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  1. bonaventura

    Sauder on "The Secret Antarctica Coverup"

    I'm sorry, but after listening to him on the Paracast, I can't take anything Dr. Sauder has to say seriously. And I'm tired of quotes from anonymous people in the know whose assertions are completely uncheckable. As to Piri Re'is and lost civilizations, see Bad Archaeology. Chris, your...
  2. bonaventura

    What to make of Major Ed Dames...

    I'm afraid Tim Good is wackadinghoy, to use a medical term. Check out his Paracast appearance(s). Aside from the stuff about seeing aliens in hotel lobbies, there is his fondness for hoaxers (as Don says) and contactees, from Adamski on up. As far as I'm concerned (and I've followed this field...
  3. bonaventura

    A fake plane was added for south tower explosion

    I I know, I know . . . It's a vimana!
  4. bonaventura

    Guest Suggestions for The Paracast

    Konrad Hartmann asked me to recommend Jason Colavito ( He's a great antidote to alternative history claims, as well as an expert on H. P. Lovecraft and ancient aliens (both together and separately).
  5. bonaventura

    The HP Lovecraftian Connection?

    Yes, Morning of the Magicians is a lot of fun, but totally unreliable, a rich source of ideas, many of which have become/occult/alternative history standards (I love the one about evil Tibetan monks in Berlin during WWII). I've often wondered how these sorts of claims can be repeated in book...
  6. bonaventura

    The HP Lovecraftian Connection?

    For Lovecraft's connection to the ancient aliens meme through The Morning of the Magicians, see and his book The Cult of Alien Gods. Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
  7. bonaventura

    X-Files of Soviet Defense Ministry Exposed

    Oh, dear, more channeled messages from extraterrestrials. Yawn.
  8. bonaventura

    Hey Michael Salla. Whatcha up to now?

    Did they really think the deros were going to take this lying down?
  9. bonaventura

    Questions for Allen Greenfield

    I've greatly enjoyed listening to Mr. Greenfield on the Paracast over the years, Here are a couple of questions for him: 1. Can you discuss the benefits of practicing ritual magic? It seems that so many occult practitioners (Dr. Dee and Aleister Crowley, for example) seem to have gained so...
  10. bonaventura

    DR. Richard Sauder PhD. ( Paranoid hyper delusional)

    I think Dr. Sauder's work is well up to the high standards of Adventures Unlimited Press.
  11. bonaventura

    DR. Richard Sauder PhD. ( Paranoid hyper delusional)

    How true. Better a Richard Sauder than a "lights in the sky" snoozefest or a couple of hours of unintelligible EVPs. Though I draw the line at the guy with the accent who cut-and-pasted his book from the internet.
  12. bonaventura

    And Who Says Ray Doesn't Know What He's Looking At?

    For more on Meessen, see page 9 of this issue of Sunlight. Apparently he is a longtime ufologist. It would be scads more interesting if a physicist not predisposed to belief in such things were to be convinced by Ray's evidence.
  13. bonaventura

    Different info on Roswell

    This guy makes Richard Shaver look sane.
  14. bonaventura

    Long John Nebel on DMR

    I'm sure he had the Carnegie Deli make him a very special sandwich. Accept no substitutes!
  15. bonaventura

    Long John Nebel on DMR

    For my alter ego's take on Long John, see here.
  16. bonaventura

    Long John Nebel on DMR

    I never met LJN, though I used to daydream (groggily) about being a regular on his show. It's apparent from the Donald Bain bio that he was a very difficult man. Nevertheless, he presided over the greatest radio conversations I've ever heard. Is Paris Flammonde (LJN's producer) still around...
  17. bonaventura

    Paranormal Burnout: Is It Just Me?

    I've been following the unusual and esoteric for a very long time. There's a certain cyclical pattern to my interest; sometimes it's almost obsessive, or at least a tar pit of procrastination, other times, it's just taking a passing glance. But these days, I feel as uninterested, almost...
  18. bonaventura

    Concerning Exorcism

    This a very interesting question. At one time, Pentecostals claimed that tongues were real human languages, given to enable missionaries to preach. There were some very sad cases of Pentecostals going off to strange places, confident that that Spirit would preach through them, only to find that...