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  1. trainedobserver

    Andrew D. Basiago, motivations

    No, I think you are talking about Imbrogno, a different con-man entirely. I don't think Basiago has ever appeared on the Paracast.
  2. trainedobserver

    A Classified Career - Dr. Paul Czysz

    This guy appears to be for real. Now dead. Greer is probably sitting on several such interviews, waiting for the participants to die so that he can release them as per their agreement. This interview (if believed) essentially confirms Dolan's "breakaway civilization" and the existence of...
  3. trainedobserver

    Graham Hancock | Mysterious Image

    Eggs!? They aren't bowls of derrieres? The demon poking the mushroom in there seems a little more acceptable now.
  4. trainedobserver

    NASA photo captures strange bright light coming out of Mars

    Martian incinerator. The rover is going to rattle over there and discover the dump where the Martians drag all of the crashed probes that Earth has sent their way. "Earth robots go home and take your trash with you!"
  5. trainedobserver

    Stalking the Herd-March 30, 2014

    Great show David. I hope you become a regular guest. Given that the evidence of drugs, paint, radar chaff, gas-masks, and so forth have been linked to cattle mutes, isn't the most likely conclusion one that fingers a group of humans, most likely a well-funded and highly motivated group or...
  6. trainedobserver

    Andrew D. Basiago, motivations

    Good observation about Hall. I too have witnessed the good shepherds targeting big money and playing to it. The crowd that Basiago plays to is highly analogous to religious believers who don't require a great deal of evidence, but rather rely on their emotions to guide their beliefs.
  7. trainedobserver

    Andrew D. Basiago, motivations

    What is everyone's take on Andrew D. Basiago? I mean, I don't think anyone with the common sense above that of a horse really thinks anything he says has any factual basis. I'm wondering what is motivating this guy. What would cause a "lawyer" (although I have not verified that claim myself and...
  8. trainedobserver

    Cash Landrum case

    It makes me wonder if the stress of the events and their reality shattering nature set up some sort of destructive loop in the psyche. The "I know what I saw" vs. the "I don't know what I saw" cognitive dissidence feedback loop. You seem none the worse for wear Burnt. Perhaps the younger you...
  9. trainedobserver

    Slender man? Alien?

    Makes me wonder if something similar is happening with Greys, Reptilians, Nordics, and so forth. I can't say I buy the whole tulpa thing, the strange monk story sounds like so much b.s. to me, but you have to wonder if the idea of the slim man hasn't become lodged in wrong heads. If you know...
  10. trainedobserver

    What Kind of Car Do You Drive?

    I traded my white Hyundai Elantra base model in for a white Hyundai Sonata Limited a few weeks ago. I love the car. I think its hard to find a better made car on the market for the price.
  11. trainedobserver

    Coast2Coast w/ George Knapp This Sunday w/ Christopher O'Brien!

    I stopped caring about listening to Coast to Coast when they took them off XM radio and cracked down on youTube postings of the show. Listening to the recent John Lear fiasco show made me realize just how totally non-relevant the show has become and has been for some time.
  12. trainedobserver

    Slender man? Alien?

    Very creepy. The music really make its it. It almost looks like a spider or some other insect on the lens. Either that or Mr. Fantastic is a Peeping Tom!
  13. trainedobserver

    Koyaanisqatsi: The Hopi Address to the United Nations -- 1976 part one

    I highly recommend Black Elk Speaks by John G. Neihardt. Whether it was mysticism or just native wisdom bred by centuries of attempting to harmonize with the land rather than to carve it up and monetize it, some of the natives of North America could see the end of their way of life coming down...
  14. trainedobserver

    Koyaanisqatsi: The Hopi Address to the United Nations -- 1976 part one

    Oh boy! Why didn't this fall into place for me earlier? Although I've read a lot of Heinlein I think I must have missed The Moon is a Harsh Mistress or I've managed to kill off those brain cells. You make a lot more sense to me now. Nyuk, nyuk. B, No disrespect meant, but it has been my...
  15. trainedobserver

    Second Species On Earth Controls Money & Religion

    Well ... I plan to attend my first one this coming weekend in Arkansas. I won't be selling T-shirts of course. I would not want to disrespect Paul B. in any way. He and his family have suffered enough with the whole UFO business as it is.
  16. trainedobserver

    Koyaanisqatsi: The Hopi Address to the United Nations -- 1976 part one

    The greater truth may be that we are the land. Our disconnection from the Earth is only a mental and philosophical one. We are cells of the greater system to which we belong, the good Earth. The horrors we experience as a civilization are caused by our long disassociation from the land and...
  17. trainedobserver

    Second Species On Earth Controls Money & Religion

    Is the world Bennewitzing itself do you think? I bet I could sell a couple of "Have you been Bennewitzed?" T-Shirts at the next UFO conference.
  18. trainedobserver

    The Ultimate Remote Viewing Experiment?

    I attempted to use the word "attempt" again in that post but the attempt failed, so I'll attempt again here. Sheesh. Sometimes it just ... Obligatory relevant post: If Remote Viewing is real and teachable to virtually anyone, the social and political consequences of its popularization would be...
  19. trainedobserver

    Second Species On Earth Controls Money & Religion

    Yes indeed. Maybe it's all code for male chauvinistic pigs or something.
  20. trainedobserver

    The Ultimate Remote Viewing Experiment?

    Lori, Has anyone attempted to use Remote Viewing to attempt to uncover what is behind Remote Viewing? Have you ever attempted it? If you have or will, could you share the results? What is your best guess as to the mechanism behind Remote Viewing?