I think it'll be fairly obvious if someone sees something at Apple that we don't know about and pans out in the next few months.
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Heres the thing Lori,
Gene put a call out for a RV volunteer,
His OP makes it clear hes seen creditable examples thus far, i myself have posted
As an example that supports the claim RV works here before.
You chose of your own volition to register here and post you are a "professional" and list a number of things as ersatz credentials.
But then go on to give flimsy excuse after flimsy excuse as to why you wont participate in the request posed in the OP
Litigation ? really ?, you could have provided the answers anonymously here no problem
Then we get emotive language like dog and pony show, and better things to do with my time etc etc.
Painting yourself as a victim of those nasty skeptics, whose game you wont play
I guess im left wondering why bother ?
Gene posted a thread designed to give those who claim RV works a platform to show it does, Your response far from advancing that cause, seems to have done the opposite imo.
But you got some "Free" adverstising for your business, so good for you.
I'm sure Gene will accept PayPal for your unsolicited ad though.
Well, we certainly know the location of Apple's corporate headquarters.![]()
Has anyone attempted to use Remote Viewing to attempt to uncover what is behind Remote Viewing? Have you ever attempted it? If you have or will, could you share the results?
What is your best guess as to the mechanism behind Remote Viewing?
Has anyone attempted to use Remote Viewing to attempt to uncover what is behind Remote Viewing? Have you ever attempted it? If you have or will, could you share the results?
What is your best guess as to the mechanism behind Remote Viewing?
I would think that would be a question for the Akashic Record, more so than the remote viewing process. There is something amiss here and darn it, I'd like to know what that missing link is all about.
I still don't understand this coordinate thing in the least. When I go to the people whom I trust (Targ/Puthoff/Smith/et al, the people at SRI) I see that coordinates are typically used. My question for Lori would be, when the term "random coordinates" is applied within the remote viewing process you're describing , does that mean they are "fake coordinates", or non specific with respect to actual target location? Or are they actual coordinates that are computer randomly assigned to a "blind" number of random viewers?
To remote view anything you need precise coordinates. That's why I chuckle to myself when people bring up the missing plane and remote viewing. Makes no sense whatsoever.
I was hoping to contribute something useful, .
Ok, as a professional remote viewer and an instructor of remote viewing I have to comment on this one. What you are suggesting, Gene, is known as "corporate espionage" and is, technically, illegal. Just FYI. We live in a very litigious society, sadly, and therefore, as remote viewers, ethics and legalities end up playing a role in every target we choose to view.
A skilled practitioner; an expert. person who engages in an activity with great competence.(of a piece of work or anything performed) produced with competence or skill
I present regularly at the International Remote Viewing Association conference, and have worked with police, archeologists, corporations and private individuals in countries all over the world. I demonstrate remote viewing quite
And like any professional (since I do this for a living), I'm sure everyone understands when I say "Sure! I'd love to do a demo! Would you prefer to pay via Pal Pal or Credit Card?"
Knowing what the target is beforehand makes it difficult to view without interference from the conscious mind and the imagination.
ethics and legalities end up playing a role in every target we choose to view
I'm on the fence about remote viewing.
Back in 2009, we actually featured a listener who claimed remote viewing abilities:
April 26, 2009 — Daz Smith
I think he was later banned from the forums, but he did produce possibly creditable results that demonstrated some sort of unusual abilities.
So listen here remote viewers, how about the ultimate "spy" mission?
As you know, Apple Inc. is famously secretive about future product development. Millions want to know if there will be an iWatch, an Apple connected TV, or even what form the next iPhone will take.
So if any of you believe you have the ability to see what's going on elsewhere, how about taking a trip to Apple headquarters in Cupertino, CA and tell us what you see?
Any takers?
Did you not watch a single video i posted ?
The answer is in them
As Lori said, the military originally used longitude latitude co-ordinates, but geographic co-ordinates are limited in scope.
What do you use if the target is on the moon ? mars ?
The modern protocol is to use a set of 8 random generated numbers, associate these "co-ordinates" or as they are better known TRN's (target reference numbers) with the target.
These are used to start the session
Thats why this statement
Is invalid, one could take a photo of the plane, generate and assign a TRN to the photo and the viewer could go from there, The geographical co-ordinates are not necessary for such a task.
The adherants of Remote viewing claim they can RM the other side of the universe as easy as they can the house next door.......
In that context geographical co-ordinates ie Longitude/Latitude are small in their scope and not necessary (though they may have once been used as TRN's)
Did you not watch a single video i posted ?
The answer is in them
As Lori said, the military originally used longitude latitude co-ordinates, but geographic co-ordinates are limited in scope.
What do you use if the target is on the moon ? mars ?
The modern protocol is to use a set of 8 random generated numbers, associate these "co-ordinates" or as they are better known TRN's (target reference numbers) with the target.
These are used to start the session
Thats why this statement
Is invalid, one could take a photo of the plane, generate and assign a TRN to the photo and the viewer could go from there, The geographical co-ordinates are not necessary for such a task.
The adherants of Remote viewing claim they can RM the other side of the universe as easy as they can the house next door.......
In that context geographical co-ordinates ie Longitude/Latitude are small in their scope and not necessary (though they may have once been used as TRN's)
Your video is by no means, the be all, end all, of remote viewing. I offered a link prior, or in response to the video that you posted, that apparently you basically ignored. It directly contradicts your claims about "random coordinates" and is coming from SRI which IMO, is about the only credible source for remote viewing information that I am familiar with.
Mike, I gotta state for the record. You have been mighty presumptuous lately. I showed you direct evidence that what you claimed concerning your short version of Schrodinger's cat experiement was wrong. Then I offered you a link in this very thread that you apparently didn't read yet. Have a look. Please man, your opinion is not the only one that matters here. OK?
The breakthrough discovery made at Stanford was that accessing this vast data-bank of information was a trainable skill and by using specific rigid protocols information could be downloaded from the Matrix on demand. Highly trained "viewers" operate these protocols in the blind, meaning they have no pre-knowledge about the target. All they receive is a set of 8 numbers which are coordinated with the target.
The TRV structure results in an accurate transfer of information from the viewer's unconscious mind into conscious awareness, before the aware, creative, and analytical part of the mind has time to distort, contaminate, or otherwise interfere with the data flow. Target information is then converted into words or sketches, using only a pen and plain white paper. The process works whether the target is in the next room or on the other side of the world.
The technology has been refined over the last 25 years, and using double blind targeting with corroborating session work has created a highly accurate system for collecting information on any person, place, thing or event - anywhere and within any timeframe.
To remote view anything you need precise coordinates. That's why I chuckle to myself when people bring up the missing plane and remote viewing. Makes no sense whatsoever.
Remote Viewing - Defense Intelligence Agency Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual (CRV Manual) |Now let me kind of walk you through a typical problem to give you some sense of how it occurs. Lets assume an air plane crash, its relatively easy task to do, all we do is we take three of our viewers and we will tell those three viewers as much information about the crash as we know, a) it was an air plane, b) it was Pan-Am, c) it was flying over wherever, Colorado, and it was at such and such a time and it disappeared, and no one knows where it went, OK? What happened? The other three, now, we don’t do that, all we do with the other three is we give them a controlled coordinate, incidentally the controlled coordinate is not the coordinate of the plane crash site because we don’t know where that is, it is nothing more than a control for the controller of the exercise to measure that all of the remote viewers are on the same sheet of music.
Schrödinger did not wish to promote the idea of dead-and-alive cats as a serious possibility; on the contrary, the paradox is a classic reductio ad absurdum.
I did read your link, but as stated thats an outdated method.
Your original premise that RV requires precise geographical co-ordinates is just flat out wrong, and the statement shows a complete lack of understanding of even the basic premise behind RV.
Opinions are one thing the facts another, the latter not being open to personal interpretation
The fact is the old geographical co-ordinates were used, and they worked in the same way as the random number TRN's that are now used
But they are limited in scope, they can only reference locations on earth and RV is allegedly capable of seeing anywhere in time and space
Your question has been answered, by me, by the videos i linked and Lori. If you dont like the answer , fine. Feel free to believe whatever floats your boat
But your claim viewers need "precise (geographical) co-ordinates" is wrong, they dont.
Ive linked to demos that show RV can allegedly work just using random generated TRN's
As for the discussion about schrodingers cat, you claimed reality is created by conciousness, i countered that the universe aka reality is far older than conciousness, weve only been here 200,000 years tops.
Im satisfied ive made my case and dont intend to debate your nonsense any further
The universe existed long before conciousness, the claim conciousness creates reality is mystical nonsense. Yes conciousness filters and presents a limited picture of reality, but it cant "create" something that predates it by billions of years.
Dont confuse presents with creates, Conciousness presents us with a filtered view of reality, but it does not create it. How can it ?. Reality predates conciousness both on the macro and micro scale.
It existed before "we" as a species were conscious, and it existed before "you" as an individual was conscious.
Lesson over, class dismissed
At any one time, the sum total of all reality is contained between our ears. That includes everyone you meet. Apart from personal experience, they do not exist. .
Reality is subjective and does NOT exist apart from yourself or the human condition. Absolutely impossible to prove otherwise.
Schrödinger did not wish to promote the idea of dead-and-alive cats as a serious possibility; on the contrary
To remote view anything you need precise coordinates. That's why I chuckle to myself when people bring up the missing plane and remote viewing. Makes no sense whatsoever.
Quantum physics postulates a strange superposition of multiple possible states simultaneously, a notion Schrödinger thought ridiculous, and he devised this experiment to illustrate to his Physicist peers ~why~ it was ridiculous. Contrary to popular belief, he was not trying to explain superposition to the general public.
The paradox is based on two things: it is difficult to collapse a quantum wave (which turns out the opposite is true) and that somebody 'special' with intelligence (aka a scientist) could collapse a wave simply by looking at it. These were ideas from back in the early 1900's. We now know for certain that people don't have to be around to look at something for a wave to collapse, quantum fluctuations happen all the time and will continue to do so long after we are gone. Also, it is very, very difficult to have any sort of macro object have a single quantum state. Look up Einstein-Bose Condensate to see what I mean.
Ok the cat is either dead or alive but not both. The cat is never in a superposition.
The actual experiment relies a bit or radioactive material(RM) and a geiger counter. You must wait until there is a 50% likelihood that the RM has released a particle.
At this point it is true that the particle exists in a superposition of both released and unreleased, but in order for the cat to die the particle must interact with the geiger counter. When it does the wave function collapses
THAT is the point of observation. not when the box is opened. Observation triggers the gas or gun powder. So the cat is either dead or alive, but not both
Umm... Have we considered that this thought experiment is NOT to be taken literally as it is a reductium ad absurdio to the Copenhagen theory which basically states that all things exist in a superposition until observed. part of this thought experiment was to mock the idea of observers and measurers, who is qualified to be an observer. This was never meant to be take seriously, it was meant to make a mockery of a terriblely thought out and not widely accepted school of thought.
Our opening the box does nothing to 'force nature' to collapse. Its alive or its dead whether we open the box or not. This is as stupid as 'If a tree falls in a forest and theres no one there, does it make a sound?'
Really, such thought experiments do nothing to establish the rational thinking of science and simply play into the hands of religionists who understand the use of smoke and mirrors better than scientists.
Schroedinger's Cat was a practical joke that nobody got.
Shrodingers cat, appears to me like so much semantic bable. Perception and the material world are two distinct yet separate aspects of the same reality ( Do scientists ever talk about this stuff) that we live in a closed (or semi closed) environment; thus in terms of cause and effect there can never be more than a finite number of potential possibilities. Perception is only one aspect of reality; perception is the natural outgrowth of our collective and finite potential; we are ever within the repetitive cycle of causal energy locked within the limits of our environment. perception can only mold and shape perception. By the way; one could also examine the whole psychosis behind the fixation on blowing up a cat. The cat, the bomb and Schrodinger are ephemeral constructs of memory which have no meaning outside of its functional contribution, to a proper understanding of ones orientation in nature.We do not construct nature we are constructed by nature