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My spiritual experience

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hi long time listener of dark matters radio!

I wanted to share with you all my experience. I had been practicing meditation off an on for a while. And was coming down with a fever i had a great raging temperature and felt generally unwell. I went to bed that night. And all of a sudden I felt my spine starting to straighten. From the centre of my chest up each vertebrae my neck went painfully rigid for a moment, I feared I was having a stroke or something, then a beam of golden light flew out the top of my head. My conciousness was contained in this light and it just seemed as if I was traveling vertically hundreds of miles upwards. I began to level off after the ride turning my head I noticed I in a a place what looked like a court room filled with what appeared to be tibetian type monks. My knowledge was greatly expanded as if I knew everything that there was to know ( although have subsequently forgot) I feared I may have died in my sleep and shouted can I go back. I've heard Vance and Rich mention in previous DMRs about things like this. Please give your thoughts or share your experiences.
hi long time listener of dark matters radio!

I wanted to share with you all my experience. I had been practicing meditation off an on for a while. And was coming down with a fever i had a great raging temperature and felt generally unwell. I went to bed that night. And all of a sudden I felt my spine starting to straighten. From the centre of my chest up each vertebrae my neck went painfully rigid for a moment, I feared I was having a stroke or something, then a beam of golden light flew out the top of my head. My conciousness was contained in this light and it just seemed as if I was traveling vertically hundreds of miles upwards. I began to level off after the ride turning my head I noticed I in a a place what looked like a court room filled with what appeared to be tibetian type monks. My knowledge was greatly expanded as if I knew everything that there was to know ( although have subsequently forgot) I feared I may have died in my sleep and shouted can I go back. I've heard Vance and Rich mention in previous DMRs about things like this. Please give your thoughts or share your experiences.
Reminds me of DMT experiences people describe. Maybe it was something like that.

How have you integrated it into your life since?

I'll be honest it has bothered me for a while like this was my opportunity to experience a higher state of conciousness but I reluctantly feared the unknown and as a result feel like I may have missed my chance.
Reminds me of DMT experiences people describe. Maybe it was something like that.

My understanding is that DMT or similar "drugs" stimulate receptors already present in the Brain, but these receptors can be "activated" or "stimulated" by other means.

What I am trying to say is that maybe the illness @TheMoon was suffering with (fever) caused said receptors to be stimulated, rather than some "outside" agent, like DMT.
I'll be honest it has bothered me for a while like this was my opportunity to experience a higher state of conciousness but I reluctantly feared the unknown and as a result feel like I may have missed my chance.

You could see it like that, but there is another option:
Maybe it was not your "time" maybe you got a little preview of what might happen in the end.

I suspect that there would have been a forfeit in exchange for moving to a higher plane. In other words you still have great things to do, right here right now.

Best wishes.
My understanding is that DMT or similar "drugs" stimulate receptors already present in the Brain, but these receptors can be "activated" or "stimulated" by other means. What I am trying to say is that maybe the illness @TheMoon was suffering with (fever) caused said receptors to be stimulated, rather than some "outside" agent, like DMT.
That's sort of where I was going too because I seem to recall that DMT is a naturally produced substance in the body, and maybe it got kicked into temporary rapid production from the combination of illness and other medications.
That's sort of where I was going too because I seem to recall that DMT is a naturally produced substance in the body, and maybe it got kicked into temporary rapid production from the combination of illness and other medications.

Yes I totally agree with this theory I often hallucinate when sick.

Don't usually feel physical pain but this was immense like someone had stuck an iron bar down my spine to line things up
Yes thank you all good now, was listening back to previous episodes and caller Vance mentioned a similar thing and asked it to "go away".

And Richie s often mentions it.

Anybody else have an experience to share?
What should I expect when meditating
I'll be honest it has bothered me for a while like this was my opportunity to experience a higher state of conciousness but I reluctantly feared the unknown and as a result feel like I may have missed my chance.

I have meditated in the past, I'm a bit of a lapsed Buddhist in that respect. Are you engaging in any particular form of meditation such as transcendental meditation? Buddhism? Other?

I'm asking because different varieties of meditation often purport to offer different things. In buddhism, enlightment is a combo of perfect wisdom and infinite compassion, but most Buddhists don't give much credence to unusual experiences or altered states of consciouness such as yours as a path to said enlightenment.
I have meditated in the past, I'm a bit of a lapsed Buddhist in that respect. Are you engaging in any particular form of meditation such as transcendental meditation? Buddhism? Other?

I'm asking because different varieties of meditation often purport to offer different things. In buddhism, enlightment is a combo of perfect wisdom and infinite compassion, but most Buddhists don't give much credence to unusual experiences or altered states of consciouness such as yours as a path to said enlightenment.

That's what i've found. i tried a couple of places to see if their's was the way that would lead me to experience something like what @TheMoon is looking for specifically opening yourself up more to receiving synchronicities and such and got little encouragement on that front.It was mostly about mindfulness and there's nothing wrong with that but i was looking for something more spiritual and i am not all that interested in going the pharma route if it can be done w/o drugs even if it takes longer.
That's what i've found. i tried a couple of places to see if their's was the way that would lead me to experience something like what @TheMoon is looking for specifically opening yourself up more to receiving synchronicities and such and got little encouragement on that front.It was mostly about mindfulness and there's nothing wrong with that but i was looking for something more spiritual and i am not all that interested in going the pharma route if it can be done w/o drugs even if it takes longer.

A person I went to college with experimented with TM in 70s or 80s in a group setting and they started having these really tripped out experiences, and not in a good way. I don't even think that the TM folks are much into altered states these days. I do think I've heard at least one practitioner of shamanism feel that altered states are definitely achievable without drugs by using drums and breathing techniques, but I can no longer remember who that was.

You know Wade, it's a weird thing. I wasn't even looking for anything (and very sceptical about everything) and I had this time slip thingy happen. The universe tends to open up for me most when I could care less about getting a sign.

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