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March 18, 2018 — Rick Doty with J. Randall Murphy

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Show started off badly imo with you three basically telling the listeners why they were wrong in some of the feedback of last week's interview style.

Just take the feedback on board, maybe thank the listeners for it and move on, coming on and saying why they were wrong was in bad taste.

Plus, it didn't really address what the feedback was about. Which was how some of the listeners felt you were disrespecting him with some not needed attitude when he was just trying to answer your questions.

Whether or not he enjoyed being on the show is irrelevant, its about how the listeners interpreted the exchange.

So yeah, take your feedback like men and suck it up or may be just close the forums down if you don't want it.
This is a FREE podcast. “disrespecting” my hairy ass.

Appreciate the effort for what it’s worth. YOU go fish Rick Doty out of the ether.You don’t like the way they are doing it do it yourself.

Can I find fault? Of course. Easy to sit on the sidelines and carp. Anyone can. I'm some schmuck just talking about it. THEY are doing it.
Show started off badly imo with you three basically telling the listeners why they were wrong in some of the feedback of last week's interview style. Just take the feedback on board, maybe thank the listeners for it and move on, coming on and saying why they were wrong was in bad taste. Plus, it didn't really address what the feedback was about. Which was how some of the listeners felt you were disrespecting him with some not needed attitude when he was just trying to answer your questions. Whether or not he enjoyed being on the show is irrelevant, its about how the listeners interpreted the exchange. So yeah, take your feedback like men and suck it up or may be just close the forums down if you don't want it.
Thanks for your comments. I had no idea what Gene's question was going to be at the start of the show. I just answered as honestly as I could, and I don't recall telling any listeners that they were wrong so much as giving my impression of the situation and how Schroeder himself responded positively to the interview when it was done. Was that the best use of air time? That's not my call. But if I may ask: What would you have preferred to hear? Also, your comments only cover the first few minutes of the show. Nothing else to add?
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Thanks for your comments. I had no idea what Gene's question was going to be at the start of the show. I just answered as honestly as I could, and I don't recall telling any listeners that they were wrong so much as giving my impression of the situation and how Schroeder himself responded positively to the interview when it was done. Was that the best use of air time? That's not my call. But if I may ask: What would you have preferred to hear? Also, your comments only cover the first few minutes of the show. Nothing else to add?

A good bit of advice I have received is "seek to understand before seeking to be understood"

E.g. if the listeners are giving you some feedback maybe try to see it from their perspective before taking to the airwaves to tell them why they were wrong to think it

As always, I'm a keen paracasteer and I enjoyed the Schroeder show I thought his theory is as good as any out there.

I have said my bit, I'll just drop it now and give some feedback on Rick Doty.
Congrats on getting him on the show, a huge coup +++

However, if your after getting to the bottom of the UFO mystery you will be further away from your goal after listening to anything he has to say.

He made it nice and easy from early on in the show that he is still operational. This was made so by his recount of Roswell with the alien that survived that was a "male" that did an ET phone home thing. This is obvious pop culture baloney. Oh yeah and he used the whole Stanton Friedman saucer crashing theory, yeah sure they did.

I was actually a little annoyed about how bad his game has become. At least try a different tact, the field has moved on a bit from 1999, we know Roswell is not aliens and bodies. Spin us a different yarn Rick, treat us with a bit more respect, we are not C2C listeners, you sound like a joke!

Then there was the double speak, e.g. "i don't know if we reverse engineered anything" / "cash landrum was a reverse engineered craft". Or, "I never spread disinformation" / I worked in counter intelligence.

I was hoping to get a renewed and restoried Rick Doty ready for 2018 but we got a lazy, replay of the old record Doty - disappointing.

So we know he is operational, we know he is making himself available to spread dis info, the question now has to be why and why now
Richard 'Rick' Doty has fascinated me since I saw the documentary, 'Mirage Men.' Haven't decided if Doty is one of the good guys or one of the bad guys, or simply an impartial tool. But he is assuredly one thing: a very compelling enigma. Thanks to him for coming on your show, and thanks to you guys for all your hard work with the Paracast.

I've been listening to the show via iTunes for several years. This is my initial post in the forums.
Heard about your personal trouble, Gene. Stay safe, and all my best. I genuinely wish I was in a place where I could help you out. You and your wife take care of yourselves.
Here is my theory about UFOs and the Air force

- This is nothing to do with aliens visiting earth and everything to do with counter intelligence

- UFOs are about obfuscation and distortion of classified military technology. If you can create a false reality that aliens are real and flying in our airspace you can get your enemy double guessing whether reports of unidentified craft are real American tech they should be trying to keep speed with or just mysterious elusive aliens. It's a smoke screen and its been working fantastically since the 50s

Timeline is interesting here:

- Oct 2017, to the stars academy presentation with experts and insiders telling us aliens and ufos are real

- Dec 2017, NY Times story with Luis Elizondo telling us ufos are real

- March 5 2018, the new B21 next gen stealth aircraft is officially confirmed and is going to Edwards for testing. If this thing has active camouflage or other exotic stealth tech like image projection, it wouldn't hurt to get a renewed surge into the alien meme and to get everyone (including your enemy) thinking again about aliens when they see strange technology in the sky.

- March 18 2018, Rick Doty on the paracast telling us aliens are real (Not convincingly lol)

Imagine if we knew 100% that aliens did not exist, if we saw technology in the sky we would know it had to be human technology. So if you can convince your enemy that it's not just humans up in the sky well then maybe this is not the next gen of US tech, maybe its aliens. And that my friends is counter intelligence working like a Swiss watch.
A good bit of advice I have received is "seek to understand before seeking to be understood" E.g. if the listeners are giving you some feedback maybe try to see it from their perspective before taking to the airwaves to tell them why they were wrong to think it As always, I'm a keen paracasteer and I enjoyed the Schroeder show I thought his theory is as good as any out there. I have said my bit, I'll just drop it now and give some feedback on Rick Doty.
Okay, that's fair. I guess the counterpoint would be that at least the listener's concern was acknowledged, which is more than a lot of shows will do, and Gene did ask my opinion in an effort to explore the concern rather than simply be critical of the criticism. I'm not sure what else I should have done but give my honest opinion and share Schroeder's own reaction to the show. Plus I did ask you what you would prefer to have heard, which is acknowledging your concern. So hopefully that counts for something.
Congrats on getting him on the show, a huge coup +++ However, if your after getting to the bottom of the UFO mystery you will be further away from your goal after listening to anything he has to say. He made it nice and easy from early on in the show that he is still operational. This was made so by his recount of Roswell with the alien that survived that was a "male" that did an ET phone home thing. This is obvious pop culture baloney. Oh yeah and he used the whole Stanton Friedman saucer crashing theory, yeah sure they did. I was actually a little annoyed about how bad his game has become.

At least try a different tact, the field has moved on a bit from 1999, we know Roswell is not aliens and bodies. Spin us a different yarn Rick, treat us with a bit more respect, we are not C2C listeners, you sound like a joke! Then there was the double speak, e.g. "i don't know if we reverse engineered anything" / "cash landrum was a reverse engineered craft". Or, "I never spread disinformation" / I worked in counter intelligence. I was hoping to get a renewed and restoried Rick Doty ready for 2018 but we got a lazy, replay of the old record Doty - disappointing. So we know he is operational, we know he is making himself available to spread dis info, the question now has to be why and why now

I imagine you won't be alone in your overall impression. Maybe you could help clear-up a couple of things for me though. I'm not an expert on Doty, but I hadn't heard anything about the briefing films or a description of how OSI operated including the number agents assigned to different parts of the world to work on UFO related reports. I also hadn't heard him elaborate on the Cash Landrum case or his involvement with Janet Airlines at Area 51. I've also never heard of the case with the old guy dying of lung cancer with pictures and artifacts. Have you heard any of that before?
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Here is my theory about UFOs and the Air force

- This is nothing to do with aliens visiting earth and everything to do with counter intelligence

- UFOs are about obfuscation and distortion of classified military technology. If you can create a false reality that aliens are real and flying in our airspace you can get your enemy double guessing whether reports of unidentified craft are real American tech they should be trying to keep speed with or just mysterious elusive aliens. It's a smoke screen and its been working fantastically since the 50s

Timeline is interesting here:

- Oct 2017, to the stars academy presentation with experts and insiders telling us aliens and ufos are real

- Dec 2017, NY Times story with Luis Elizondo telling us ufos are real

- March 5 2018, the new B21 next gen stealth aircraft is officially confirmed and is going to Edwards for testing. If this thing has active camouflage or other exotic stealth tech like image projection, it wouldn't hurt to get a renewed surge into the alien meme and to get everyone (including your enemy) thinking again about aliens when they see strange technology in the sky.

- March 18 2018, Rick Doty on the paracast telling us aliens are real (Not convincingly lol)

Imagine if we knew 100% that aliens did not exist, if we saw technology in the sky we would know it had to be human technology. So if you can convince your enemy that it's not just humans up in the sky well then maybe this is not the next gen of US tech, maybe its aliens. And that my friends is counter intelligence working like a Swiss watch.
The problem with this theory is that Russia,China,Germany,etc,etc,etc are just as smart as the US.The UFO is seen all around the world not just near air bases in America.Yes there may be some truth in using the subject to muddy the waters but there are still things seen that defy our levels of technology.All the above named nations and many more have brilliant scientists,engineers etc and are just as capable as the US so will not be fooled into thinking US technology is anything but what it is.We know what the Russians are doing and they know what the West is doing.UFO’s are separate in my opinion even if they are sometimes used to obfuscate.
Okay, that's fair. I guess the counterpoint would be that at least the listener's concern was acknowledged, which is more than a lot of shows will do, and Gene did ask my opinion in an effort to explore the concern rather than simply be critical of the criticism. I'm not sure what else I should have done but give my honest opinion and share Schroeder's own reaction to the show. Plus I did ask you what you would prefer to have heard, which is acknowledging your concern. So hopefully that counts for something.

I imagine you won't be alone in your overall impression. Maybe you could help clear-up a couple of things for me though. I'm not an expert on Doty, but I hadn't heard anything about the briefing films or a description of how OSI operated including the number agents assigned to different parts of the world to work on UFO related reports. I also hadn't heard him elaborate on the Cash Landrum case or his involvement with Janet Airlines at Area 51. I've also never heard of the case with the old guy dying of lung cancer with pictures and artifacts. Have you heard any of that before?

No, I had not and although I think it's a great coup to get these things on the paracast for what could be the first time, unfortunately I think its all complete baloney.

If we accept its all baloney we can move on to try and figure out why he is back now. Imo you will get way more from that vs. trying to analyse the fairy tales he told you
The problem with this theory is that Russia,China,Germany,etc,etc,etc are just as smart as the US.The UFO is seen all around the world not just near air bases in America.Yes there may be some truth in using the subject to muddy the waters but there are still things seen that defy our levels of technology.All the above named nations and many more have brilliant scientists,engineers etc and are just as capable as the US so will not be fooled into thinking US technology is anything but what it is.We know what the Russians are doing and they know what the West is doing.UFO’s are separate in my opinion even if they are sometimes used to obfuscate.

I'm not saying UFOs don't exist. They may do. I'm saying that Air force counter intelligence has been propagating the meme since the 50s to great effect to cause doubt (and waste enemy resource investigating) that exotic tech in the sky is not American but actually other worldly.
Here is my theory about UFOs and the Air force

- This is nothing to do with aliens visiting earth and everything to do with counter intelligence

- UFOs are about obfuscation and distortion of classified military technology. If you can create a false reality that aliens are real and flying in our airspace you can get your enemy double guessing whether reports of unidentified craft are real American tech they should be trying to keep speed with or just mysterious elusive aliens. It's a smoke screen and its been working fantastically since the 50s

Timeline is interesting here:

- Oct 2017, to the stars academy presentation with experts and insiders telling us aliens and ufos are real

- Dec 2017, NY Times story with Luis Elizondo telling us ufos are real

- March 5 2018, the new B21 next gen stealth aircraft is officially confirmed and is going to Edwards for testing. If this thing has active camouflage or other exotic stealth tech like image projection, it wouldn't hurt to get a renewed surge into the alien meme and to get everyone (including your enemy) thinking again about aliens when they see strange technology in the sky.

- March 18 2018, Rick Doty on the paracast telling us aliens are real (Not convincingly lol)

Imagine if we knew 100% that aliens did not exist, if we saw technology in the sky we would know it had to be human technology. So if you can convince your enemy that it's not just humans up in the sky well then maybe this is not the next gen of US tech, maybe its aliens. And that my friends is counter intelligence working like a Swiss watch.
Hmm. I hadn't heard about the B21. Interesting ( Article here ). I suppose it's possible that there's some misdirection being employed. They did it before. So why not again? But then again, the story on the B21 is already out there, so it's not exactly secret, and if UFOs are real, then by now the PTB must know that for sure, and therefore it wouldn't seem to make much sense to cover up a sort-of-secret plane with something even more secretive. The theory only works well if alien visitation isn't real. So who are they fooling? Not those of us who know alien visitation is real and follow the subject. And those who don't believe in UFOs won't believe the cover story anyway. Who's left?
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Richard 'Rick' Doty has fascinated me since I saw the documentary, 'Mirage Men.' Haven't decided if Doty is one of the good guys or one of the bad guys, or simply an impartial tool. But he is assuredly one thing: a very compelling enigma. Thanks to him for coming on your show, and thanks to you guys for all your hard work with the Paracast. I've been listening to the show via iTunes for several years. This is my initial post in the forums. Heard about your personal trouble, Gene. Stay safe, and all my best. I genuinely wish I was in a place where I could help you out. You and your wife take care of yourselves.
Thanks for your post and welcome to the forum! I haven't seen Mirage Men yet. Is it on Netflix?
The signals were basically just noise that Bennewitz interpreted as alien. So Bennewitz didn't know they were from the base. Therefore I doubt telling him they were from a classified system on the base would have been a smart move, and denying the signals exist was impossible. Bennewitz already believed they were something other than Earthly, and therefore they didn't need to make up any cover story.

And given that the signals were theorized to be alien, there's no way to prove the signals were or weren't alien. So it seems like just letting him continue believing what he wanted to believe was a reasonable solution. I can also see how they might want to investigate the situation. So it all seems like it's believable to me. What better plan would you have come-up with?

While he is still receiving the data he could be compromised by enemy agents, he could pass on his techniques to others, or could work out perhaps for himself what was going on.

To let him just carry on seems highly risky. You could just tell him he has compromised classified military communications and tell him cease/desist and sign this non disclosure agreement
Hmm. I hadn't heard about the B21. Interesting ( Article here ). I suppose it's possible that there's some misdirection being employed. They did it before. So why not again? But then again, the story on the B21 is already out there, so it's not exactly secret, and if UFOs are real, then by now the PTB must know that for sure, and therefore it wouldn't seem to make much sense to cover up a sort-of-secret plane with something even more secretive. The theory only works well if alien visitation isn't real. So who are they fooling? Not those of us who know alien visitation is real and follow the subject. And those who don't believe in UFOs won't believe the cover story anyway. Who's left?

From the article:

Rollout of the new bomber, or visual disclosure in some meaningful manner beyond a very basic and detail-lacking piece of concept art, will be one of the biggest aviation and military technology stories of the decade.
PS - Great to hear Chris back , you have been missed Sir!
Yeah, but as soon as I return, it feels like there's a target on my back. I can't win, I can't even tie! Either I'm too tough and I'm accused of "badgering" our guest, or I'm not tough enough and I'm part of "a kiss-ass choir." Thanks for the positive mention—At least some listeners like yourself, appreciate my role and my efforts!
Yeah, but as soon as I return, it feels like there's a target on my back. I can't win, I can't even tie! Either I'm too tough and I'm accused of "badgering" our guest, or I'm not tough enough and I'm part of "a kiss-ass choir." Thanks for the positive mention—At least some listeners like yourself, appreciate my role and my efforts!

Chris,sometimes I agree with you,sometimes I disagree.Sometimes you annoy me and sometimes I find you compelling.But without a shadow of a doubt the Paracast would be greatly diminished without you and I would wager the vast majority of listeners would agree.

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