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  1. Red

    Many Thousands to Storm Area 51

    That's just nuts and I doubt anything will come of it. I gotta say, the best part of this is that the memes on my facebook feed are highly amusing.
  2. Red

    New mummy hoax: look who is involved!

    Exactly, Thank you Walter for putting it so succinctly. And let's not forget those debunker scientists whose analysis apparently counts for nothing because they must be part of the cover up as well.
  3. Red

    New mummy hoax: look who is involved!

    @Han, I skimmed through the video. I'll try to give a more thorough viewing later. Earlier in this thread I posted the .pdf I found of the dating and DNA results through a French-language website. The DNA report itself is dated May of this year which raises another troubling question. It's...
  4. Red

    New mummy hoax: look who is involved!

    I was unable to find an English translation of this one, but one of the scientists involved here is the guy who debunked the earlier presented hand. And as far as google translations go, this is not completely horrible. Google Translate
  5. Red

    Mikes MIA

    I'm impressed! You are prepared. :D
  6. Red

    Something beautiful for a change . . .

    Thanks! We were north of the totality, but where I'm at, I got around 95 %. I was very lucky today. There was cloud cover over most of my state and I went south on the off chance I get a clear sky. I wasn't quite that lucky, but the cloud cover became a light haze at the park I landed at and...
  7. Red

    New mummy hoax: look who is involved!

    I was doing some more reading, I've found an article that needs be sent through translate (some more scientific analysis by real scientists), but as I am going to see the eclipse tomorrow, that can wait at least a few more days. I may have overstated that Gaia TV and Maussan were no longer...
  8. Red

    Video of "Cylinder UFO" Punching a Hole Thru a Cloud Over Sandia - 7 Aug 2017

    More specifically the film with Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith
  9. Red

    New mummy hoax: look who is involved!

    So I went searching the internets to see if there was an update. As of July 2017, Maussan and Gaia TV were no longer involved, and the project had been taken over by Thierry Jamin, who appears to have established a French language website, Jamin has commented that...
  10. Red

    Video of ‘Diamond’ Shape Changing UFO - 2 Aug 2017

    Looks like a bat (in the Joshua Tree video)
  11. Red

    are vaccines safe?

    Flu season surge hits WA's hospitals hard Found it. Looks like you didn't quite get the complete link address.
  12. Red

    Paranormal Podcast

    Glad to hear you are on the mend. :)
  13. Red

    Thoughts/Dreams Coming True

    A lot of these things are what Jung would call synchronicity. I had a couple of dreams of mundane things that have come true, but this was when I was much younger. These days it usually manifests with things. If I'm looking for something that I don't personally own, it usually comes to me, or...
  14. Red

    Refugee from Alien Hub forum

    No. It's in my house.
  15. Red

    Digital Currencies and Blockchain

    Since you say you are brand new to this stuff, you really need to start with bitcoin which uses blockchain (and has a section on how blockchain pertains to bitcoin specifically). Bitcoin, the first fully implemented and decentralized crypto-currency, was started as a way to transfer funds...
  16. Red

    Refugee from Alien Hub forum

    I saw that coming years ago. That's why I have a personal cloud (a networked wireless hard drive) but I do need to get a backup drive for it. Thanks for the reminder. :cool:
  17. Red

    News of the Weird - Man Steals Mummified Toe from Canadian Bar

    "Police in Canada have launched an investigation after a patron at a Yukon bar allegedly stole the famed ingredient of their signature drink: a mummified human toe. For more than 40 years the Downtown hotel in Dawson City has served up the sourtoe cocktail, a shot of whisky with a blackened toe...