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March 18, 2018 — Rick Doty with J. Randall Murphy

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So let me get this straight
(1) Bennewitz basically intercepts secret communication data from an NSA relay around a base
(2) AFOSI sends Doty to investigate and determines that Bennewitz already thinks he's intercepting alien transmissions

...so...the natural thing for AFOSI to do is to encourage continued data collection from the "aliens" (read: continue to interfere/intercept communications from the NSA relay) for days on end?

Sounds like baloney to me--not a very solid. controlled or professional way of dealing with the situation.

Other than that...entertaining.
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So let me get this straight
(1) Bennewitz basically intercepts secret communication data from an NSA relay around a base
(2) AFOSI sends Doty to investigate and determines that Bennewitz already thinks he's intercepting alien transmissions

...so...the natural thing for AFOSI to do is to encourage continued data collection from the "aliens" (read: continue to interfere/intercept communications from the NSA relay) for days on end?

Sounds like baloney to me--not a very solid. controlled or professional way of dealing with the situation. Other than that...entertaining.

The signals were basically just noise that Bennewitz interpreted as alien. So Bennewitz didn't know they were from the base. Therefore I doubt telling him they were from a classified system on the base would have been a smart move, and denying the signals exist was impossible. Bennewitz already believed they were something other than Earthly, and therefore they didn't need to make up any cover story.

And given that the signals were theorized to be alien, there's no way to prove the signals were or weren't alien. So it seems like just letting him continue believing what he wanted to believe was a reasonable solution. I can also see how they might want to investigate the situation. So it all seems like it's believable to me. What better plan would you have come-up with?
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I liked how he connects the dots from Roswell to Holoman AFB.
EBE calls home system around 8/9 light years away.
1947+ 8/9 = 1955/1956:aliens get request to pick him up and 2 dead teams on earth.
9 years later 1964/1965.... Serpo exchange... à la ‘close encounter of the 3rd kind’

Assuming the information is valid, this would be a civilization able to travel at near the speed of light... which is still quite amazing ;)
Considering our exponential technological progression I’d like to think they are perhaps 200 to 2000 years more advanced than us.
Their tech is still primitive enough to be vulnerable to major electrical storms (Stanton Friedman would love this account;))
The signals were basically just noise that Bennewitz interpreted as alien. So Bennewitz didn't know they were from the base. Therefore I doubt telling him they were from a classified system on the base would have been a smart move, and denying the signals exist was impossible. Bennewitz already believed they were something other than Earthly, and therefore they didn't need to make up any cover story.

And given that the signals were theorized to be alien, there's no way to prove the signals were or weren't alien. So it seems like just letting him continue believing what he wanted to believe was a reasonable solution. I can also see how they might want to investigate the situation. So it all seems like it's believable to me. What better plan would you have come-up with?

Which would sort of explain why the NSA (or "FBI agents on loan to the NSA") allegedly showed up across the street in the abandoned house. Must have been a very important NSA program.
Still, I wonder what Col Alexander would think of this -- I can almost hear him now "now...now...this is just a bunch of baloney...this is NOT how people work in the government!"
Which would sort of explain why the NSA (or "FBI agents on loan to the NSA") allegedly showed up across the street in the abandoned house. Must have been a very important NSA program. Still, I wonder what Col Alexander would think of this -- I can almost hear him now "now...now...this is just a bunch of baloney...this is NOT how people work in the government!"
Alexander has his own style of disinformation ;) .
Excellent show, extremely well done and thank you! I am not sure what to say about Rick Doty other than 'more please'

One of those tall skinny scary-ass aliens could show up right here on this show as a guest and start giving away their fully functional made-of-unidentified-metal visionary bracelets for free as Paracast swag and 90% of the forum would still think it's a disinformation plot.
This was an instant classic. But I can't help but think that Doty's still a disinformation agent. Note that he said that there were several recovered crafts and alien bodies. That's just the sort of red meat that the UFO community craves. It's too good to be true.
Yup. Given that his job seemed to be to create false narrative that gave us exactly the 50's style sci-fi answers we were looking for... should we be surprised he's giving us exactly these kinds of narratives?

I doubt he even knows anything except the story he's been given to sell.
The signals were basically just noise that Bennewitz interpreted as alien. So Bennewitz didn't know they were from the base. Therefore I doubt telling him they were from a classified system on the base would have been a smart move, and denying the signals exist was impossible. Bennewitz already believed they were something other than Earthly, and therefore they didn't need to make up any cover story.

And given that the signals were theorized to be alien, there's no way to prove the signals were or weren't alien. So it seems like just letting him continue believing what he wanted to believe was a reasonable solution. I can also see how they might want to investigate the situation. So it all seems like it's believable to me. What better plan would you have come-up with?
Yup. This is exactly like encouraging UFO reports that were actually the U2 spy planes.

Great cover story, and adds mystique about the US Military/Industrial complex's abilities to boot. "Oh, those signals you're picking up that we are leaking accidentally? Sure, that's aliens, keep listening to 'em." That way they get to understand what kind of crap INFOSEC they are dealing with on the base, what can be leaked, and if anybody else picks them up... well, it's aliens.

Even if somebody figures out it's coming from the base, well, the US is talking to aliens because our military knows everything and is all-powerful.

You turn a giant cluster-F into your own internal security mechanism for free, and give the illusion of competence.
Excellent show, extremely well done and thank you! I am not sure what to say about Rick Doty other than 'more please' One of those tall skinny scary-ass aliens could show up right here on this show as a guest and start giving away their fully functional made-of-unidentified-metal visionary bracelets for free as Paracast swag and 90% of the forum would still think it's a disinformation plot.
LOL. Love the comment, and I'll take it as a compliment. RD said he enjoyed the interview and that he'd do another show, so hopefully he'll b back before long. The visionary bracelet is definitely a fabulous addition to the ufolore.
This was a kiss-ass choir from the three of you. I know that Chris thinks that I’m a cynical prick, but geez .... I mean Chris... could you come across as anymore of a cringeworthy host by blathering to Rick at the end of the episode, “I, just... did we do ok? Do you think you might want to come back on the show again..?”.
I can tell you are no fisherman. You gotta set the hook before you land the whale. We want the man nice and comfy and willing to make a return visit before we drill down w/ more pointed, tough questions. Send me a link, and I'll go listen to your radio show featuring the rarest of rare guests to show me 'how it's done.' BTW: I don't think you are a "cynical prick," (you are just another anonymous peanut gallery sniping troll at times) but since you seem to know what I think, if it'll make you happy sure, OK, I'll go w/ "cynical prick." ;)
What an excellent juxtaposition. One of my comments regarding Robert Schroeder’s appearance last week was: “You would NEVER talk to a higher profile guest the way you did to Robert in this episode.” How timely is it that a week later it is made SO obvious. This was a kiss-ass choir from the three of you. I know that Chris thinks that I’m a cynical prick, but geez .... I mean Chris... could you come across as anymore of a cringeworthy host by blathering to Rick at the end of the episode, “I, just... did we do ok? Do you think you might want to come back on the show again..?”.
Thanks for commenting. I can't speak for Gene or Chris, but it would be more fair-minded to give us some benefit of the doubt here. From my perspective, being engaged with what the guest has to say doesn't mean that I as an interviewer blindly believe everything that's said. You've been here long enough that you should know that. My strategy was mainly to get forum questions asked and to let the guest deliver as much as possible, and deal with the analysis later. So a more constructive approach would be to provide some analysis of Doty's comments using existing reliable information as a comparison. Can you offer some of that?
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LOL. Love the comment, and I'll take it as a compliment. RD said he enjoyed the interview and that he'd do another show, so hopefully he'll b back before long. The visionary bracelet is definitely a fabulous addition to the ufolore.

Yes, it was intended as a compliment and I prefer to keep things here on the lighter side.

However, there is a point in there: John Alexander = disinformation agent. Luis Elizondo = disinformation agent. Rick Doty = .... well you get it. Seems like a trend here. I might point out that whatever their veracity they were contemporary 'boots on the ground' and can speak in the first person about the topics that interest us. Who are 'they' trying to deceive - US? Jeez.

I had an aunt in Wisconsin that became extremely senile before she passed away. When I was visiting her she went on at length about a "horse elevator in Central Park" - among other things. Eh? Yes, my half of the family is in NY and I've been to the Park many times and had carriage rides. Never knew she went there. A horse elevator? I blew it off. Then recently I read how they closed the last multi-story stable - complete with a friggin' horse elevator in Central Park. Point is - as often a people make s**t up sometimes they just tell you the truth and you can't believe it because it sounds too improbable.

Not a defense of Doty but nothing he said make me shriek j'accuse.
Show started off badly imo with you three basically telling the listeners why they were wrong in some of the feedback of last week's interview style.

Just take the feedback on board, maybe thank the listeners for it and move on, coming on and saying why they were wrong was in bad taste.

Plus, it didn't really address what the feedback was about. Which was how some of the listeners felt you were disrespecting him with some not needed attitude when he was just trying to answer your questions.

Whether or not he enjoyed being on the show is irrelevant, its about how the listeners interpreted the exchange.

So yeah, take your feedback like men and suck it up or may be just close the forums down if you don't want it.