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DR. Richard Sauder PhD. ( Paranoid hyper delusional)

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Paranormal Novice
Come on guys ! I just wasted 2 hours listning to this episode with this crazy idiot! I just wanted to give this guy a good beating. Don't interview people from the institution!
It's just that avoiding all of the paranoid delusionals in this field eliminates half the fun. :D

How true. Better a Richard Sauder than a "lights in the sky" snoozefest or a couple of hours of unintelligible EVPs. Though I draw the line at the guy with the accent who cut-and-pasted his book from the internet.
How true. Better a Richard Sauder than a "lights in the sky" snoozefest or a couple of hours of unintelligible EVPs. Though I draw the line at the guy with the accent who cut-and-pasted his book from the internet.

And that would be Aaron Kaplan if I'm not mistaken?
Aaron Kaplan was one of my favourite episodes, but only because it perfectly highlighted how crazy people in the field can be. Also though, there are a couple of times when Chris' composure breaks and he just has to laugh.
I happened to run across an old Art Bell interview from 2002 the other night. Art really did have a unique knack for extracting maximum entertainment value from throughout the realm of kookdom and from outside of it too. Listening to C2C nowadays usually makes me doubly thankful for places like The Paracast.
Come on guys ! I just wasted 2 hours listning to this episode with this crazy idiot! I just wanted to give this guy a good beating. Don't interview people from the institution!
Are familiar w/ the man's work? I've known Rich for almost 20 years and no one knows more about underground bases and facilities than Rich. If you're not familiar, get your *unk ass up2 speed before casting judgment and insulting the man. FWIW: It was 4AM in the morning and he had been through a lot the past year. Oh, and we don't allow personal attacks or insults here--you've been warned. Play w/ the other kids nicely or go home ;)
This was one of the funniest episodes of the Paracast by far. I am sure that it was discussed at the time. I think Chris is right. Rich is an expert on things that exist in his mind.
Have you bothered to read his incredibly well-researched book Underground Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide? Probably not...
Can I jump in here and say that I have not read anything by Richard Sauder and I don't know if he is mad and making things up but surely we all agree that there can be no doubt that underground bases exist?

What exactly is the problem with speculating on this topic? Is it the supposed inter-connecting deep tunnel network right across America? (yip, very doubtful on that myself) Or is it the supposed size of such bases? Cos there is one aspect that is undeniable I think, and that is that it is perfectly feasible to construct such places.

I don't know much about it and I'm interested to know exactly how far past sensible people think Sauder has gone?
Can I jump in here and say that I have not read anything by Richard Sauder and I don't know if he is mad and making things up but surely we all agree that there can be no doubt that underground bases exist?

What exactly is the problem with speculating on this topic? Is it the supposed inter-connecting deep tunnel network right across America? (yip, very doubtful on that myself) Or is it the supposed size of such bases? Cos there is one aspect that is undeniable I think, and that is that it is perfectly feasible to construct such places.

I don't know much about it and I'm interested to know exactly how far past sensible people think Sauder has gone?

I could be wrong but I think Sauder is into the whole Reptilian thing and aliens running underground bases, I'm pretty sure I remember him being interviewed on C2C or another paranormal radio show about that very subject. I never listened to his Paracast interview I'll have to check that out.
Oh, the whole Dulce thing!

You know, I can maybe accept alien greys but for some reason, I just can't buy 7-foot lizard men yet.
Yeah, you better check because you are WRONG! (do your research!)

Orly? You're going to tell me I never heard a show where he discussed underground bases and reptilians?

Let's see...

NEW Dr Richard Sauder interviewed on reptilians/near future/agendas at play

Richard Sauder Conference - Hidden Empire: Underground Bases and Tunnels , page 1

From the thread:

Dr. Richard Sauder. One of the most mysterious and secretive developments of the 20th Century was the coming together of the Cold War, extraterrestrial related phenomena, the national security infrastructure and advances in digging and tunneling technology. The author of Underground Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide? will present a packed lecture on the extraordinary proliferation of underground military, intelligence and agency facilities, the relationship to the black budget and possible relation to extraterrestrial phenomena. Dr. Sauder may be the world's leading researcher in this particular area of study

Here's some more:

Author Dr. Richard Sauder returned to discuss the latest evidence of underground bases and tunnels. During the first two segments he was joined by the Director of Astrosciences Research Network, Bill Hamilton, who became interested in underground bases as part of his research into UFOs.

Given maps by John Lear, Hamilton said he checked out Dulce, NM to see if he could find any evidence for an underground base that was allegedly jointly operated by aliens and the US military. A security guard named "Thomas" said he escaped from Dulce's cylindrical base that extended down seven levels, but was not able to provide any proof, reported Hamilton, who added that the area is also known for anomalies such as orbs, UFOs, and animal mutilations.

Sauder shared materials depicting Nazi MagLev Plans for an underground tubeway that was to be built in WW II, connecting major cities in Europe. He noted that Project Paperclip (see memo) brought many German scientists to the US after the war, and a similar type of underground transport system is rumored to now exist in the US. Hamilton said he'd spoken to a National Guard Col. who claimed to have been on one of these MagLev trains, and that the vehicles might be able to reach speeds as fast as 5,000 mph.

Sauder believes it's almost certain that undersea facilities also exist, which could be used for mining or to house self-sustaining societies. It's even possible that descendants from ancient Atlantis might clandestinely be living in an underwater environment, he conjectured. ...

And if that's not enough here's some video's where he talks about underground bases and possible Reptilians, the show I heard is either the very first link I posted or it's probably in this list, I can't remember:

richard sauder reptillians - Google Search

Do your research. Though I guess the ancient denizens of Atlantis clandestinely living in an underwater environment is much less far fetched :rolleyes:
If Sauder does publicly proclaim about reptilians then that indeed is a shame. I was under the impression that he is credited with doing lots of FOIA and other research on the available facts surrounding the technology and official interests in the fields of tunneling and underground construction.

I mean it would be a shame for anyone, let alone a PhD to carry out painstaking research that is backed up by facts in one area, only to lose all credibility by also mentioning reptilians and ET/human battles etc.

I'll quickly state though I've not read his work and I don't know if he does/does not ascribe to the belief in reptilians. I'm just jumping into the thread cos both topics interest me.
If Sauder does publicly proclaim about reptilians then that indeed is a shame. I was under the impression that he is credited with doing lots of FOIA and other research on the available facts surrounding the technology and official interests in the fields of tunneling and underground construction.

I mean it would be a shame for anyone, let alone a PhD to carry out painstaking research that is backed up by facts in one area, only to lose all credibility by also mentioning reptilians and ET/human battles etc.

I'll quickly state though I've not read his work and I don't know if he does/does not ascribe to the belief in reptilians. I'm just jumping into the thread cos both topics interest me.

You won't find the reptilian thing in his main body of books, but like I show with the links above he has discussed it on a few paranormal podcasts and, if I remember right, coast 2 coast, but c'mon, the stuff he does talk about is just as crazy. Nuclear powered drills on the moon, the remnants of Atlantis living in an underwater base, and Kundalini experiences ala David Icke. Reptilians aren't that much of a stretch when you're that far down the paranormal rabbit hole. Just to give you an idea, Whitley Strieber refused to have him on Dreamland saying that he's too much of a conspiracy buff for his tastes, which is kind of odd considering from what I can tell Whitley doesn't have much of a problem with conspiracy theories and he actually contributed a review for one of Sauders books that he used on the front cover, but there you have it. Too weird for Whitley... yeah, that's gotta be pretty damn weird.
Are familiar w/ the man's work? I've known Rich for almost 20 years and no one knows more about underground bases and facilities than Rich. If you're not familiar, get your *unk ass up2 speed before casting judgment and insulting the man. FWIW: It was 4AM in the morning and he had been through a lot the past year. Oh, and we don't allow personal attacks or insults here--you've been warned. Play w/ the other kids nicely or go home ;)
Oh sorry, Didn't know I was not intitled to my own opinion on a show. So if I say something you don't like I get banned? Is this china? N. Korea ?? And by the way stop finishing people's sentences when your interviewing them just to show them you know something. It's rude . Please don't ban me Chis Jong-Il
I've had some great photo's of those reptilian guys. They were digging a base underground ! Well one was the other two were leaning on shovels. I was gonna turn them over to someone but the night before the mothman flew in my window and took my damn camera! can you believe it??? I think I can get a book deal on this! bahaha