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March 18, 2018 — Rick Doty with J. Randall Murphy

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Yeah listen to Greg on another radio show which he makes some valid points on the whole crazy subject . Paranormal stuff still bringing up more clues than answers . Looking at the UFO cases around water and the rates of droughts that appear through history ?
Does anyone out here in forum land know if Doty has enlisted the services of an agent/trainer? Someone elsewhere suggests a female in the UK now handles Doty’s bookings without a great deal of success.
Just watched Mirage Men again. Doty really didn't say anything different in this interview. So he's sitting home sending out anonymous emails peddling Serpo. If you're even thinking about believing that crap in the first place you deserve what you get. This guy isn't a disinformation agent still on the clock; he's a putz screwing with people just for his own satisfaction. I still liked his appearance and would welcome another just because it appeals to the part of me that used to lap this stuff up.

I'd like to know what his state police coworkers thought of him. He might've been a decent guy to work with but in my experience a personality that does this sort of thing doesn't confine himself to just one thing.
So wanted to believe Greer could convey the details coherently.......but starting at 6:02.....DOTY HAS ARRIVED! Damn it after all. TDSR.