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  1. Red


    I remember watching "Manufacturing Consent" almost 20 years ago which is based on Noam Chomsky's book of the same name. I found it very sobering and depressing look at how our media was already starting to fail us way back then.
  2. Red

    My spiritual experience

    A person I went to college with experimented with TM in 70s or 80s in a group setting and they started having these really tripped out experiences, and not in a good way. I don't even think that the TM folks are much into altered states these days. I do think I've heard at least one...
  3. Red

    Ancient city is unearthed by archaeologists in Egypt

    This is the stuff I like to ponder. The need for expression is a very old trait within humanity. Art, language, communication, how do they intersect and interact with each other?
  4. Red

    My spiritual experience

    I have meditated in the past, I'm a bit of a lapsed Buddhist in that respect. Are you engaging in any particular form of meditation such as transcendental meditation? Buddhism? Other? I'm asking because different varieties of meditation often purport to offer different things. In...
  5. Red

    Are Ufologists being murdered ?

    @ufology , please let me know if you ever come to Iowa, so I can, ah, make arrangements to be elsewhere. Glad you're okay, though, that sounds a bit scary.
  6. Red

    Ancient city is unearthed by archaeologists in Egypt

    Lovely. :p Seriously tho, you offered your opinion, and as this is a free country...
  7. Red

    Atacama , what is it ?

    There is a slightly more recent interview (via email) of Garry Nolan here: The UFO Trail: Dr. Garry Nolan Talks Ata, Starchild Skull and Science As of 2014 he was still preparing his findings for publication, but this is the gist of it: "We are writing for publication now on ATA. I have...
  8. Red

    Ancient city is unearthed by archaeologists in Egypt

    Han, I wouldn't worry about one person's opinion. I, for one, enjoy these kinds of posts. Anything that expands one's knowledge of the world is never a bad thing.
  9. Red

    1749 Fireball at Sea (for those that like primary sources)

    I happened to run across this account authored by a Mr. Chalmers published through the Royal Society of London. The fireball shattered the mainmast of the British vessel, the Montague. An Account of an Extraordinary Fireball Bursting at Sea, Communicated by Mr. Chalmers : Chalmers, M. : Free...
  10. Red

    What Is The Point?

    -I've had a few personal experiences. Nothing earth-shattering. A few anomalous sightings, a couple precog dreams and a time-slip incident. -Databases for those with a scientific/academic bent. -I've no problem with a fee as databases have to be built and maintained. As someone who has...
  11. Red

    Long Time Listener, First Time Poster.

    Hello and welcome!
  12. Red

    Scientist acknowledge soul lives on after death

    Scientists, just like any other human on the planet, have opinions that may or may not be backed up by science.
  13. Red

    Other Mysteries

    So to go back to the mystery part of this thread: Researchers are still looking for dark matter. There has been some discussion that the only way it may be observed is through its gravitational effects, as so far, the detection of the particles comprising dark matter continues to elude...
  14. Red

    looking for books for young minds

    My parents subscribed to magazines like the Smithsonian, Science and Omni. Find some interesting magazines to subscribe to that gives them exposure to topics they may not ordinarily come accross. They may find things in them they would like to explore further.
  15. Red

    A Troubling Observation About UFO Reality

    All of the McMinnville pictures are of pie tins, I think. I don't think the one that might have been identified as a side mirror is. I think Trent punched holes through the middle of pie tins, added some hardware that pointed up and hung them from the wires using fishing line. Pie tins...
  16. Red

    A Troubling Observation About UFO Reality

    Yeah, if the other is a pie tin, why can't this one be a pie tin, too.
  17. Red

    A Troubling Observation About UFO Reality

    Have there been any attempts to rule out other prosaic items like pie tins with the Trents? I can see the side mirror possibility, but I can also see the possibility of it being a pie tin dented in at the middle when a hole was punched through and attached to a piece of hardware.
  18. Red

    Moons of Madness!!! Fibuli returns

    Welcome back! I'm back after a much longer hiatus, say since around 2010. It's been nice to get to know some of the newer faces and reengage with the older members I used to interact with.
  19. Red

    stone tools on Mars and Earth, what's the difference ?

    I'm sure the kitchen sink is next, never fear!
  20. Red

    Other Mysteries

    I'll never give anyone a hard time for something like this. I have a food sensitivity to monosodium glutamate, despite the studies that claim this is safe. Even when ingesting something I think may be safe, if it has MSG the migraines start around 18 to 24 hours later. Ironic, because most...