personally come from the pro global warming opinion & only changed my opinions after being confronted with articles by what seemed to me vested interests. I still took the plunge & still read that article. Whether a person is...
  3. mike_thoth

    Politics of Global Warming

    For those out there with an open mind on this issue can I suggest you read this very informative piece; The Climate Wars’ Damage to Science Considering this is not a science forum this news story explains many aspects of my previous posts but in a much more clear way. It explains the so...
  4. mike_thoth

    Politics of Global Warming

    In relation to predictions, what predictions have come true, which dire predictions are we being forced to live with?
  5. mike_thoth

    Politics of Global Warming

    Hi everyone, I am sorry if I am losing you, but ill try and pickup on a couple of my points. Firstly if you do not know of or understand what I am saying about Ike farewell address then please listen to the WHOLE speech, an not just the part that deals with military industrial complex. Ike...
  6. mike_thoth

    Politics of Global Warming

    I see people have told me about the science should not be debated on this thread and this is fair enough. I will need to stop posting links to this. Regarding the politics, what is this phrase "Climate Change Denier" actually used for? It is not scientific, its actually a very mean spirited...
  7. mike_thoth

    Politics of Global Warming

    I could not help but add this to my increasing list of predictions about this terrible ice loss. What we have below is a demonstration of how this bogus crisis spreads like a virus through the web. The link is below but I am going to put in the actual screenshots too. The final screenshot is...
  8. mike_thoth

    Politics of Global Warming

    Does Citibank have a stake in the global warming (AGW) hypothesis? Yes. Investments. Banks are likely to make massive amounts of money when investing in solar and alternative energy systems. You cant rely on any other person out there to do your own thinking for you. It doesn't matter if...
  9. mike_thoth

    Politics of Global Warming

    When it comes to headlines we need to be very careful & check the source of the actual data that is being reported. We recently had the same kind of announcements in the United Kingdom and trust me, this year has not been the hottest on record. What was reported was a record temperature...
  10. mike_thoth

    Politics of Global Warming

    This post is bang on the money. That farewell address is commonly used to demonstrate the rise of the MIC. But what he saw most clearly was that if science was to rely purely on the funding of governments, then politics would ultimately rule over the results of said research. Eisenhower...
  11. mike_thoth

    Politics of Global Warming

    Fair enough Tyger I will post questions on the correct forum as you are quite correct. I will just post news items here to cover the politics of it, that is a just topic in of itself.
  12. mike_thoth

    Politics of Global Warming

    I also think that MSNBC article is really over egging the pudding. The "global warming deniers" are not on the run, or concerned. Public polls over the last 10 years are crystal clear. The public simply don't buy the claims anymore, they can see the world for themselves. But honestly my...
  13. mike_thoth

    Politics of Global Warming

    Actually Tyger, let's put our discussion in the following way. What would change your mind regarding the AGW hypothesis?
  14. mike_thoth

    Politics of Global Warming

    Up until this recent Pope climate visit I thought he was making a difference. He still is, he is anti austerity, anti IMF, anti world banks, anti corruption. With his climate approach he is seeking to help the worlds poor, I respect that, but his thinking has been co opted. The energy &...
  15. mike_thoth

    Politics of Global Warming

    Regarding the climate emails, let me clarify your point. "Have you read the conclusions of the investigations of the emails?" I see you have answered your own question here but I thought the question was for me to answer? The answer is Yes and Yes. I have read the emails and I have also read...