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  1. paraschtick

    Unusual 9/11 video

    I'm just stating something that people seem to steer well clear off but is extremely important in not only 9/11 but in the whole area of US Foreign policy. It not only affects the politicians ideas about the Middle East etc but it also influences the general public into believing that they're...
  2. paraschtick

    The Invaders... and other programmes I'd like to be brought back....

    Not quite off topic but Ray Thinnnnnnnes was in The X-Files a few times from series 7 I think ... and he was really really good. I was never a fan of The Invaders since it was one of those tv series that was like The Incredible Hulk or The Fugitive. One of those ones where the hero travels...
  3. paraschtick

    Unusual 9/11 video

    And a great proportion of the newspapers are owned by a small number of people who come from the same community. That is an unfortunate fact. And it isn't those mooslims, lets put it that way. :cool: Here is an article admitting to a Jewish bias in the US media ... written by a Phillip Weiss...
  4. paraschtick

    Earthquake in NZ

    My thoughts exactly :D ... anyway I'm as tough as old boots so I'll be ok :rolleyes:. Hope things are ok with you stonehart. As I said it'll be over before you know it. Best wishes underschtick ps oh and Kieran, New Zealand has had about 12,000 quakes this year already. Most of them not...
  5. paraschtick

    Earthquake in NZ

    Yeah tell me about it. There were some real doozies over night ... over 5s apparently. I'm starting to get the heebee geebees too now ... and I thought things were starting to settle down. God knows what those with dodgy homes to begin with after the first quake are feeling like now. And...
  6. paraschtick

    Knockin' On Romanek

    I think a lot of us around here saw the alien face at the window video and started giggling. Unfortunate but true. I'm afraid that video really was quite laughable, and along with the interview, just mentioned above, where Romanek demos his silly voice making device before using it and is...
  7. paraschtick

    Karla Turner?

    I just came across Karla Turner too and have put her Taken book on my wee pda gadget thing but haven't started reading it yet. Did you get it from her tribute website (I think maybe not considering what you wrote above)? Anyway, if you don't know she died in the mid 90s but her memory lives on...
  8. paraschtick

    Earthquake in NZ

    Ahem ... I'm British ... so none of that cobber stuff thank you very much :D. Well its been an interesting day. The central city of Christchurch was probably hit the worst with a lot of buildings damaged, and the clean up cost estimated at being about $2 billion (NZ dollars). The central...
  9. paraschtick

    Earthquake in NZ

    Glad you're ok. Sorry to hear you had damage. As I said we were spectacularly lucky at my place. Only a couple of plates broken and a few things fell off shelves. Could have been much worse. But anyway, glad to hear you are ok at your place. And yeah it wasn't fun was it?? Specially when...
  10. paraschtick

    Earthquake in NZ

    You may or may not have heard that we had an earthquake here in NZ 30 miles west of Christchurch (where I live) this morning at 4:35am. It was 7.1 on the richter scale, and was roughly the same size as the one in Haiti at the start of the year. We were very lucky in our area of Christchurch...
  11. paraschtick

    Unusual 9/11 video

    No ... with a bought media in the US, the infrastructure for a cover up is already there. And ... a massive operation is not needed if the right people are in the right place at the right time. Also things are heavily compartmentalised in the military and intelligence services so only a few...
  12. paraschtick

    Apple Event Next Week

    Fascinating ... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  13. paraschtick

    Unusual 9/11 video

    Sheesh ... America is totally screwed. Goodnight sweet Prince ... oh and don't leave the light on when you leave the building :eek: This was another "Oh God I Truly Despair" broadcast on behalf of the "Why should I give a damn about what happened anymore??" Party ...
  14. paraschtick

    People at Glenn Beck's Rally

    I'm biting my lip here but thats ok ... I'm ok with that. If its your opinion that Muslims did 9/11 then thats fine. Actually no ... thats not fine because it didn't happen like that but I'll not go there at the moment. Vyzygoth ... he of the ertswhile Grassy Knoll radio programme/podcast...
  15. paraschtick

    911 Debate on Coast to Coast Live 8-21

    If people do not wake up to the fact that 9/11 was a false flag attack and not an attack by a bunch of Ay-rabs (hey those Ay-rab types, they're really brilliant. Not only did they come up with mathematics, they some how caused a couple of buildings to somehow demolish themselves, they also got...
  16. paraschtick

    911 Debate on Coast to Coast Live 8-21

    How you have put it sounds all very well. Unfortunately, it all falls down when you take into consideration a number of things that cannot be explained away. First of all, the collapse of the towers. Noone has any idea how they collapsed. How they turned to dust. How the central columns in...
  17. paraschtick

    911 Debate on Coast to Coast Live 8-21

    I think Wickerman1972 and others just may be too scared to actually face the facts of what happened on 9/11. There are so many strange things that happened and have been shown to be actual facts that I believe that its incontrovertable now that Arabs DID NOT carry out those heinous terrorist...
  18. paraschtick

    911 Debate on Coast to Coast Live 8-21

    Wow you are so seriously misinformed as to what went on on 9/11 it really is making me weep. You really ought to listen to some truly informed people. People who have done some decent research into what went on on that terrible day. Check out the archives for instance. Victor Thorn...
  19. paraschtick

    DM Radio Week 32 !!

    And I heard that animation types are moving from the Mac to PCs cos Windows 7 is meant to be better than Macs for what they need to do ... oh dear :rolleyes:. Anyway, in my mind PCs are to Macs ... are what Manual Gears are to Automatics ... and they're less smug :D ... and less expensive ...
  20. paraschtick

    Wow Gary Bekkum-Richard Dotty great show last night

    Hehe I thought that too when I read it. Yeah, saucerwench, "dotty" does mean what you think it means. It kind of means "bordering on senility" but usually in an amiable sort of way. So Doty probably really isn't "dotty" just more devious or demented. So I think it may have been a typo ...