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Video of "Cylinder UFO" Punching a Hole Thru a Cloud Over Sandia - 7 Aug 2017

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Paranormal Maven
I was on an Amtrak train arriving into Albuquerque after an extremely stressful trip.

I was born in Albuquerque so I am always fascinated with the beauty of this area…especially Sandia.

The lighting was amazing that day, so I pressed my iphone 5 all the way onto the window so as not to photograph any spots, and was able to get a clear shot of Sandia Mountain.

When I saw the video on the larger screen, I saw the object “very quickly” flying above the mountain from right to left.

I have captured “cylinder UFOs” before in Joshua Tree as well as at Bagdad Cafe in Newberry Springs, so had a fairly solid idea that what I had captured was not “a bug”.

Upon closer inspection, the object shows outlines and features of a cylinder.

When I slowed the video down, the UFO punches a hole through the cloud on the right in the second frame of its appearance.

I call this kind of video capture a “sneak in” or “streak in” capture. They look like bugs to the untrained eye. One has to have a way to slow the video down and zoom in to really look at the frames…but I think people are probably constantly capturing objects just like this all the time but probably don’t take the time to look. I only do so because I’ve been fortunate enough to experience this more than a few times, and now I’m always looking.

This capture reminds me of the Beetles art from the Yellow Submarine era.








Thanks for letting me share.
When I slowed the video down, the UFO punches a hole through the cloud on the right in the second frame of its appearance. .

i wasnt able to see what you described as "hole through the cloud", were is this evidence?

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Looks like an insect to me...

Yes. I know. I thought it was at first too.

Looking closer however you can see a corona coming off of the object.

It also changes shape in a similar way to captures I’ve gotten before in Mojave.

After capturing three of these, I found the footage of the video below from a 1979 UFO documentary that shows a very similar thing. It should start at the 5:06 mark. If it doesn’t automatically, scrub to 5:06. It’s a good frame of reference.

Below are three other cylinder type objects that I’ve captured out in the desert.

They fly by so fast that they look like insects. But when you zoom in and look closer, they are not bugs.

This capture from Bagdad Cafe shows the same thing, with the object clearly flying “behind” the sign, at least a 300 hundred feet away or more.

There are also two in this capture from a drive into Joshua Tree National Park that I haven’t shared with too many people because the activity is just too weird.

I show close up stills of the objects these videos as well, and in some captures they look like flying barrels.

I thought it was appropriate to include some of the other “cylinder type” objects like this that I’ve personally captured to accompany this post. They seem to change shape in a similar way, often times showing a bit of a corona as well.

I know its human nature to see different things, but this combined with the other similar captures Ive seen or done shows me that this is clearly not an insect.

I really appreciate you taking a look.

When I looked closely at the second frame, the object is obscured because its in the cloud.

In the next frame, there is a hole in that cloud.

Look at the end of the video and this is shown twice.

Ultimately, I'm just here to share my experience with all of this. This was the fifth UAP video capture in two weeks, so there is alot more going on in the background. The subject matter is too out there for the average person so I come to a responsible and mature forum or two to share. But even on the forums, the dialogue hits limitations. We only have so much time in a day.

I'm looking forward to creating venues where the experience can be shared on a deeper level. I don't a "feeling" or "psychic tug" when I've filmed a bug...