I see people have told me about the science should not be debated on this thread and this is fair enough. I will need to stop posting links to this.
Thank you. As stated, there are numerous threads for debate. Feel free to access them. There are people who would like to debate the science, or at least discuss it, as you can see from Burnt States's response to you. In fact it is always a pleasure to read a reasoned debate/conversation. The problem will always arise when posters insist on ascribing to someone a 'spokesperson' role for a particular 'side'.

One knows one is on a slippery slope when that starts up.
Regarding the politics, what is this phrase "Climate Change Denier" actually used for?
I can only speak for myself - I lapsed into it as I saw it being used, referencing a particular activity taking place with the Fossil Fuel Industry, et al. We now have documentation reaching back to the early 1980's showing that oil executives knew about the damaging impacts of emissions. We also know that there were scientists and PR firms that ran with the Tobacco Industry (for the money) denying the carcinogenic aspects of cigarette smoking when they had the scientific evidence to the contrary. The very same individuals in the 1990's then went onto the payroll of big oil and began the disinformation campaign with the science of CO2. (An aside: what is interesting is to hear people say that they began to question the science of AGW in the 1990's, when the disinformation campaign was underway).
The 'deniers' (so-called) tend to have tell-tale earmarks: foremost is an
ad hominem attack mode. (Take a look at all the old Climate Change 'debate' threads here on this chat site for a dose of the animus - the end-game seems to have been to shut down the conversation, actually, which was achieved on thread-after-thread). Al Gore remains the arch-enemy

as do various other persons. (Who quotes Al Gore these days? Only 'deniers' - though Al Gore is perfectly acceptable to quote imo. Just pointing out the 'old news' the 'denier mode' is riddled with - old talking points endlessly repeated). All the old rationales of the disinformation campaign, plus the tired
ad hominems, forever repeated, with no cutting-edge science of any calibre presented. Mainly 'deniers' just re-spin and re-hash the science of researchers in the field.
It is not scientific, its actually a very mean spirited phrase meant to link people like me to deniers of the holocaust.
I agree that if one is trying to have a sensible conversation, being labelled in that way is counter-productive. I for one know the insanity of that kind of discourse since when I first came on this chat site the fact that I talked about, or from, a 'spiritual perspective' had me painted with a 'demonic-religious-nut' brush.

Seriously unpleasant. (One poster continues to jibe at me, in fact, with shout-outs. Pretty poor - so I know the problem). Just recently (on another site) I saw someone try to engage a conversation about some minor - but contentious - point and they got dumped on royally, painted as part a conspiracy theory cabal. So, yes, I see your point completely.
Where I would question your reasoning is that it is being used to connect with the Holocaust. Certainly not in my case. The general connotation of 'denier' these days (9/11, vaccines, contrails/chemtrails) is the suggestion that said person/people are denying 'the facts', and that can fall many ways. They - whoever 'they' are, whatever 'side' - are denying the facts, but with more of an edge - they are creating another baseline. It can be used by any 'side' to dismiss.
There is little use for the phrase at any level
As you can see it does have a use when confronting those who are parroting the disinformation, especially when the tired old
ad hominems keep coming up again-and-again-and-again. When that starts to happen, dismissal is in order - yes. However, otherwise, it is a pointless accusation on a chat site where posters are anonymous. We really don't know each other's backgrounds. No reason to dismiss, so I take your point.
and for me what it does reveal is ignorance, ignorance of the methods, reasons and perspectives behind people like me, and what drives us.
Point taken, as long as you understand the frustration underlying the need to dismiss when the old canards start being hauled out and the
ad hominems paraded for the gazillionth time.
I see no reason whatever why reasonable, honest & friendly debate can not take place between people. I find it atrocious that on an issue where so much is at stake people cant simply shelve the anger and listen.
Agree 100%.
Climate Denier is what the Scientist Michael E Mann calls anyone who disagrees with him. Even people on his side of the debate are called this by Mann on a regular basis.
Ah, so here we go.

You make it about the man, not the science. Have you any inkling the level of abuse being directed at Climate Change researchers - some on a daily basis? Mann will not be silenced. Good for him. After what he's been put through maybe he's a bit touchy - maybe. Either way, not my concern, unless he is being injured in some way.
I am one of over 230,000 people who he has blocked on twitter.
Should we care? Since when is serious scientific debate going to occur on Twitter?
The number tells me that there is a serious campaign against the man. Bad business.
He like many of his followers and supporters does not wish to hear any dissenting voices, indeed Mann won't even speak on a radio show unless everyone in attendance is on his side and no one dare ask a question of him. Lets look at the politics of this.
Interesting. Since this is not anything I am following, could you supply support for your contention?
Off the top of my head - having watched Climate Science researchers get ambushed on interview shows by all manner of non-science so that the show becomes an unravelling of the non-sense rather than the point on the table, I could see Mann being sensible about how he spends his time in an interview. JMO. But I still want verification that Mann is not willing to engage intelligent debate on-air. I think he is and has done. Would not blame him for being selective, however.
Where is the political support for this, is it on the side of alarm or the sceptical side?
For Mann calling the shots when he agrees to an interview? I'd say neither. You're phrasing the question in a curious fashion. No politics. Rather personal choice (if it is happening). It's Mann calling the shots when someone wants to interview him. It's his personal choice.
Considering the Paris deal at the end of the year the power is clearly on the side of alarm.
Alarm? You equate alarm with the science? Most of the world is having to deal with serious problems because of a rising global (average) temperature, rising sea levels (talk to the Dutch, for just one), earth's changing eco-systems, desertification - drought, acidification, it goes on. We need to deal with it. We have clear evidence - weighted heavily - that one action that will help is containing CO2 production (the West can do it's fair share in this area). Another is waste management and another is population control. Much of this is out of the West's control. China and Asia in general will have to ride the whirlwind on much of this. But whatever it is, it is effecting us all. Unrest in one region will impact everyone - as is very clear in the world-wide refugee problem.
how about financially, does the money come to sceptics or does it go in favour of alarm?
Again, 'unpacking' what you write: Alarm=Climate Science facts, and Skeptics=Status Quo
Well, we know that in the past and in the present, money is flowing from corporations to keep 'the skeptic' view alive (the status quo: business-as-usual). Massive amounts of money in the US is being funneled in bribery, pay-offs, and what have you, to keep the status quo in the US. Until we get a government that will face down the corporate money flow, most of the money is going towards 'the skeptic', or status quo.
If governments decide that the weight of the argument favors being proactive (please note that it is not about correctness) then the money flows to correcting the CO2 emissions, etc. This is happening in various states in the US - like California. Less so by the federal government, though this can change. Powerful monied interests are working to keep the status quo, what in your dialectic you are calling 'the skeptic'.
The rough estimate is that $4billion a day is spent on climate change alarm.
A very obtuse sentence. How can you spend money on 'alarm'? Do you mean the science? If you mean the economic shift, with another paradigm, it's called a re-invigoration of the economy with new home-grown industries.
However, what I should address first is what exactly constitutes 'climate change alarm'? The science facts? And where does the $4billion figure come from? Here we have the endless problem with these kinds of conversations: nothing is fact, nothing is supported. You are potentially repeating a figure you read - but where? I don't know. I'm sure $4billion is not spent on newspaper ads - so what is being bought and sold with that $4billion? Do you know?
What about propaganda on TV? Is this on the side of alarm or skepticism?
Here in the US the denier camp is pretty well entrenched, so I would say the skepticism camp 'propaganda' is ascendent. It is why so many people really do believe that Climate Change is bogus - the news media is plugging away in the denier camp.
Consider all the movies in cinemas the overall left wing environmentalism of nearly all Hollywood finds it way on TV, almost all mainstream newspapers have bought and endorsed alarm from the very start, the London Guardian being the most left wing and most ardent environmental newspaper. So considering all of this, why is the public not convinced?
The public is not convinced because the disinformation campaign is very comprehensive. FOX News alone has done more damage to the clear presentation of the science than any other entity, but it has company.
Here it is all in one fell swoop: there is no 'nearly all Hollywood' finding it's way on TV. Isn't happening, at least not in the US. Fact is 'Hollywood' is a surprising place - more Right Wingers than you are apparently aware - but it may be a generational divide. There are certainly Left Wingers who put their money into their politics, but I'm not sure one side or the other is dominant in 'Hollywood'.
Mainstream newspapers have not endorsed 'alarm' from the very start - what was the 'very start'? In fact, I am aware of positive reporting in major newspapers like The New York Times in just the last handful of years.
Answer to be continued.....