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  1. trainedobserver

    David Perkins: Understanding UFOs and Other Paranormal Phenomenon

    Who can forget the "Nancy Talbott, Robbert van den Broeke, April 29, 2012" thread?
  2. trainedobserver

    Westboro Baptist Church founder dies

    It's all in there ... "I know that I hung on the windy tree For nine whole nights, Wounded with the spear, dedicated to Odin, Myself to myself" Ch. xxxvi - Human Representatives of ATTIS The Golden Bough, Frazer. p 412.
  3. trainedobserver

    Westboro Baptist Church founder dies

    I believe that to be a misunderstanding of the true origins of what we know as Christianity. I'm convinced it is an invention, a legendary beginning, created well after the supposed time period of the events they describe. If Christianity's origins are fictional then so are the central...
  4. trainedobserver

    Westboro Baptist Church founder dies

    Hopefully, the clan will recognize that they are free from the guy and the cult will break up. The brainwashed members will be living in a different world. Maybe they can escape his insanity now that he is headed for that long dirt nap.
  5. trainedobserver

    Second Species On Earth Controls Money & Religion

    She seems on one hand to be a well educated and formally highly placed professional. I believe the money laundering and corruption claims, yet, the revelation of the non-human species is so fantastic, so reality jarring, it seems to negate any creditability she might have. Is there another...
  6. trainedobserver

    Second Species On Earth Controls Money & Religion

    In this interview she reveals the source of some of her startling information: The Internet! Who would have guessed? (start at 4 and go to 4:43)
  7. trainedobserver

    Noah: a movie review.

    Tell me there is at least one explosion. I read one review that complained they had sullied Noah and not portrayed him as the godly man of the Biblical story. Strangely enough, the Biblical account has Noah becoming a mean drunk after the flood. Go figure. I wonder if that would have made it...
  8. trainedobserver

    Fukushima's melted cores have moved into the earth

    You have to wonder at what point foreign intervention will occur, if at all. If someone doesn't do something, what will be worth having in that region? Japan and her waters are poisoned. It is obvious that Japan is incapable or unwilling to cope with the problem. In all reality, no nation on...
  9. trainedobserver

    High Strangeness in the California Desert

    I'm still leaning heavily toward the time traveling ghost techo-priests disguised as army clone stand-ins as a means to subvert reality and the constitution of these here United States.
  10. trainedobserver

    Banned From The UFO Collective Google Group

    My takeaway on Keel is that he was an entertainer first and foremost. I have a great deal of respect and admiration for him, however I recognize him for what he was, a sensationalist writer. You are welcome to your own opinion of him, of course. Don Ecker did an excellent interview with him...
  11. trainedobserver

    Banned From The UFO Collective Google Group

    Don't be silly Jeff.
  12. trainedobserver

    Banned From The UFO Collective Google Group

    I would think that anyone who has studied Keel for any length of time would realize he was an imaginative writer prone to exaggeration and not above padding a story. I mean, really Jeff, you aren't hip to that? I'd hate to see you go marduk.
  13. trainedobserver

    burisch, Collier, Meier's Horn and their like. Who has the best B.S?

    Burisch is probably the most complex and ridiculous of those mentioned. Burisch and his wife claim to be the #1 and #2 in Majestic 12 among other things. As far as I can tell they were at various times Vegas Casino workers. His wife says in one video on card counting that she had both of her...
  14. trainedobserver

    High Strangeness in the California Desert

    I thought the witness said they were each buying a gallon of water for just under $2 a piece. If you take this story literally, it sounds for all the world like an incursion by a foreign power into U.S. territory. However, why risk detection by making such a bizarre public display? Public? I...
  15. trainedobserver

    High Strangeness in the California Desert

    What a great story, told in a very believable manner. You have to wonder what they were up to. Were they sent out to get water or was that just a pit stop along the way? It makes me think of the men described in Swann's Penetration.
  16. trainedobserver

    The Hutchinson Effect

    That is very true. I'm guilty of being a little abrupt. The Paracast forum is deep water. The historical knowledge here about the paranormal is tremendous. Gene, Chris, Don, and Rich have extensive knowledge and experience in the field. It's unprecedented for a forum, as far as I know. That...
  17. trainedobserver

    The Hutchinson Effect

    I realized a while back that I'm constantly repeating myself. I'm a robotic semblance of cybernetic life sustained by the fascination of the hunt for the truly anomalous. The best I can do is to try to add some color to the echo rather than have it be a dull metallic noise. Sweet Jesus! Your...
  18. trainedobserver

    The Hutchinson Effect

    Judy Wood!?
  19. trainedobserver

    The Hutchinson Effect

    Like this? or this? Notice the wire in the left hand upper corner moving with the saucer. He talks about this footage at about 22:30. Listening to the interview gives you a pretty good idea of the level of his "technical expertise. I'm convinced he is a "performance artist" as the fellow...
  20. trainedobserver

    The Hutchinson Effect

    Great post noname. Yes, it is a groundhog day experience. New folks discover someone like Hutchison or Hoagland and start asking all the usual questions. Somebody sees a Bursich video and laps it up and looks for confirmation or denial. The forum format encourages that ground hog day experience...