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  1. Christopher O'Brien

    Art Bell has died.

    Article HERE: By Christopher O'Brien The news last week of legendary late night radio broadcaster Art Bell’s passing generated a deluge of social media posts that mourned his death, extolled his virtues as a groundbreaking broadcaster and acknowledged his role as a fringe subject pioneer...
  2. Christopher O'Brien

    Scientists studying psychoactive drugs accidentally proved the self is an illusion

    The old adage, "set & setting" apply here, but also dosage, intention, procedure, company. These substances should NOT be used as party drugs, rather medicines or sacraments IMO.
  3. Christopher O'Brien

    Phil Imbrogno "Dr MIT" like Dracula, is BACK!

    I think the newbie (troll?) didn't like my comment, "Some people have no shame. *;);) *" Perhaps if he/she worked for almost 10 years practically for free, they'd be annoyed as well!
  4. Christopher O'Brien

    Phil Imbrogno "Dr MIT" like Dracula, is BACK!

    Dang, I must have missed my invite to also do the show... uhh...lemme see I must have missed the email...
  5. Christopher O'Brien

    KGB chief ordered 4m soldiers to keep watching the skies for UFOs

    No, just some Russian aerial eye-candy ;)
  6. Christopher O'Brien

    KGB chief ordered 4m soldiers to keep watching the skies for UFOs

    Article HERE: By Nick Paton Walsh/Guardian Yuri Andropov, the former Soviet leader and long-time head of the KGB, had an acute personal interest in UFOs and ordered a 13-year programme that required every soldier in the military to monitor sightings over Russian territory, according to new...
  7. Christopher O'Brien

    Phil Imbrogno "Dr MIT" like Dracula, is BACK!

    Stop what? Keeping track of hoaxers? Or scammers? Or both?
  8. Christopher O'Brien

    Phil Imbrogno "Dr MIT" like Dracula, is BACK!

    Nope, this is no joke (even though what he's doing is beyond a joke.) From what I've heard, he recently appeared on Rob McConnell's X-Zone radio show. Leave it to numbskull McConnell to have him on. FYI: McConnell is the only radio host who has ever hung up on me! My trickster material...
  9. Christopher O'Brien

    Phil Imbrogno "Dr MIT" like Dracula, is BACK!

    As most longtime (and some newbie) Paracasters are aware, there are people in this morass of a field (I like to refer to as ufoology), who have no shame. From confabulating cockamamie stories of traveling to Mars w/ Barry Sotero and tales blue Avian aliens or time traveling six-year olds, to...
  10. Christopher O'Brien

    Doty Episode listener roundtable!

    DANG dude, tell us how it REALLY feels!
  11. Christopher O'Brien

    March 25, 2018 — Michael Allen with J. Randall Murphy

    Digital burst, not pulse transmissions, there is a big difference. A burst transmission or data burst is the broadcast of a relatively high-bandwidth transmission over a short period. Burst transmissions broadcast a compressed message at a very high data signaling rate within a very short...
  12. Christopher O'Brien

    Whatever happened to Stanford's dynamite shack, egg shaped UFO picture with landing gear extended?

    He decided to wait to release it until he could find the original negative to make doubly sure the spots on the horizon (the 'craft') were not some sort of defect or some other kind of prosaic cause. I'll ask him for an update. I know both Ben Moss and Tony Angiola are quite impressed w/ the...
  13. Christopher O'Brien

    Doty Episode listener roundtable!

    Due to high interest in last week's show, we are conducting a listener roundtable TODAY to discuss the many interesting revelations we heard from former AFOSI Agent Doty. So far we have Michael Allen and Randall signed up, ANYBODY ELSE AVAILABLE for today's taping at 7 ET/4 PT? If you would...
  14. Christopher O'Brien

    Bell’s Theorem – Is Everything Predetermined?

    [Is everything predetermined or is there such a thing as 'free will?' And what are the implications of this question when examining the nature of consciousness? Good article! —chris] Article HERE: Is quantum entanglement real? When two photons are created at the same time, and then separated...
  15. Christopher O'Brien

    March 18, 2018 — Rick Doty with J. Randall Murphy

    Yeah, but as soon as I return, it feels like there's a target on my back. I can't win, I can't even tie! Either I'm too tough and I'm accused of "badgering" our guest, or I'm not tough enough and I'm part of "a kiss-ass choir." Thanks for the positive mention—At least some listeners like...
  16. Christopher O'Brien

    March 18, 2018 — Rick Doty with J. Randall Murphy

    I'd appreciate it if you state whom you are dissing exactly, 'like a man,' not a self-inflated, trollish whiner. I wasn't a participant for the interview, so don't include me in your mealy-mouthed attack, ok?
  17. Christopher O'Brien

    March 18, 2018 — Rick Doty with J. Randall Murphy

    I can tell you are no fisherman. You gotta set the hook before you land the whale. We want the man nice and comfy and willing to make a return visit before we drill down w/ more pointed, tough questions. Send me a link, and I'll go listen to your radio show featuring the rarest of rare guests to...
  18. Christopher O'Brien

    Psychedelic Drugs Still Popular in the U.S.

    Is LSD the New Coffee? Article HERE: ...The newest trend [in Silicon Valley]...involves chemistry with a coloured past — psychedelics. This time around, psychedelics may have less to do with astral planes and more to do with the mundanity of work. Is this the beginning of a new trip for all of...
  19. Christopher O'Brien

    Psychedelic Drugs Still Popular in the U.S.

    Never been there and done that, but what I heard indicates that 'vitamin k' makes you not buy into anything in your reality. The house could be on fire and the place burning down around your ears and it would be cool, no problem... Now, not having direct experience w/ it, I can't comment from a...