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  1. Red

    Ask Erica Lukes — Women in Ufology

    This stuff can truly happen anywhere. I seem to recall even a Buddhist organization in San Francisco that got tagged pretty hard for not having some guidelines in place for similar situation some years back. Just so I understand, you seem to think that a lack of adequately addressing sexual...
  2. Red

    Get Well Chris!

    Hope you mend quickly, Chris.
  3. Red

    Ask Erica Lukes — Women in Ufology

    I do agree, that often people's interests are shaped by their peer groups to GMP's point. I think that's changing. I see women show more interest in things that males have traditionally gravitated to, like video games and comic books, than they ever did when I was younger; these were things...
  4. Red

    Can Evolution Have a ‘Higher Purpose’?

    Wait, didn't someone already make the claim the reptilians came from Venus? :D
  5. Red

    Ask Erica Lukes — Women in Ufology

    Does Erica have any ideas for strategies to help increase the number of women in this field? Has she implemented any strategies? What does she see as the largest obstacles that keep women from becoming researchers?
  6. Red

    Can Evolution Have a ‘Higher Purpose’?

    I was merely talking about the conditions under which I felt a planet would be a candidate for seeding purely in the hypothetical realm. DuDuve might be end up being correct, but at this point we don't have enough hard physical data on exoplanets falling within that Goldilocks zone. I am very...
  7. Red

    Can Evolution Have a ‘Higher Purpose’?

    Venus has little to no water and no magnetic fields. It would never be a good terraforming candidate. Plus it's atmosphere is not just CO2, it has sulphuric acid, too. And I think that Sagan reconsidered his proposal in the '90s as we had better information as to the composition of Venus and...
  8. Red

    What would you ask ET if you could?

    I've been reticent to add anything to this thread. But here is my two cents, anyway. There has been discussion among those who espouse the theory of bicameralism, that mediumship and spiritualism may actually be a throwback to an earlier mindstate. Despite the "realness" of the experience...
  9. Red

    Can Evolution Have a ‘Higher Purpose’?

    I was only speaking to how easily it would be to seed a planet as Randall wanted to make it way more difficult than it is. ;) I agree, though that if indigenous life can arise on this planet, it could happen on others and would need to be a consideration in any discussion regarding seeding...
  10. Red

    Carrie Fisher heart attack...

    And it just hit the news that Debbie Reynolds, Fisher's mother has passed today, too.
  11. Red

    Can Evolution Have a ‘Higher Purpose’?

    Spores can stay dormant and relatively undamaged in the cold wastes of space. You would only need to find micro-organisms that could survive the extremes and chemical/geological makeup of the planet you want to seed. Once the bacterium is established, evolution can then take over.
  12. Red

    Carrie Fisher heart attack...

    Princess Leia was a revelation for any little girl at the time. One could be a princess and still kick ass.
  13. Red

    Official funny stuff — Part 2

    Saw this on the news this morning after it popped up on old post here. Carrie Fisher roasting George Lucas:
  14. Red

    Official funny stuff — Part 2

    Breaking: Rolling Stones Guitarist Keith Richards Found Still Alive
  15. Red

    Can Evolution Have a ‘Higher Purpose’?

    Not necessarily, any technologically advanced society would have the capability to send out probes to target locations for seeding. Your only obstacle would be to find the appropriate "seed," keeping it viable for the duration of the trip, and preventing it from burning up in the atmosphere on...
  16. Red

    Ask Sean Correia: Anonymous Uprising

    What's the criteria for extraterrestrials who are keeping their distance? I mean, a typical sighting lasts a few seconds to a few minutes, so is your group going to an area where a confirmed sighting has occurred, but the craft is no longer present? Or, would these expeditions entail going to...
  17. Red

    Any good compilations of ET contact accounts out there? Books, etc.?

    Randall got me started in the introductions thread, but maybe I'll check it out. I'd been out of all things ufo or paranormal related 5 or 6 years and have since seen some recent authors discussing this. I have some catching up to do, truly.
  18. Red

    All I want for Xmas are some STH reviews!

    I've done amazon reviews before, and there is some sort of review process so the reviews don't go live immediately. It can take a couple of hours to a couple of days. I have no idea what that entails, so don't ask me.
  19. Red

    Can dark matter be the answer?

    Absolutely. If we are living in a simulation, then who exactly is writing the code for the software?