Michael Allen
Paranormal Adept
I'm not saying UFOs don't exist. They may do. I'm saying that Air force counter intelligence has been propagating the meme since the 50s to great effect to cause doubt (and waste enemy resource investigating) that exotic tech in the sky is not American but actually other worldly.
It is interesting, but it seems wrong; to think that somehow muddying the Air Force "actuals" (i.e. real American derived "exotic" tech) signal with alien intrigue wouldn't just cause the public to react and swarm around AFB looking for alien craft -- then all the Russians would need is a monitor on the sightings to determine the timing or significance of the "actuals"
Now you have two problems:
(1) You've given a direct signal line to your enemy on what to look for (public ufo flaps and hysteria)
(2) Now you've got hundreds of civilians (and possibily misinformed military) bearing down on sensitive installations and bases looking for aliens (or exotic craft)
If I had the guess the real goal of AF counter intelligence in this context was to discredit ETH (i.e. poisoning the well)