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Get Well Chris!

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Gene Steinberg

Forum Super Hero
Staff member
I received the following from a friend of Chris:

"Chris has been admitted to the hospital with COPD & influenza A. Very sick. I will keep you informed."

As you'll see from this weekend's episode, Chris did sound under the weather, and we're all pulling for him.
I received the following from a friend of Chris: "Chris has been admitted to the hospital with COPD & influenza A. Very sick. I will keep you informed." As you'll see from this weekend's episode, Chris did sound under the weather, and we're all pulling for him.
@Christopher O'Brien, if you're checking in, I'd hazard a pretty good guess that those bugs don't stand a chance if you actually let yourself get the rest you need. So as tempting as it might be, please don't go dragging yourself back into action before the doctors say you're OK. Get well my friend !
Get well Chris
Get well soon Chris, Gene is too old to handle this alone :p
No he isn't!
Gene is spry enough to handle Chris O'Brien every week so he could do pretty much anything. ;)
Damn you could hear Chris was already very ill on the latest show. Gobsmacked he even turned up to record! And while we know Chris is no man's wimp, I must give Gene ASTOUNDING credit for never, ever, not even once, cos of illness or family etc, ever, ever missed a SINGLE Paracast recording. Gene likes to poke fun at himself regarding his age but how many of you reading this can match such a record no-days-off feat?:)